
Discussion in 'Tae Kwon Do' started by Alexander, Dec 10, 2003.

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  1. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    He is, how did you know? It is a shame because he was a great teacher who gave me lots of extra attention and would massage my thighs whenever I got cramp.

    Ok, I think that was a bit too much... :)

    Back to the original thread about Seloundo. I went on and looked at the bio of Master A J Marie. His comments regarding being a paratrooper and Aikido being the martial art of choice to teach soldiers were interesting.

    I'm a former soldier (Scots Guards) who spent some time attached to the Parachute Regiment (and yes, I passed P Company), and when I asked the Regimental Association to validate an A J Marie from Mauritius, their search returned zero results. Does anyone know what his service number was, or his nickname even? Just want to make sure a guy claiming to be a Para is who he says he is.

    Also about Aikido being taught to the army - martial arts have never really been taught to British troops, although some specialist units will receive basic tuition in restraint techniques. I'm not sure which era A J Marie served in the army, but certainly in my period of service (2002 - 2003) there was never any mention of a particular style being preferred by the MOD over others, ever in the past nor at any point in the future.

    Any Para will tell you that pretty much the most self defence training you get taught is milling (Youtube it - I'm sure you will be entertained!).

    I studied Tae Kwon Do with the Army team, but that was because I'd done it already as a civvy. If anyone else could shed some light on A J Marie's claims, I would like to hear them.

    Thanks and regards,



    Sorry, forgot something that caught my eye in the FAQ on the ajimacentre website.

    No insurance I know of prevents members of the public below the age of 65 from training. And they like people who have never been active or ceased physical activity (a category which a lot of +65 people would fall into, I think), so it seems like they are contradicting themselves. Can someone shed some light on this please?

    Doesn't "hybrid" mean "fusion"? And isn't the "latest science" the current trend? If they weren't following the current trend, surely they would be following "previous science" or "future science"? Sorry, I'm just a bit mystified by the website and its claims.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2008
  2. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Hi, sorry, it's me again, and I'm being picky about the Seloundo website.

    In their Training Programme section they state the following about flexibility:

    I highlighted the following points in bold:

    1. "flexibility of the gluteus muscles, which may lead to the shortening of internal muscles": which gluteal and internal muscles is he referring to? The flexibility of a muscle has no direct effect on another muscle, unless other said muscle is overworked through its efforts to compensate for misalignment issues. If this was the case, then the symptoms would be chronic and local fatigue, and eventually a reduction in contractile strength of the affected units. But I highly doubt it would cause a reduction in range of motion of internal muscles (of which the ROM is difficult to measure anyway). I would think a website specifying ailments of a particular body part could be more specific.

    2. "Londorsis": The term is Lordosis (not "Londorsis") and is more commonly known as sway back. It is the inward curviture of a portion of the vertebral column. It is caused because of the difference of thickness between the anterior and posterior part of the intervetebral disc. Sometimes it can be caused by excessively tight low back muscles, but this is to do mostly with the intertransversarii muscles (facilitates movement between the individual vertabrae), the multifidus spinae (facilitates movement of the spine as a whole unit), and the more commonly known latissimus dorsi (or lats, which are the large, flat, dorso-lateral muscles of the trunk). However, studies by Russian researcher Matvyev (Matveev) into Lordosis indicate that the influence of surrounding muscles (including the glutes) is negligable.

    3. "Proprioneuromuscular facilitation": The correct term is Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation.

    Most of you on MAP know me as a flexibility nut. I live for this stuff. My gripe is that a man claiming to possess as BSc (in what exactly, I don't know) could make simple mistakes like those I have highlighted. At the very least he doesn't come across as an individual educated to the standard of a Bachelors degree.

    Promise I'll quit complaining now. Sort of.


  3. StuartA

    StuartA Guardian of real TKD :-)

    Well, seems like he left a lasting impression, as I just clicked the "check my stretching progress" link in your profile and got a picture of you in your underpants! :confused:


  4. qigong

    qigong Valued Member

    lol, oh yes, let this post roll on baby, ive never had so much fun.
  5. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    There really is no coming back from that line.

    All hail the mighty Stuart A :hat:
  6. Pkaaaww!!

    Pkaaaww!! Not-So-Valued Member. Yet

    That's a great pic Lard-man!
    I love it!

    And I'll make sure to reign it in a bit - in case you missed it I said I'd finished talking to the Alex guy.

    I don't know how I got drawn into this argument, but I do know that the person who "invenientis" Seloundo is not the person that Al thinks he is.

    I don't mind people attacking me - I'd rather they flame me than someone else.
    Thanks for the offer and drawing my attention to the report button, but I don't think I'll be using it.

    And thanks for not banning me, man - I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.
    This is one of the best Martial Art forums I've visited in a long time.

    Apart from this one thread, it's all been good.

