So...this exists...MFMA Society...

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by rabid_wombat, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Would you call Imi Lichtenfeld a serious krav instructor?
    Because he definitely gave out blackbelt in his system.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
  2. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Noones been disrespectful to anyone, apart from the video subject.

    I call 90/10 on you being him now.
  3. blacksheep

    blacksheep New Member

    The patch system was developed by Imi Lichtenfeld after the belt system in the late 1980s. The grades are divided into 3 main categories; Practitioner, Graduate and Expert
  4. blacksheep

    blacksheep New Member

    various organisations teach the same core techniques and principles. Many other organizations have less formal grading ranks without belts or patches but do have levels by which students can monitor their progress.
  5. blacksheep

    blacksheep New Member

    well i am not your son first of all and second, i have not seen any videos of you. I do not really understand why you guys start bitching about me, nor i have to prove anything to you. I simply say, that no one have the right to bitch about anyone as you guys do. If you do not like him than who cares, i do not like many movies either and simply do not buy them. If people are not happy with him, than they will complain to him, so why do you guys have to bitch about him? This is disrespectful and this is all i am saying, what harm did he do to you personally? I do not have to like everyone i see either, but bitching about him is simply weak. If you do not see that, than is that bad enough, i would be ashamed of myself. With such an attitude you want to teach martial arts? You cannot even respect each other, but try to teach others respect?
  6. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    No-ones been bitching about you.

    If you believe in not commenting on things you dislike, why did you join this forum to tell us that?

    Why is it disrespectful to comment honestly on a video?

    How do you teach an adult respect? I look for adults who already know the basics about being a human being, no-one trains with me to learn how to respect others.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
  7. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    I have every right to criticize **** poor martial arts - I am qualified to as well. It isn't just that he sucks...and boy does that he is a liar and a fraud and is selling fraudulent grades. So yeah, that I am proud to have an issue with. If you don't then what does that say about your morals and character

    As for my attitude it is honest and open - and my students get the same. If you are happy to allow crap to be sold and cannot recognise it as crap how can you dare call yourself an instructor?

    Oh and for the record I don't teach character - no martial art does.
  8. blacksheep

    blacksheep New Member

    commenting on things i dislike is one thing, also is stating your own thoughts, but not accepting different thoughts and automatically assuming this person must be the same as in the video does have nothing to do with commenting.
    Teaching an adult respect, well this should be a requirement for an adult already in order to become an martial artist. Attitude have nothing to do in a dojo, nor does have disrespectful behaviour or bullying.
  9. blacksheep

    blacksheep New Member

    well i diagree here, character does be formed in the martial arts! No martial arts does? well what does this say about you? In martial arts are training police and ex prisoners together, street thugs and judges, this have a lot to do with character forming and respect. That you do not know that, than this also raises questions about you! As mentioned before, i do not know that guy in the video, but i also wouldn't judge him about it, without knowing him and trained with him. I do not know what else he did, or who he ****ed off, or what he lied about, all i saw or heard about him was this video
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
  10. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    His video was meant to showcase his skills... and that it did!

    Not only is he physically useless, he sells grades by post. He is the one devaluing martial arts, not us.

    Would you respect a black belt who bought it with a DVD by mail order?
  11. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    I'm sure that in your Krav Maga training, you must have been taught the importance of intelligence gathering. Maybe you should have researched this man before you jumped to his defence?

    The respect and character building you are talking about is earned through shared experiences and testing oneself. That can be a great thing, but it is earned, not given, or it is meaningless.
  12. blacksheep

    blacksheep New Member

    there is nothing wrong with home study courses, if there where no demand, there where no market. Mostly are such ranks not worth the paper, as i do not believe that he will rank them via an official Association, but probably some club level. If he teaches official recognised Traditional Martial Arts like kung fu or karate i do absolutely agree, but it is mostly in this homestudy courses that they call is different or even instructing own systems, in this case, who does he disrespect but himself?
  13. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    You haven't even looked at his website then?

    Have a look at this, where you get sent a certificate without a date, and you just fill that in when you think you have earned a grade in kung fu, karate, taekwondo, and a host of other stuff:!become-an-mfma-founder-member/ch8a
  14. blacksheep

    blacksheep New Member

    well in this forums here seems a lot of bitching about everything going on. I do not defend him personally, but all i can hear is how bad he is and this i cannot see alone from that videos, nor that he is a great skillfull martial artist of course, but all i have stated at the beginning is that this was not so bad.

    Without a certain character, attitude and seeing disrespectful hehaviour in our school, i would send this student home. If this happens again than he/she would be out. We have a sign on the door, your attitude stays here.
  15. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Nothing to do with martial arts and entirely at the whim of the club teaching it....and question me all you want because I am open and transparent about my training and my background

    And even if all you saw was this video and you still cannot see the issues I stand by my original assessment
  16. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Your loss is their gain
  17. blacksheep

    blacksheep New Member

    hmmm ok, but whith who the ranks are recognised with?? With a freestyle society? Seems to me he mix everything together to create 100 courses and sell each separate. universal karate does not exist, nor MFMA teakwondo and i doubt that any other recognised association would officially recognise these systems. 3 animal kung fu well he even writes, it where modified and that he goes over the top with most powerful etc, gives sure room and reason to laugh about him.
    Still he seems to have his own society and his followers, does he have an offline school?? If so he must have his systems recognised and insurance with someone as well should be backed by some kind of association. If not, well than he is an entertainer, so what? He doesn't sell courses for 1000ds of euros, nor monthly charges, contracts etc, the courses are not overpriced, i wasted more money in a pub or bought crap movies in shop for more money. On the end, everyone who buys an homestudy course should know that he wont be an official recognised masterinstructor in Systema Spetnatz (example) or similar. His systems are hybrids, and as described modified arts, he named it after the name of his society, so it doesn't do any harm. If its bad, i am sure his costumers can claim there money back, he does use paypal, so than wouldn't that be an issue. He uses a free website, which would me personally make turn around already, but i also wouldn't buy a black belt home study course and expect myself to be a super ninja instructor afterwards either. Does he test his students?
  18. blacksheep

    blacksheep New Member

    well i do not really go for your provoking sentences, i do not even really care who you are. With such an attitude you are simply not worth to be a martial artist, should you be at all. Such big mouth people as you are the one which damage the martial arts as such, not such people who try making DVDs. Of course i only can speak my opinion, and i wouldn't lower myself to your attitude level and arrogance to say otherwise!
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
  19. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

  20. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    I've been through this entire thread and all I have to add is let's not let it fall into a series of personal attacks.

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