Religion - Warning may offend some veiwers

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Darzeka, Jun 28, 2002.

  1. WatchfulAbyss

    WatchfulAbyss Active Member

    Wouldn't this be a contradiction :D
  2. ZenPolice

    ZenPolice New Member

    That was just plain creepy, the kind of thing you'd expect to find scribbled on the walls in blood at a crime scene.
  3. Nukite

    Nukite New Member

    No it is not a contradiction,the law is made by humans and the laws did not create itself. Therefore human intelligence would always be used to amend or change to fit human intelligence. The law cannot change itself or amend itsself (maybe a very intelligent software that can change the laws to meet all human requirements, even that would create the letter of the law without intelligence) the letter of the law is just that letter, without human intelligence it cannot be exercised and put into practical context to fit all the permuatation of human intelligence. The laws is a tool but not the end product human intelligence dictates what is humane and lawful, using the laws as a letter of the law is no better than a computer that has no intelligence but profess to be the best lawyer that has ever lived.
  4. Nukite

    Nukite New Member

    The kind of thing that you would expect because you lack any common sense and are creepy and come out with what you expect and only you and no one else. Maybe in a film but in real life wake up you are way off your scribbled wall and off on your own agenda.
  5. ZenPolice

    ZenPolice New Member

    Um, mods?
  6. WatchfulAbyss

    WatchfulAbyss Active Member

    Do you really expect me to get all that, or have any idea of what your talking about from this "revealed thisl, the letter of the law but not the law." are you lost? What kinda computers you been around? lay off the speed and take a nap.
  7. Nukite

    Nukite New Member

    Um fods, tods, sods, cods, um um labels are but labels, the 60's mods have all retired and their bikes are gathering dust in the shed. So any new mods, fods, sods, cods, um um has already been done.
  8. WatchfulAbyss

    WatchfulAbyss Active Member

    You are gone man, I mean really far out there, take a nap lay off the speed.
  9. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter


    Disagree = ok
    Attack beliefs = ok
    Get personal = not ok

  10. cybermonk

    cybermonk New Member

    I have seen some religion threads gone wild here but this one is really out there!
  11. megk

    megk New Member

    I wish my stinkin computer worked at my house....Holy Cow this went crazy!

    I just want to make a few points.

    1. I understand that it is hard to swallow that all God requires is that we give our lives and our hearts over to him. I understand your frustration with this point, Blind. That doesn't change the fact that it is true. We are all equal in Gods eyes. He doesn't punish one sin more then another. Sin is sin. Some sins seem so much worse to us, and indeed they are, but when it comes to redemption we are all offered the same redeemer, Jesus Christ. Trust me in this, the child molester will be punished by God no matter if he becomes a believer or not. Not only is God merciful, but he is Just. The Bible reveals the charector of God.

    2. The issue of works not mattering.

    Blind, if you are really interested in this aspect of Christianity I suggest reading the whole book of Romans, if you haven't already. Paul talks a great deal about this issue. One thing that was not mentioned in this argument is that once a person becomes a believer (accepts Christ into his/her heart and turns his/her life over to the control of Christ) the Holy Spirit lives in that person. The Holy Spirits function is to help that person to recognize sin and avoid it. The holy spirit will guide that person in doing the good works that the Bible talks about. Blind, you are correct in that we as humans no matter how hard we try can never do enough good works. That does not mean that Jesus didn't command us to do our best. "If you love me (Jesus) you will obey my commands". Works do matter to God. Blind, you are also correct when it comes to a Hitler type commiting autrocities and then becoming a believer. He will go to heaven. God could not set up a system of salvation that was elitest. All can be saved and indeed He wants all of us to have a relationship with him. I rather like this system. I'd hate to think that because I smoked a ton of pot when I was younger I would be going to hell. Or that the guy that kills someone while driving drunk is beyond redemption. I am awfully glad that I am not the judge.

    3. BIBLE CODE---- Please :rolleyes: How bout everyone just read the Bible. There is enough insight in the Bible to last all of us a lifetime. Talk to any Bible believing Christian that has been one for a healthy number of years and I gaurentee they are still gaining new insight from the Bible.
  12. woodrow

    woodrow Banned Banned

    Did you ever wonder why asian religions do not believe in god? Or why other religions have lots of gods?

    I think a monotheistic god is an excellent way to train people to be controlled. They get used to the idea of one god telling them how to behave. Then when a person in real life, polician, military man, school teacher, gets into that position of control, on a subtle psychological level, people are thinking about obeying god.

    With polytheistic religions, there is no one person controlling everything. The gods descriptions match closely with various emotions and aspects of human personality. These gods seem to be used to help people understand the behavior and motivation of themselves and others.

    I think asians do not have gods in their religions because kung fu has taught them there is no such thing. When you get to a certain level, belief in god does not even seem important.

    Some people think that god talks to them. What if the voice they heard was someone with telepathy instead of god? They are trained to believe that god tells them what to do. Instead, someone with telepathy is telling them what to do. Extended martial arts practice will develop the mental abilities. Once you decide that people have telepathy, it is hard to beleive someone who says they are talking to God. You feel like they are ignorant and are being taken advantage of by unscrupulous people.