    Thanks for running it.

    Maybe when I get up a level, I can contribute something to keep the servers going?
    I'll keep posting.

    Thanks again bud.
  7. Pkaaaww!!

    Pkaaaww!! Not-So-Valued Member. Yet


    If a bit long, don't'cha think? Makes the whole thing sound like a fairy story than a true one.

    Excellent. Well done.

    I've done a few searches, Antonio Jaques Marie - 57 (about) years old, and have a few stories from ex students (one in particular) who attest that he lies a lot.
    I've never found any evidence, except from his word and hearsay from his students that he was involved in the military in any way.

    From what the students told me, he started not in Aikido, but in Goju Ryu - got into a fight with another Trooper (he was P company, apparently, same as you) who did TKD and decided to do that instead.

    It seems that every time the story's told, it changes a little depending on who you speak to.

    I guess some Aikido CQC could be taught, but it's an art that means NOT hurting your opponent - I woulda though a military art (like the CQC I got taught) would teach CQC that smashed the opponent to oblivion.

    It's life and death after all, not points for landing on the back or perfect roll...

    I asked Pete about this just now and he said he ain't never seen the guy do it and when he mentioned it, as usual, AJ Marie was the best and was never beaten and knew more.

    I'll bring Saccade to this thread - he knows more.
    Either that or you can ask him yourself. He lives in London and is a member of MAP, or so Claire says.

    Al seems to think that AJ Marie's motto "I AM GOD" is true, but everyone else I've asked about this says it's an egocentric complex or something...

    You can get in touch with Saccade (Pete) through this link:;_ylv=3?show=ePgXdgR0aa&preview=true

    He doesn't want to publicly say anything about AJ Marie cos of how he quit his service and the promise he made to not slander him after a certain Yahoo Answers Question about why AJ Marie was lying to him about stuff.

    Can you believe the guy was more concerned with his own rep than the fact one of his closest students was doubting him?
    And then he sent emails to Claire about Pete that, if they were sent to me, I'd sue for Slander and Libel.

    I think "the more you talk, the less you walk - you can fill in the bulls if you want..."

    I do know that AJ Marie was Pushing Saccade on some new Law to govern Martial Art in the UK by getting teachers "vetted" using something called an "extended criminal records check".

    But for some reason, Marie couldn't check himself...
    But Saccade could...

    So could most of the other UK instructors who make sure that all their teachers are CRB checked, from what I read.
    Like at Chang's Hapkido in London.

    Parlour Saboumnim is CRB'd...

    I think the guy's got something to hide.
    And the best way to hide is to have a false ID, past, and use smoke and mirrors in answers - And to remove anyone who gets too close.

    I think Saccade got too close to him.
    Maybe you should ask him.

    Saccade did time in the military too, so you can speak milingo with him - he's taught me a few good ones.

    "Cake and **** Party" for FUBAR is my favourite so far...

    Going round in circles means you never get ahead - it's the best way to avoid progress...
    Someone told me here that sounding mystical was cool. Maybe Marie thinks that by sounding mystical makes him smarter than the average bear...

    Maybe he just don't understand what he's saying.
    I hear his English ain't so good.

    And reading that site - neither is his grammar, spelling or typing...

    Contact Saccade and speak with him. I think he was Fleet Air Arm or Air Force or something. Navigator.

    Or maybe that was the other guy.

    He coulda been the Lieutenant in the Bombardiers.
    Can't remember - ask him...

    I'll tell him to look out for you Y-front guy.:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2009
  8. Pkaaaww!!

    Pkaaaww!! Not-So-Valued Member. Yet

    Oh yeah - and Marie ain't a BSc...

    That's for show. He's still studying and that website is his dissertation.

    The one Saccade designed ( was a lot better because it did what it said it did. If you get my drift.

    The newer one at is a stolen CSS template from Saccade that Marie's started, but not being a "Master of Websites" (as he said Saccade was, or in the end, wasn't) - I doubt it'll get much further.
  9. Pkaaaww!!

    Pkaaaww!! Not-So-Valued Member. Yet

    On the subject of stretching, Yfront Superfoot...

    Do you ever do resistance stretching or assisted stretching?

    Using the trip reflex to make the muscle stretch further or getting another person to push that little extra for you?

    I've only had bad experiences with the latter - people don't know when to stop...
    The first, though - resistance stretching, works quite well for maintenance, but it can lead to over stretching if overused.

    I hate to have another Saccade link, but here it is...
    Maybe you can put him straight...

    Take it easy, bro.

    And wash them yfronts man! They's nasty!
  10. Pkaaaww!!

    Pkaaaww!! Not-So-Valued Member. Yet

    Saccade was based at RNAD Coulport and served on HMS Repulse.
    Sorry - got that wrong. Lived there and trained there and lympstone. So I guess that makes him plastic too.
    I think. Why I gotta play devil's advocate all the time anyhow?
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008
  11. Pkaaaww!!

