
Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Melanie, Feb 24, 2002.

  1. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    New Scenario

    Prompted by Melanies response to the previous Scenario, here is another!

    You are male, fit, able and sober. You are with your wife/girlfriend, making your way home of an evening, when you are confronted by three aggresive young men who appear to have been drinking.

    They have you backed into a corner and surround you.

    Around the corner people are waiting for taxis, but you are not visible to them.

    Ordinarily you would break free and try to get where there may be help/witnesses.

    On this occasion this means leaving your wife/partner in danger!

    Try and look at it from the perspective of what the partner may be thinking/feeling!

  2. waya

    waya Valued Member

    I must admit I would act harshly in this situation. I don't give chances where others could be hurt. The closest one to me would lose his knee immediately. Then I would turn on the next closest one and most likely strike to his abdomen and then throat or neck. If the third one is still around I would probably shoot for the knee again, also throwing strikes to the face, solar plexus, and groin. Hopefully my girlfriend would have left the area during this time so I can move off myself.

  3. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    First I'd kiyap as loudly as possible and get into stance, with any luck the yell would both attract attention and convince them that I just got out of the asylum. After that it would depend a lot on their positions, what they looked like, what they were wearing and how they were acting.
  4. Freeform

    Freeform Fully operational War-Pig Supporter

    Don't know about where you guys live but saturday night entertainment in Edinburgh consists of watching scenarios like this and not helping in the slightest.

    Tell her to leg it when she can (ok, I know you can handle yourself dear, but let me be a man about it....) and then pound on the first guy (right crosses and groin/knee kicks), as his mates would then close me up it would be knees and elbows all round, and then leg it myself.

  5. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    New Scenario

    You are walking home of an evening with two mates, one of whom has enjoyed themselves a bit too much!

    Your friend is obnoxious and shouting at passersby, while you just want to see them home!

    You all live fairly nearby one another, so when you near home you say farewell to your mates and turn off towards your street.

    Impulsively, you look back to laugh at your staggering mate, only to see a gang of ten blokes running up an alley after them. You passed thee guys earlier on, and your mate made a silly comment to one of them!

    There is noone else about, you have no mobile phone, and there are no payphones nearby!

    The crowd is now 200yards away, and your mates are nowhere in sight!

    What do you do?

    Assuming that you chased after them, you arrive on scene to find one of your mates vanished, the other one ( the sober one ) taking a beating while held by two of the gang. They haven't seen you yet!

    The odds are Ten to two. What do you do?
  6. Freeform

    Freeform Fully operational War-Pig Supporter

    If they haven't seen me, theres still no way you can down ten guys on your own (and remember your drunk). Grab an incidentlay weapon savagely batter as many as you can,

    when the group notice you they won't wanna attack a guy with a weapon, you might be able to extract your friend.


    and then leg it and hope some of them follow you, at least you've bettered the odds for your mate a little.

    So who's goning to assault and put on of the gang in a painfull and potentially leathal hold and try to 'exchange' hostages?

  7. Thomas Vince

    Thomas Vince New Member

    Expect the unexpected

    Good scenario, a bit dramatic but none the less does happen. Okay like it or not here it comes. Taking into account legalities and possession and all the such that goes along with this answer, here it goes.
    You as the warrior are always a warrior, and you expect trouble, recognize trouble and danger, look for danger try to find danger and it's arising. You as the warrior are also responsible for your own feelings of regret, there is honor in death and one must die, question is simple do you die here? Weapons should already be in your possession because you anticipated a possible problem, you anticipated violence and you are already protected, mace, baton, knife, gun and if concealed it doesn't matter right now does it?
    In the heart of the battle the warrior emerges!
    The worst decision made was to leave the friends and seperate, in your scenario you divided your forces and thus let the enemy take advantage, that is the first mistake, the second is that you were with friends who could not handle themselves and had a bit to much for their own good. We all pay a price for self indulgence don't we? The real issue here is survivorship and honor amoungst cowards. The cowards are no more than jackals who attack in groups because they do not have the individual strength to overcome, they fight for evil deeds not honor, but none the less it is the street that motivates them to the deed. A predator smells your weakness be it yours or anothers in your presence, he feeds off of this and makes his purpose. In your scenario the sober one is taking the beating, well that is a sort of an injustice but he was there! I don't think your odds were fair I would say that it was 10 to one because your friend is no good to you when you free him he will run and leave you in his panic, or his hesitation for self preservation will be his final undoing and maybe yours to! So now you must be prepared for the following, your friend and give him the chance for survival, 2.take your licks and distract the gang, 3.get them to chase you the stronger one to a point where you can even the odds! This all has to take place in seconds, good luck young jedi! "Jabba, this is your last warning, free us or die!"
  8. Freeform

