"SAS" Martial Arts

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Van Zandt, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    None taken. And none returned when I say that no civilian had a right to cash in on the name of real warriors, no matter how accidental or loose that connotation might be.

    Why does he have to call it SAS Martial Arts and not SASMA, or Sofos Martial Arts, or dozens of other possible iterations?

    Yeah, it's the dude's livelihood and reputation. But he chose that name so he's opened himself up to the criticism. Fair game as far as walting is concerned in my opinion, regardless of whether it's on purpose or accidental.
  2. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Have you seen friends die in combat?

    Trust me I'd be reacting the same if someone was using other frontline military acronyms (SBS, for example).
  3. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Stay on the box mate. It makes debates like this multi-dimensional. But I think this thread is certainly much more polite than many others out there, and I think your reaction is a little OTT and rose tinted glasses. Threads like this also serve to call out people who, regardless whether intentional or not, are leeching off other people's hard work to sell their services. The connotations attached to SAS are bloody obvious and it's distasteful. Dude needs to change it.
  4. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    First off, I think what I said is related precisely to the nature of this thread. If you wish, you can report it to the mod team and the rest of them can look it over. But I have seen threads go way further than the original topic than my point and it be perfectly ok.

    Sure it is more polite, but that doesn't mean it still isn't way out of line and unfair, IMO. That is my opinion, this is a discussion forum and I am sharing it.

    Second, I think your reaction is rather mean spirited and looking for a way to judge another person with no more evidence than someone using their own initials. You are ignoring all the other points that have been brought up. It is a real reach IMO. There are large parts of the MA community that can be really negative. And IMO this thread is an example of it.

    It isn't obvious to not only me, but several other people here who agree that there is nothing to see here. Near as I can tell, the opinion on this matter is quite split.

    Funny how you started this thread with a question and a concern, but asking others to tell you they think this is wrong, but when told exactly that, you hunker down harder. Was this thread really about exploring an answer to a concern? Because it seems with your last couple of posts, you didn't really want other opinions, but to have everyone agree with you and your already made up judgement on the matter.

    Well that was rather demogogic. Really?:rolleyes: So, No one can use those initials every in any context? Even if they are their OWN initials? Again, the logo, the feel of the page, the fact that they are his initials, the complete lack of paramilitary references. (And no, a reference to defending oneself by the weak overcoming the strong does not count. You find that on most any traditional MA page.), the phrase in the logo, the traditional uniforms instead of some sort of military garb...................all point to a picture that is completely different than the one you are painting. But, despite your original post, you weren't really open to hearing that, were you? Your mind was already made up that it was a military reference and horrible and cashing in on dead soldiers etc.

    Obviously, the singer Seal was just using his name to cash in the connection to the military group too. How dare he use his name when a military group exists? Obviously, he never saw friends die in combat. :rolleyes: Sorry, but you are really jumping the shark with this reference IMO. But thanks for giving me the opportunity to use one of my favorite words. ;)

    No one named Jesus should be able to use their name either, because by your logic, using their name means they are trying to cash in on Christianity's popularity too.

    Yes, I stand by my post. This sort of willingness to reach for the worst first, and an unwillingness to see it any other way, is a serious flaw prevalent in the online MA community. MAP is better than most by far. but even here it rears it's ugly head sometimes. It is a completely fair observation stemming from and related to this thread.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
  5. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    I want to train in camo or I'm out.
  6. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    I was welcoming your opinion, albeit disagreeing with it. Had no intention of reporting it.

    Hence why I asked if you had been in combat or seen friends die in combat. When you have, it tends to make you a bit salty to even the slightest hint of walting. And again, I welcome your opinion. I just don't agree with it; at risk of painting myself as a grumpy old vet who mumbles "Cut yer hair ya damn hippies," I think it's a bit too sunshine 'n' rainbows.

    Again, consider the context of my military background when I formed my opinion. I agree that Sofos is more likely than not naming his school after his instructor title and initials; I just think the "SAS" thing, while it's easy to claim it as innocent, has obvious links to the elite combat unit of the same name especially when we're talking about a person selling hand-to-hand combat for a fee. I think stuff like this has to be stamped out otherwise it encourages the really bad offenders. Yes, that carries an inherent amount of negativity. So be it.

    Such is the nature of debate.

    My opening post was quite rhetorical. I'm not looking for people to agree with me. Perhaps my military background makes me quite passionate about this sort of thing. But I dislike even the slightest hint of someone may be cashing in on the endeavours of others. The forum population clearly plays a large part; I bet if this thread were posted on a combat vets forum there would be more opinions against the use of "SAS" in the title.

    I've said I agree it could have been done with honest intentions. But there are, to me, obvious connotations between using the title SAS for a martial arts school and the military unit of the same name.