    Pkaaaww!! Not-So-Valued Member. Yet

    and please - call me Jay.
  12. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Hi Jay,

    Thanks for your posts bro, certainly brought some light to a few nagging questions I had.

    As far as AJ Marie's military background is concerned I decided to contact the man via e-mail through his website and ask him which section/platoon/company/battalion he was in, when he served and who his commanding officers were. I'll give him time to reply, and if he decides not too, then I'll just telephone him instead. Hmm, maybe I should've just phoned him in the first place - if he is a fraud it would give him less time to make up the answers. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

    The reason I get worked up over people claiming to be a Para is because I know how damn hard it was, and while I'm often referred to as "half-blood" or "plastic Para" because I was only attached to the Regiment, I still did all the tests like everyone else and it's not fair for civilians to inflate their ego with fraudulent claims. Ps. If anyone wants to see my military record to verify my claims of serving with the Paras, PM me and I'll send it to you.

    Haha, this is funny. Milling is a test of controlled aggression where two opponents of equal size punch each other in the face for 60 seconds. You can't block or dodge. It's designed to simulate sticking your head and rifle above the cover-line and sending more rounds to your opponent than he is sending at you. If AJ Marie is as good as h says he is, he would've been one ugly mutha. No way his nose would have been on straight, but I can't find any pictures on his website to verify how normal his bone structure is.

    On the note of pictures on his website... there appears to be none demonstrating his ability. I'm all for people claiming they can do skills if they can do them. An authority is no authority if they can't do what they claim. Like the old saying goes, "A picture speaks a thousand words."

    Hehehe, that brings back memories :D

    Doesn't surprise me if that is the case. I also asked him in my e-mail if he could confirm which subject he possess as BSc and if he could tell me with which university, so I could validate his claims. Easy enough if he is for real (although going by what you've said and my gut instinct, I'm expecting some mystical guru-type BS).

    By "resistance stretching" do you mean the method of simultaneously contracting and elongating a muscle as developed by Bob Cooley? I tried it and found it to be exactly the same as PNF/isometric stretching for strenghtening muscles, just packaged in a different way. And yeah I do use it (2 or 3 times a week), because it's effective at building strength in the stretched position (the stronger muscle is at a greater range of motion, the less activation is required to support it).

    As for assisted stretching I'm a big supporter of using machines. Machines can give you that extra push you need and you are more in control than using a partner. They also offer the best position in which to relax, which is vital for improving flexibility. Click on the link in my signature ("My first article on MAP!") to see an article I wrote on the subject of stretching with machines vs. stretching without. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask.

    Hehehe, no surprise then that one of my other nicknames is "The Skidmark Kid" :D


  13. Pkaaaww!!

    Pkaaaww!! Not-So-Valued Member. Yet

    Dan I'm gonna pm you a link. You gotta check this out. It's totally trippin.
  14. Pkaaaww!!

    Pkaaaww!! Not-So-Valued Member. Yet

    Jim sabumnim bro, I weren't born til '79!
    I'm mostly in Europe rite now. But I'm based out of CA.
    NYC is a nice city. I prefer London. It's where I'm at.

    I reckon I'm gonna start a thread of the ABC's of Martial Arts. See how many we can all come up with.
  15. Pkaaaww!!

    Pkaaaww!! Not-So-Valued Member. Yet

    sorry. Wrong tab.
  16. Pkaaaww!!

    Pkaaaww!! Not-So-Valued Member. Yet

    Oh yeah.
    btw Y-front.
    I ain't too sure, but it seems that it may've been the email you sent to a certain person (which I've emailed you about) coulda been the catalyst for this situation.
    I think it may''ve been that email that brought attention to all the squelch that's goin on here.
    And it and chatter or a good signal, man. It's just static. Or like when you're cable shows one channel but plays the sound from the Bollywood ones.

    I hate that.

    We're dealing with a person with a very fragile ego here and I think he's taken offense that the style he wanted everyone to talk about is getting talked about.
    Considering that was one of Saccades duties as his student I think he's done a good job.
    Don't think this thread has had as much chatter as this for a few years.

    Just not in the way he wants. Like positively.
    But considering what I said in the FYEO/FYI email to you - private (keep it that way) - it don't sound like it's gonna be seen positively at all whatever Seloun-do does.
    A guy from Australia once said to me: "The internet forgives occasionally but it forgets little."

