Read this book?

Discussion in 'Silat' started by Van Zandt, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Today my copy of "Pencak Silat: Through My Eyes" by Pendekar Herman Suwanda arrived. So far I've only glanced through it and it looks excellent. Anyone else here read it? If so, opinions?
  2. Jadhi Nurshah

    Jadhi Nurshah New Member

    many bad things happen in Indonesia

    Salaam all teh Silat comunity,

    Many bad things happen in Indonesia. Many eartquake, many flod,many people dying. Plese pray for us. My great uncle Guru he say many thing more happen like this. We hav to help everyone now. This time we have to all work together, many more thing like this is going to happen, again an again. We all have to pray. Only God has teh answer to the big world problem, to many problem, it is important that people no more fight. The Silat Gurus in the world have to tell all studant to be peace. My uncle say these five main thing to me to tell everyone.
    1: Make up with all your enimies,
    2: do the simple thing well,
    3: no watch to much Tele,
    4: find time for to pray
    5: let go of hate in your hearts.

    ok my brother an sisters be careful, We in indonesia need your praeye very much!!!

    Jadhi Nurshah,

    To steve b my uncle he want to meet with you very much...
  3. kuntaoer

    kuntaoer Valued Member

    I have read the book and it is top notch.. Shows the history of the Mande Muda system as taught by Pak Herman Suwanda over the time he walked the earth and taught.. I know several people who trained with him and Ibu Rita over the years.. The art is still alive and well but not as expansive as it originally was when Pak Herman was teaching..

    Best investment I have seen in silat history and exposure in a long time
  4. Jadhi Nurshah

    Jadhi Nurshah New Member

    pray for us

    Permisee Silat brothers and sisters,

    Untuk semua teman-teman di seluruk dunia Indonesian, silakan
    berdoa untuk semua orang yang menderits.
    Begitu banyak jiwa sekarat waktu yang mengerikan bagi kita semua.
    Beberapa Guru besar believe kita berada dalam masa terburuk
    jang pernah.
    Jadi saya minta kalian senua untuk berdoa bagi kita.

    Salaam Jadhi Nurshah.
  5. Ular Sawa

    Ular Sawa Valued Member

    Jahdi, my thoughts are with you, your family and the people of your country.
    Take care.
  6. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick


    I was shocked to learn as I read through the book of the tragic accident involving Pak Herman. 'Tis a shame, would love to have trained with him.

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