    Some people believe god makes them do things. People can make other people do things. Extended martial arts practice will give some people the ability to physically control others. A person who does not understand this would think God was making them do something. An experienced martial artist would think an unscrupulous person was taking advantage.

    A belief in God is kinda based on ignorance of reality in my opinion. Once you realize how powerful other people can become, most of the things described as god like can be attributed to the powerful regular human beings.

    You know anything about Indian gods? There is a god named Kali that is depicted as having multiple arms. Sometimes 6, sometimes 8. This god is meant to teach people something that is like kung fu. The 6 or 8 arms are meant to provide ideas to the people about how their bodies work. If the people can figure it out, then they will become godlike as Kali is.
  13. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    Look at more polytheistic religions, they tend to have a very definite structure, with one single god ruling the others.

    So the only asian religion you've bothered looking at is Buddhism I take it? Try looking at some of the older ones, they certainly have gods, hell, some of them have a whole celestial beauraucracy.

    Sorry, you're serious about this?

    Heh. So martial artists are all powerful beings with telepathy and the ability to control other people physically from a distance?

    Uh huh, of course they can. Now show me one thread of evidence that these godlike human beings exist.

    So if people can work out why their bodies don't actually have 6 or 8 arms they become the destroyer?
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2004
  14. AZeitung

    AZeitung The power of Grayskull

    Yes, this sounds much more plausible than God.

    and just so there is no more confusion, that was meant to be sarcastic.
  15. ZenPolice

    ZenPolice New Member

    Just FYI...

    Kali (Kali Ma) is a central goddess figure in the Hindu pantheon (also found within Buddhism). Her husband is Shiva (of the "big three" Hindu gods: Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu). Kali has four arms and is usually depicted in black (sometimes known as the Black Mother). Two of her hands form gestures of blessing for her devotees. One hand carries a sword (the sword of knowledge), and another holds the head of a slain demon. She appears nude, but for a necklace of severed heads. Kali is both creator and destroyer. Despite her sometimes terrible appearance, she is not a vengeful goddess. She is a gentle and caring mother to humanity, but she allows no illusions about the nature of mortal existence. Life and death, creation and destruction, are all essential parts of the human experience. Kali reminds us of our mortality, slashing away ignorance and illusion.

    EDIT: Here is a lovely page of art and lore about this often misunderstood Hindu goddess:
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2004
  16. WatchfulAbyss

    WatchfulAbyss Active Member

    Although the word god could pertain to human's or penuts' for that matter, if someone chose to worship them, when it comes' to atleast every religion I have looked at, the abilitys' of these beings' is way out side the capability of humans' and would in no way I could see, be confused with humans'.

    3 : a person or thing of supreme value
    4 : a powerful ruler
  17. Stick

    Stick New Member

    I quoted to give an example of Lydia, how her heart was changed by God so she could repent. This gift isn't given to everyone, the cup of the NT was shed for the sins of many, not all. And before you start to say that's unfair, read Romans 9:11 on. Paul goes on to say that it's potters freedom to do as He wishes.

    If God is all powerful and His will be done, how can we have a truly free will? We can't.
  18. Nukite

    Nukite New Member

    A visitor asked Sri Bhagavan:
    I want knowlage.
    M: Who wants knowlage.
    D: I want it.
    M: Who is that "I"? Find the "I" and see the later, what further knowlage is required?

    The greatest barrier to self knowledge is the I the ego, the ego has no futher knowdge but distord the reality of the self to create a false knowledge of itself and reality. Satori or the ego less lself dissovling of the ego the interrogator, judgemental, crital and not flexible ego. The I ego never finds but hide and seeks power but has no power over it's vision and give the self false beliefs and irrational demands. Ony the true self see's reality and is reality the I ego is but a developmental hindrance to the self.
  19. tbubb1

    tbubb1 Notes of Autumn


    Being a Chrisitan, I believe that the reason you get into heaven is because you accept that the living God came to earth and died for you. Once you accept that, and that he is your personal lord and savior, you're sins are whiped clean and you are pure, therefore you may enter heaven. We sin naturally, because of Adam and Eve, when created, we were not supposed to sin against God, so it was natural for us to go to heaven.
    And, in heaven, yeah u do whatever you want, but it is in a constant state of worship. Think about it, if you were in heaven, with God there with you, seeing as how he has forgiven you to the point that you will live with him in bliss forever, would you want to spend your time doing something that displeases him? Perhaps you have not realized how awesome the Living God is.

    This all coming for a christian stand-point...and no, I'm not Catholic.
  20. WatchfulAbyss

    WatchfulAbyss Active Member

    And again, I don't care if it's unfair, I don't believe in god. Although, anyone could go and find 50 or so quotes' that say just the opposite of what you said:

    John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

    John 6:51 "I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world."

    John 4:42 Then they said to the woman, "Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard [Him] and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world."

    Luke 23:34 Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do."

    1 John 4:14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son [as] Savior of the world.

    or is the bible wrong(I think it is, but that's my opinion) you just made a effective statement against the bible your self, thanks for pointing to that contradiction. The bible says anyone can seek salvation, that was my point, but sense you show the opposite, that means a good part of the bible could be false. I still fail to see how what you say applys to me, when I have the bible with backing quotes on what I say as well. ( I think the bible is wrong, but as I said before that's my opinion)
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2004

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