Sad News From Japan

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Shinkei, May 27, 2009.

  1. Shinkei

    Shinkei Valued Member

    2009 is the 50th year of Tomiki Aikido in the UK. To mark this Tomiki Aikido groups within the UK were hosting Senta Yamada who introduced Tomiki Aikido to the UK in 1959.

    Sadly due to health problems Yamada San has been advised not to travel to the UK.

    Older Judoka & Aikidoka may of come into contact with Yamada San as he was resident Judo instructor at the LJS.

    As a Graduate of Kobe Marine University he began to practice Judo in middle school, and received his 1st Dan at the age of 16.

    He became an outstanding competitive judoka, eventually reaching the rank of 6th Dan under the founder of Judo, Dr Jigaro Kano.

    Yamada sensei’s name appears along side the famous in the historic Sekiryu Kan Dojo, as one who completed the session of 1000 throws.

    Dr Kano sent Yamada sensei to study Aikido with Morihei Ueshiba Sensei. As a live-in student he began private training with the founder in Wakayama Prefecture.

    Yamada sensei later returned to Tokyo where he met and began training with Professor Kenji Tomiki whose approach and training system in Aikido had a major influence on his thinking.

    Through his training and association with these great men, Yamada Sensei has obtained knowledge and insights into the art of Aikido and Judo that few, if any, persons have today. Yamada Sensei’s mastery of the art, his efficient and powerful body movement and his natural teaching ability is inspirational.

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  2. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    Let's hope his health improves. A true pioneer of aikido. I spent a whole weakend scouring London to find his aikido dojo no one knew what I was talking about....only to be told later that he was teaching in a Judo club. What an opportunity missed.

    regards koyo
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  3. philipsmith

    philipsmith Valued Member

    A great shame.

    I was privileged to train with him a few years ago. A true gentleman who embodies the spirit of Aikido

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