    Freeform Fully operational War-Pig Supporter

    Huh? Thomas, you been drinking again?
  9. Thomas Vince

    Thomas Vince New Member

    Except for the last part "Jabba" I was serious.
    Give me more of a reply FF. Give me something to work with will ya?
  10. waya

    waya Valued Member

    There is really only one choice, attack them or allow your friend to be beaten. I would attack hard with any weapon I could find. Niceties are a thing for the ring, Use the weapon to take them completely out of the situation (head strikes, knee attacks etc) and take as many as possible in a very short time, the human mind takes a bit to register a new event and one man attacking ten will cause a bit of shock that will further delay their reaction, which works to your advantage. Take the first one facing you that is close in the face with whatever you are using, the brutality of the attack and the blood that results will generally make the others alot more hesitant about things being in their favor now. If they still persist then attack until you can get your friend out and then leave.

  11. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    Hit the most dangerous one as hard and fast as you can, then try to run if the opportunity presents itself or at least make sure that they regret attacking you or your friends.
  12. fluffydoc

    fluffydoc Carry On MAPper

    Making sure they regret attacking me and my friends is not high on my list of priorities. I don't care what they think, I just want myself and my friends to be out the situation.
    As 1 girl attacking 10 men this is a non-starter as far as I'm concerned. Given that I was almost home when the situation arose, I'd run home and call help from there. OK, it's leaving my friend getting a doing but I can't really see that me getting beaten will make the situation any better.
  13. Silver_no2

    Silver_no2 Avenging Angel

    Not a nice position to find yourself in....I'd have to agree with FluffyDoc - get home, call for help...and then grab something to use as a weapon (if I haven't got an actual weapon available) and then go out and start breaking a few heads. No threats or warning - just wade in and hit a few people in the head. Keep hitting until they leg it or are all down. Not keen on leaving my mate for a minute but it's the only way that does not end in us both get a complete kicking!!
  14. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    Problem is by the time you've gone home, made the call, given the details, found a weapon and gone back your friend could easily be dead or severely injured.
  15. fluffydoc

    fluffydoc Carry On MAPper

    Yeah, but the same is true if I go to their aid and probably just as likely.
  16. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    Not necessarily, for one thing you've halved the odds, and by making a lot of noise and hitting one of them as hard as you can on your way in (as you enter the fight) you've probably shaken them. All you need then is to go berserk and wake up next day in hospital, next to eight of them.
  17. STASH

    STASH New Member

    I think the element of surprise is the most important thing here. If they are focused on beating your friend and you sneak in quietly with a brick or something you could probably take one or two of them out. Do what you can but be rational, if you try to be a hero you'll just get killed.
  18. fluffydoc

    fluffydoc Carry On MAPper

    I'm going to have to disagree CKD. The situation is me and my beaten up mate who may even be unconcious versus 10 men who have already shown they are happy to attack 2 opponents. Ok, I've got the element of surprise but there's still a good chance they'll stand their ground against one girl even if I did take a couple out straight away. Then I get my ass kicked and there's still no help on the way.
  19. Freeform

    Freeform Fully operational War-Pig Supporter

    How do you determine who the most dangerous is CKD? I've heard this sort of thing before and its never worked for me (maybe I should prepare a questionare for my potential attackers and get them to fill it in before I decide ;) )

  20. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    Hi guys n gals,

    wow, thanks for all the input. A lot of suggestions here that I didn't actually think of at the time.

    I was very young and just dived into the crowd trying to get as many of them off my mate as I could. Looking at what you have written, my brain was totally disconnected, cos none of this stuff occurred to me. It was before I got really seriously into the Martial Arts.
    I got knocked down and kicked in the face a few times. I was really lucky, because they left me alone when they had all had a go.
    My mate was really grateful for my help which made me feel a little better.
    The mate who started it all had legged it at the first sign of trouble, and got away 'scot-free'

    I think Fluffydoc has given the most logical response here, though I think most young men are incapable of thinking like this when it all fires off. Too many years in the caves I suppose.

    As I recall at the time, all I could think was, that my mates would do the same for me. We were all in the same Rugby team you see.

    Like Melanie before me these Scenarios were taken from personal experience.

    Would anyone else like to share their personal experiences in the form of a Scenario?

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