San Budo / Trio Martial Arts

Discussion in 'Karate' started by crushing step, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. crushing step

    crushing step Valued Member

    Anybody ever heard of Sensei Bret Gordon? He is causing quite a "discussion" on another martial arts forum, I figured I would come over here and see if anybody had any more information, for better or worse.

    Remember the other popular thread, "instant black belt - just add ebay"? I think the biggest complaint about this guy isn't the fact that he's young, but the fact that he went from being a first dan black belt in karate to a fourth dan black belt in his own system, compliments of the "World Black Belt Bureau".

    Anyway, I don't want to sway your opinions, I sure have mine. If anyone has met / sparred with Mr Gordon and has something nice to say, please do!

  2. Dead phil

    Dead phil Valued Member

    I completely understand where you are coming from with what you are saying, i used to call it coupon Karate. Although in the old days, i'm talking Funakoshi days, there was no grades, you would be trained to your own mental and physical ability, the grading through belts was introduced by the founder of Judo and good friend of funakoshi Jigaro Kano. But that said if he is just selling black belts for the cash, i will send him a no touch KO so his head explodes.

    when 2 tigers fight 1 is wounded and the other is dead

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