Seiza kills my ankles!!!

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by juicyc, Mar 17, 2004.

  1. juicyc

    juicyc New Member


    I've recently started studying Aikido. I am not a very flexible person and I am finding that sitting in the seiza position kills my ankles. It is to the point where the pain is taking away from my learning as I am spending my energy dealing with the pain rather than focusing on what the Sensei is demonstrating.

    Is this natural? Does it get better? Are there ways to strech my ankles?

    Any help is appreciated

    Chris Metcalfe
  2. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    Under no circumstances should you be enduring pain. Sit in seiza until it becomes a little uncomfortable then ask the instructor so that you can sit crossed legged. Provided you're not slouching, or leaving your legs outstretched for others to fall over (yes I've seen it happen) there shouldn't be a problem.

    You will find that with time, you become accustomed to sitting this way although I don't reccomend you sit for extended periods, this is in effect cutting off a large portion of your circulation to the legs. Flexibility will also develop with time and stretching which should be taught in the class.
  3. Mike O'Leary

    Mike O'Leary Valued Member

    Yes it will get better as you become more flexible. In the meantime try spreading your knees further apart and as Dave said work into it slowly and practice at home.

    Mike O'Leary
  4. StorDuff

    StorDuff adamantium

    My sensei said that sitting in seiza for too long is also bad for the liver because of some pipe running through the ankle that leads back there. (although he worded it a bit better)

    It's hard for me too, not really painful, just not comfortable. I'm not sure if this would work, but it seems like it would. The first stretch we do is where we put out hands on our knees, and bend forward and back leaving the heel down and then do it in circles. Works the ankle and that general area. Hope is helps, if not, get a chair! :eek:
  5. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    There aren't many flexibility exorcises for the ankles. Propabaly because the human ankle isn't realy meant to be that flexible. However there are a few that will help.

    The easyest is to simply rotate the foot holding the ankle with one hand and using the other hand to stretch the foot beyond it's normal range. Don't force it too far. Just enough to feel the stretch. Rotate the foot both clock-wise then anti-clock-wise. And sit down while doing this or you will fall over.

    The only other exorcise I can think of right now is to sit in the seiza position but up on your toes so you're slightly elevated. Then lean back gently or bounce slightly. I don't know if this actually works. I've never had a problem with sitting in the seiza position.

    Like everybody else said, when it gets uncomfortable sit cross legged. But try to endure a little more each time or it'll never improve.
  6. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    Can you explain or post a photo of the seiza position for those of us more uneducated please??? :)
  7. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

  8. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    Thank you sir.... :)
  9. Adam

    Adam New Member

    Daaamn Kwajman, that baby picture of yours gives me on OD of cuteness every time I read a post of yours. Could you scale it down a bit, please? :)
  10. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    I found this information on another forum and this might help you out.

    You need to proceed performing seiza gradually
    These tips may improve your Seiza ....

    1. Start with the knees two to three fists apart and sit tall concentrate on your breathing,ie, from the Hara-lower tan tien --diaphram area.

    2.When the ankles start to hurt, pull in the knees together to about one fist or totally together. This will take the pressure off the ankles and it goes to the knees. When the knees start to hurt reverse the process(Gyaku).
    DO NOT cross the feet or toes or you will unbalance your legs and may injure youself for many reasons related to the meridians in the legs and feet.

    3. There is a muscle and tendon on the outside of the lower leg that tightens due to prolonged standing or prolonged sitting doing ZaZen , So if you massage this muscle deeply until it feels better you will be able to progresively sit longer periods. At first the massage of this muscle will hurt but this too in time finally goes away. If you sit too long and you cut off circulation. Take very short steps and push your right fist into the cup of the palm of the left hand. Later you can do Shikko (Samurai walking on knees)walk forwards and backwards and with turns.

    Also use a soft surface at first. When you can sit on a wood floor for a longer periods time without discomfort you will have discovered the callouses on your knees! When you have achieved the ability to sit for hours you will have developed extra blood paths in your legs.

    For stretch purposes.... You may also use a Jo staff in the nape of your knees to stretch the outer and inner leg muscles and sinews as you sit. At first there is discomfort, but it soon goes away.

    A good book on Seiza is a book on Hakko Ryu JuJutsu by a Sensei Palumbo and is available from Palladin Press.
    Correct Seiza
  11. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country


    I'm sure you get this ALL THE TIME.... But..

    You are a Hottie !! .. No offence intended :)
  12. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

  13. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    <blushes> Thanks </blushes> ;)

  14. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    eeeeeeeeeeew dave and kickchick are bein all icky over each other ... looks away disgusted....... bleah hands out the buckets lol
  15. Freeform

    Freeform Fully operational War-Pig Supporter

    Hey! No flirting on my turf, unless any cute female aikidoka want to do it with me, otherwise no! ;)
  16. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    Hey.. Sorry guys... When a man's in love.. and all that lol

    I mean come on..

    She's cute,
    Great figure
    She's a martial artist

    What more would any man want ?

    Oh ok, so she's married (Minor detail) LOL :)

    No Offence KickChick I'm just being a dreamer. :D


  17. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    lmao @ When a man's in love ... more like lust Dave there's a difference. Love is expesive. lol
  18. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    It takes alot to make me blush (.... well actually not :D )

    Freeform you're such a killjoy! :)

    ... again Dave thank you (also for noting that minor detail ;) )

  19. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    Dave... Cold showers are first on your left mate :D
  20. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    <looks over and see them> Oh ... "Gutted" me thinks ! "Denied" springs to mind.

    BTW Chocolate Pop Tarts are tops

    LOL :D


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