Roadtoad's theory on Kote gaeshi

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Dean Winchester, Apr 24, 2011.

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  1. Rebel Wado

    Rebel Wado Valued Member

    Oh, darn. :mad:

    Let's say that making fun of the white man is more in lines of humor in the United States. We got movies like, "White Men Can't Jump" etc., the link I posted was to an old Eddie Murphy clip of him from Saturday Night Live, where he goes undercover disguised as a white man.

    It would be completely different if it was a threat, however.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011
  2. roadtoad

    roadtoad Valued Member

    Good lord,
    I just spent half an hour trying to explain myself, and then, the page would not accept my reply.
    I'll never be able to repeat all of that.
    But, for one thing, I'm very light skinned, even though I'm 1/8th abenaki/algonquin.
    Since the first grade, when speaking indian was a nickle a word, and both whites and indians heard me speaking indian, and both sides thought me a race traitor,
    I've put up with that all my life.
    I was their pet flea in Japan. A japanese would come up, and say, in japanese, 'There's no such thing as a white guy with ki', then, the instructor would say, 'Toad, come here.'
    The only guys, ever, that put me down as an indian where prejudice white guys, that only ended about 5 years ago when I finally outlived most of them.
    And, now days, the Whiteman boss is hard to find.
    Even though I was in the Air Force, I saw more combat than 99% of all marines and special forces, reason? 'You indians really like to fight, don't you?'
    So, when I was searching for someone who actually did ikkyo omote, by stretching someone's loins, the way that Kissomaru wanted, it was almost impossible to find. And this guy, even though uke is using that stupid sword strike, is showing good form. Almost no one else is. No one seems to realize that you have to uplift a good boxer that jabs from the shoulders. That was the original idea of ikkyo omote, namely irimi, entering. You have to enter his attack, go right into it. Stretch his loins. Another way would be the good old american football tackle. 90% of street fights are won by tackling.
    But, tackling, is actually stretching the loins and uplifting uke.
    The prejudice against japanese in America in the 1950s was unbelievable, so, even though I've never spoken with Tohei, possibly the reason why he spent so much time in the states was to try and lower the power of the sterotypes against japanese.
    Again, if I misspoke there, I apologize again.
    So, 'an actual white guy' was meant as a compliment. Sorry. If you take it as racism, I apologize.
  3. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    You were in the Air Force, but saw more action than 99% of all marines and special forces.
    Were they sending you to your own private war, wars that other Ops' were not invited to.

    How does that work. Only the Indians fought, while all others stayed at home?
  4. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    That's God's way of telling you to refrain from posting.
  5. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    If only you would time out permanently :rolleyes:

    Well we likely wouldn't believe you anyway.

    You've used this sob story before. Move on. We didn't bully you as a child and we certainly don't care now.

    I'm assuming you're talking about Koichi Tohei? He spent so much time in the states because he was originally sent there by O Sensei to establish Aikido in the United States of America. After he split from the Aikikai many of the American Aikidoka chose to follow him. And why wouldn't they? For many of them he was the face of Aikido at the time. He also liked the American way of life. I'm pretty sure it had very little to nothing to do with combating American prejudice against the Japanese. In fact if memory serves me correctly he claimed to have received a very warm reception in the US. So i just don't know where you're getting your information from.

    Frankly you would likely get more respect on this forum if you posted less. The more you post. The more you get it badly wrong.
  6. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    What exactly did you do in the Air Force?
  7. roadtoad

    roadtoad Valued Member

    I was an avionics technician.
    And o.k. aikiwolfe, now you're talking about the 1970s, after Tohei got kicked out of aikido, and was no longer allowed to teach aikido, many people followed him into 'KI', and now, since he's still alive, and almost 90, I think, he calls it 'Aikido with ki'
    But that was the 1970s, a quite different era than the 1950s. But yes, by that time, the 1970s, he was well received. We had gone through a lot of the civil rights era by that time.
    Also, about my background, I've mentioned it before, but, under public law 280 (you'll have to google it) we had a 50% death rate on the reservation on boys under 18, due to murder and suicide during the 1950s, not a one of those murders has ever been solved.
    You guys at your age have a hard time understanding what it was like back then.
  8. roadtoad

    roadtoad Valued Member

    'He jests at wounds who never felt a stripe'
    Romeo and Juliet.
  9. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    My heart bleeds.
  10. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    You're a phony and an internet troll, Roadtoad

    Roadtoad, you have zero credibility because nothing that you say adds up. Your posts are a swirl of contradictions and factual errors. What you have said about the job of an avionics tech, and about Tohei and Iwama and Bob Nadeau, is such utter garbage that I don't even believe that you're an Indian, but neither do I care whatsoever about your Indian status. I wouldn't care if you have blue fur. I wouldn't care if you have a tail. I really truly don't care what blood you have in your veins, for the simple reason that it's not important to anything at all.

    What is important is that your posts are full of contradictions and factual errors with respect to aikido. That is why you have no credibility, and that's what makes you an internet troll. If you have any self respect you'll stop posting. If instead you cry yet again that you're Indian, or post anything more about Tohei or Iwama or training in Japan, you'll just prove my point, again, that you're here only to bother people (i.e., trolling).
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2011
  11. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

  12. Aikidojomofo

    Aikidojomofo Valued Member

    Tohei's dead dude....we've got a thread on it
  13. dentoiwamaryu

    dentoiwamaryu Valued Member

    So you think he is still alive do you? BLAH BLAH BLAH
  14. roadtoad

    roadtoad Valued Member

    No, I don't have twitter or facebook, but, if he's dead now, too bad. But, he must've died just recently. Yeah, Bob Nadeau was one of the guys I talked about earlier, that quit aikido when Tohei got kicked out. I just didn't know, or remember his name. I guess he came back in somehow, because he's a seventh dan now.
    The one thing I can see is, that you're so happy to keep me in the dark that you can't see straight.
    Meanwhile, since I couldn't find an aikido goshi nage which is different than the judo goshi nage, so, I went ahead and invented one myself. This one is new, different, and has the mark of aikido all over it. A new throw, new to the world, anyone interested?
  15. Aikidojomofo

    Aikidojomofo Valued Member

    Nope, no, never. Enough is enough. You bleet on about how you don't like that people changed O Sensei's Aikido and then you say the above? Even after you say you quit and no longer study Aikido?

    Stop it. You are a crazy person

    Mods? You getting all this?
  16. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    one thing that i've found has made my life much better on this site....the ignore list. give it a shot.
  17. dentoiwamaryu

    dentoiwamaryu Valued Member

    Ive just done my 2nd muppet block.
  18. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    lol. i've got 5 or 6 on there. i would thank the guy that originally mentioned it, but before i could, he got "ignored". lol.
  19. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    Actually he passed away quite recently. There was a thread on here about it and stories across the web. That'll be you clairvoyance letting you down again.
  20. Shinkei

    Shinkei Valued Member

    As someone who practises both Aikido and judo I am interested in your new technique. Why not post a clip or a picture.
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