Regarding other sites

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by ryanTKD, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. ryanTKD

    ryanTKD New Member

    I was just wondering what the rules were regarding the advertising of new sites.

  2. Aegis

    Aegis River Guardian Admin Supporter

    If in doubt, don't :D

    That's how I usually see it anyway. Generally speaking, if you're asking for opinions on a site you found, or wanting to share another site that you found and think others might enjoy, it's probably ok. If it's blatant advertising for another site, then you need to clear that with an admin first.

    Between the two is where it gets confusing, and I admit that I usually stay on the side of "don't" unless there's a very good reason for it.

    Hope that clears it up a little!
  3. ryanTKD

    ryanTKD New Member

    Thank you. I took the chance anyway. Delete or close this thread is appropriate.
  4. Melanie

    Melanie Bend the rules somewhat.. Supporter

    Don't say you weren't warned...

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