    Well, technically Seal isn't the same as SEAL. And he sings; he doesn't sell a combat system.

    Relax. I'm not going to go Westboro Baptist Church and stand outside his school waving a crude placard.

    We'll agree to disagree on that.
  7. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Just... don't. :D
  8. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    It's funny innit because I think it's a real reach to think that he named his school without any knowledge of the SAS, and what that acronym implies, and just innocently went with his initials.
    Pretty much no one in the UK, especially someone involved in combat training of any sort, is that naive IMHO.

    I'm out though...if discussing the relative merits of the way people market their martial arts classes is seen as some sort of reflection on my character then I honestly don't have much stake in this.
    Van Zandt and pgsmith like this.
  9. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    You do have to be semi stupid to go to a wing chun school and think thats what the U.K military use. Its not like we had our own fighting system in WW2 or anything. (which is still used as far as i know today in any evolution) If you have a legit issue with it and think it could be misleading or what ever, you coudl try reporting it and see if they could get doen for Fraud.

    Also am i the only one who would prefer sitting in a bush hours on end taking photos as recon? XD

    [edit]: A lot and probbly most people in the U.K would know about the SAS, its doccumentary galore and they got populairty from a siege they did. They should be known by people in the martial arts community of said country as chance sbeing they might meet people who teach self defence who wher ein the military or soemthing lie that. I would say the SAS is one the most known one in a few countries. (thats not natioanlism either. ) Its kind of directly influenced many other countries SF units as well. Thesystem of hand to hand fighting used would probbly be the same used by the commandos as well, so its not really SAS martial arts either. XP
  10. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    I think culturally Aaradia might be missing the significance/awareness of the SAS within the UK - there is absolutely no one who has no awareness of them and what they represent, largely due to the embassy siege bringing them out of the shadows. The "Bravo two Zero" phenomena certainly rocketed that even higher

    That said I don't see it as Walting - it IS the initials of the teacher after all, and my guess is he thought "Cool acronym that has marketing clout too!"

    I don't see any malice on his part, but calling attention to it isn't necessarily motivated from spite either - if it was called "Shaolin Ninja Dragon Clan Combat Academy" then it would be likely laughed at heartily without anyone batting an eyelid!
  11. Anwolf

    Anwolf Valued Member

    Almost anyone in the UK who sees the title 'SAS Martial Arts' will think it refers to the Special Air Service. I can't say I've ever seen a martial arts club that uses the initials of its coach, as its brand name - especially not the initials of their title and name - you wouldn't see someone called Mr Joe Bloggs putting their initials down as MJB would you? Not to mention on the website he is referred to as Master Alan Sofos, not Sifu. Funnily enough it's only in the logo.

    While I'm sure there was no malicious intent, Master Alan Sofos almost certainly knew what the connotations would be.
  12. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    Hannibal's real name is Horatio Amanda Violet Orinoco Chislet.

    Just saying.
  13. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Nope, I get it. Like SEAL's.

    To be clear, I never said anything about spite motivating anyone. Please do not misrepresent my words by adding ones I never used. I talked about negativity and people assuming the worst intentions in the martial arts community as a general issue, with this thread being an example. But I never said anyone was spiteful.
  14. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    SEALs as part of US culture have nowhere near the level of penetration as the SAS does in UK, so it's similar but not directly equal

    And I wasn't putting words in, just making a general comment :)
  15. icefield

    icefield Valued Member

    Nope really you don't get it, thats not a knock it's simply the fact that post 1980 the initials SAS have really only one meaning in the UK, and putting those initials before a martial art school is doing only one thing, cashing in on that association.

    If seal renamed himself SEAL martial arts and started teaching fighting the analogy might be closer to the mark, but still wouldn't be anywhere near as close.

    SBS and SEAL in your school title would be almost as bad because in all honestly those aren't as well known in the USA or the UK as the SAS, if I'm honest I bet 90% of the general UK population would be able to tell you what SAS stood for, and most of them tell you it's motto, maybe 10% could tell you what SBS meant, that not a knock on the royal marines, just means the winged badge wearers have better PR, and this school owner I'm betting knows that
    Van Zandt, Anwolf and Hannibal like this.
  16. icefield

    icefield Valued Member

    You can't help yourself lol but innuendos aside I agree, no single special forces group has penetrated the public's imagination like the SAS, blame Maggie, blame the IRA, blame the Iranian embassy, hell blame Lewis Collins but it's true!
  17. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Everybody knows it means "super army soldiers"

    As already said, The guys real name/ initials aren't SAS, so it's a intended marketing tool, as such you can completely judge him on his decision.
  18. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Hannibal likes this.
  19. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    LOVE that episode!
  20. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Yup! Then there is Mcnab, Ryan et al.....

    With regards to the SBS, my first real awareness of them was via Paddy Ashdown!
    icefield likes this.

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