Rapists- Deserving of mercy?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Rainofblades, Aug 13, 2005.

  1. Developing

    Developing Valued Member

    No I don't think that most murders occur accidentally and I don't recall ever saying that on any of posts but if I gave that impression than that was my error.
  2. Jesh

    Jesh Dutch Side Of The Force

    No you didn't. But you keep insisting that murderers should be treated differently than rapists, because as you previously stated...

    And thus, my original question stands...
    Why would we allow murderers to re-enter society, if rapists are denied the same rights ???
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2005
  3. Developing

    Developing Valued Member

    Look the point of all of this is just to say that some murders can be an accidental laspse in judgement. Such as two guys fighting one guy hits his head on the pavement too hard and dies. Are someone was walking to their car and night and somebody grabbed them from behind and they turned to face their attacker (keys already in hand) and stabbed the person in the neck causing death to occur a few minutes later. Now I said that murders should be viewed on a case by case basis. I'll make an addition to that point. Murderers should be released back into society on a very limmited basis, just my opinion.

    The reason why I feel that rapists should not be afforded the same rights is because rape (excluding example given by BaiKaiGuy) can never be something that just got out of hand. Example given in above paragraph:2 guys fighting (obviously following some argument) one guy falls hits head on concrete and dies. That's just one example of lapse in judgement as it relates to murder. Same example two changes:A man and a woman are arguing it turns physical and the women falls hits her head and doesn't die but hurts herself. Man accidentally rapes her. Can't happen accidental rape is kind of an oxymoron. Sort of like jumbo shrimp rarely are they associated with each other. That is the only point to what I have been saying. Obviously if it is a cold blooded killing than I would not want to support the person being released. But not all murders are done with cold blooded evil intent. But you show me one example of a rapist who physically subdued their victim forced them into a position of sexual nature and did not do so with evil intent and I will reconsider my entire point of view concerning this. I'm not a betting man but I'm willing to wager that you cannot do this.
  4. BgRdNk

    BgRdNk Banned Banned

    rape and child molestation are the only 2 unforgivable crimes...there may be extenuating circumstances where murder (ie this jerk raped my wife) there is NEVER an excuse for rape. rape once and you should lose the right to be on the streets EVER again. not to mention the fact the rapist may be carrying AIDS, HIV, hepatitis...why should a rape victim have to go through a lifetime of testing to be sure the rapist didnt also infect the victim? if you are assaulted and have the opportunity to kill the attacker, by all means do so...how do you know you wont be killed after he is finished? surely you arent planning on counting on the morals of the rapist that he isnt also a murderer? i mean a rapist wouldnt LIE about not hurting you if you cooperate right? :rolleyes:
    if i have to go to trial i would rather be ON trial for killing a rapist than sitting in court having to recount the rape and have his defense team drag your reputation through the gutter or imply your attire caused him to do it as well as having to see the attacker day in day out until he gets his couple of years in jail...now you spend the rest of your life dreading his release date and worrying about him taking revenge for putting him in jail...no thank you.
  5. Afthelador

    Afthelador Valued Member

    Rapists should be executed, end of story. That is one of, or the worst civil crime commitable. If I see a guy raping someone, I will injure him permanently, or kill him. He must stop, and never be allowed to do it again, and I'll blow up on anyone I see doing it, or about to. It is untollerable.
  6. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    Did we really need to resurrect this thread?

    All I have to say:

    1. Obviously BgRdNk knows not much about the law or he'd know his hysterical little rant about demeaning the victim's character is, oh, ILLEGAL.

    2. I'm so tired of the whole "judged by twelve" crap. It's not even cute when the 15 year olds do it, I'm certainly not impressed by a 50 year old doing it.

    EDIT: For manners :p
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2005
  7. LiaoRouxin

    LiaoRouxin Valued Member

    I think anyone should be given mercy. Death is so final and too cruel. There is counseling and prison time for rapists, and I don't believe that they cannot be reformed, because I know they can.