    I gueses the guys gone trippin cos weve done questioned him. Just like all the other ex-students of Seloun-do here like QiGong and Al and Saccade, Iain, etc...
  17. qigong

    qigong Valued Member

    The bloke showed no respect to students,his students feared him him not respected him, he was always right,you were always wrong,and yes your right that he pushed the best away from him.rudness is too little a word to use,i will get in contact with pete, i will also try to contact adrian,claire,norman,ian,big ian,,carl,jack,alan, and the others.i feel sorry for all the vunarable and weak people that walk in that door.I saw so many talented and good kind people treated badly and pushed out.
  18. Alexander

    Alexander Possibly insane.

    EDIT: Sorry to the mods, but for some reason my computer is not letting me post this all in one. I'm therefore splitting it into two.

    Hi Superfoot,

    Good for you - I'd be interested to know what his response is (so, please post it!).

    He's told me his military background was in the seventies. I think he was a full time MA instructor from 2002-3 (though that's just an assumption, he might have been doing other work).

    As for the Aikido training, during a conversation I had with him two years ago he said that the Aikido he learned was pretty basic stuff. I'm not sure he's ever said it was a formal part of Para training, so I'm guessing it might have been more of a voluntary or perhaps experimental thing. I've known a few people who were paras and they've all said the same as you - "Its milling; what else do you need?" Plus, logically, what use are the martial arts (of the sort we practise) these days to modern armies?

    No idea about this. If you like I can send him an e-mail about it. Insurance is the one area I've never understood about martial arts anyway, no matter who I've asked about it (predictably speaking to insurance companies didn't do anything to solve this problem).

    I'm guessing this is just very bad wording. What I assume he means by 'fusion' is that he wants to fuse martial arts with sports science. I'm guessing 'hybrid' means combining two different martial arts styles together.

    Given that you probably know far more about this than I do, is it ossible that this section of the website is a kind of popular science bit - a simplified version of more complex anatomy. Or do you think its completely wrong?

    I think this is another bit of bad spelling - he taught me the words 'proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation' (heaven knows I've used on this very forum enough times). His English is like that; impressive, considering he's not a native speaker, but, of course, since he learned the language as an adult rather than as a child he can't ever get it quite right. (Developmental linguists/psychologists have frequently noted this phenomenon - wandering slightly off topic, I think Chomsky's Principle and Parameters theory of Universal Grammar is designed to account for it.)

    I'm a very callous individual. I coldn't really give a damn about most of the tragedies in the world. But I do take the academic recognition very seriously, just as you take the military record, so I will investigate this.

    Please, keep it up!
  19. Alexander

    Alexander Possibly insane.

    Now, Pkaaaww...

    Ever since I started talking to you you seem to have responded to my simple requests to provide proof with outright hostility and even personal abuse. Whenever I've spotted simple inconsistencies in what you say, you've made little to no effort to clarify them or explain your position and instead have resorted to crass personal attacks. But although (I think its pretty self evident) I'm very good at this sort of discussion, I'm not going to meticulously run through your posts again and show you up. I will also extend the metaphorical olive branch and not respond to your personal attacks against me or your insinuations about how much or how little I know (if you want to do that, feel free to start a new thread and I will respond to any questions or comments you have). I'm going to assume that you've probably misunderstood me, so let me clarify what you seem to think of me...

    You seem to think I'm defending him out of a blind loyalty. I'm not defending anyone, and neither am I on anyone's side. The only person(s) I believe to be god is Stephen Fry the father, his son Seasick Steve, and the holy ghost Ludwig Wittgenstein. I'm interested because if its correct then I do not wish to be associated with him, but, because I'm far from stupid, I don't want to blindly accept the word of someone that I've never met nor heard of (and who seems to provide any information about himself). My requests for evidence are not intended as personal attacks on you, neither are they outright denials of what you are saying. They are simply requests for you to back up your claims.

    If you don't want to do this because they contain sensitive personal information that you consider should not be out on the open, then that's fine. But I'd like to ask you for one thing: Contact details. You've said that Saccade can be contacted through a link you've provided. But I'm afraid I don't know Claire (as in not only have I never met her, I don't know her full name). If you could PM me contact details I would be very grateful.

    Obviously I can't say I'm particularly heart broken that you don't particularly want to talk me anymore, but I am disappointed because (and, once again, I genuinely mean this), if what you say is true then I want to know. So, can we agree to talk politely about this? If you're willing, so am I. These are serious allegations you are making and so I want to look into them personally.

    Finally, Qigong:

    Please do encourage them to post on this thread. Information should be in the open.
  20. Pkaaaww!!

    Pkaaaww!! Not-So-Valued Member. Yet

    What did you find out in the telephone conversation, Y-front man?

    And as for info requested theres something happening right now that means the police are involved so it cant be released publicly until after the police investigation is over.
    Im sure Saccade will answer any qeustions you have on that subject once the case has been dealt with.

    Ive been asked to "keep Schtum" about this thread until Saccade is prepared to release the info that people are keen to hear about.
    But trust me.
    It ain't nice.

    It shows just what type of man this A J Marie really is.
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