    I have been the target of attempted rape and of something that can be construed as rape (I was made intoxicated for the purpose of loosening my legs) and it is the most horrifying, painful, and they have to be the second most hideous experiences of my life (the first is not something I wish to discuss). The first time I was lucky enough to be able to escape with only a bruised chest, the second I have only fleeting memories of.

    It's not something to be ashamed of, it happens and you learn to cope with it. And, I believe the person responsible should be held accountable, both by jail time and by rehabilitative measures. I no longer talk to either person, nor will I ever seek to regain contact with either one, but a friend of mine speaks to the man who attempted to force himself on me and says that he is doing well currently, that he has reorganized his life and his attitude. I have received from him two letters of apology, and repentance. I may be naive for this, but I believe them, I think that on that night he was misguided and overly aggressive, as well as intoxicated and he is not like that normally.

    Even if reformation were impossible, death is too harsh a sentence for that crime or any other. No one should ever be condemned to die for anything, if they wish to cause their own demise that is their choice but it is none of mine nor of the state's.
  8. BgRdNk

    BgRdNk Banned Banned

    Maybe you watched one to many episode of Law and Order genius...it happens ALL the time...Remember the family that thier daughter was killed while they had guest over? the defense brought out they were swingers and smoked dope...yeah that excuses raping and killing thier daughter....or perhaps the scott peterson case? you gonna tell me they didnt RIP amber to shreds on the stand? she was only a witness for christ sake!
    BTW hotshot why are you so worried about the welfare of rapists? and why would you object to a woman carrying a weapon to defend herself from a rapist? and why make up excuses that are lies to protect the welfare of a rapist? (like its illegal to bring up the victims character) it sounds like you are hoping they wind up in court and back out on the streets...I can only imagine why you might be more concerned about the rapist than the victim.

    as for whether i impress you i coudnt care less how some internet warrior :rolleyes: feels about my carry habits ...several real life idiots have been more than impressed...so you keep up the verbal judo and fantasy about whats illegal in the usa
    and yeah i would rather defend my right to carry than defend the rights of rapists to attack unarmed women. you sure seem to have an unusual choice of whose rights to defend....i notice in several places in this thread you make excuses for rape and seem to champion rapist rights ...that may fly where YOU are from but southern boys dont take kindly to rapists or those who chose to defend thier right to do so safe from "revenge" from the victim...news for ya pal if she dusts your behind off mid rape it aint revenge...REVENGE is what happens when the men folks come looking for you....with beliefs like yours you best stay up north. if people want to ban me for defending the right of women to protect themselves from people who think like you so be it...whatever excuses you come up with in court wont cut it out on the street...I didnt know she was only 13 i thought she was older... :rolleyes: Exactly how old are you? do you usually hunt little girls at parties?
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2005
  9. MarioBro

    MarioBro Banned Banned

    Ok, so in your opinion, a rape victim should not try to kill the attacker, but just take it nicely since it is only rape, and killing them would be bad? Hysterical little rant? Sure it is not allowed to directly attack someones character, but it is simple enough to pose enough twisted questions so that the jury starts to change their opinions of a victim thus their character is for all intents and purposes assassinated. Just give it a rest... :rolleyes:

    Hey, I am all for every accused having the right to put up a legal defense, but I am really not understanding why you so adamantly seem to want to argue with someone who says that they would rather kill the rapist then be raped.

    Oh ya...I guess if rapists were killed by their victims, that would leave you with less clients to defend.
  10. tellner

    tellner Valued Member

    If you're feeling merciful and charitable to the rapist (in which case you're a better man than I am, Gunga Din) go with it. Two to the body and one to the head is quick and probably pretty painless.
  11. BgRdNk

    BgRdNk Banned Banned

    hit a nerve did I ? :eek: Someone protests ENTIRELY too much :rolleyes:
  12. Slindsay

    Slindsay All violence is necessary

    I'm curious to know if BgRdNK has spent some time coming up with his acusations against BKG. I mean first he accuses him of picking up law from watching the TV and then he accuses him of trying to pick up girls at a party, I mean seriously, what are the actual chances of someone picking those two areas to attack BKG on by chance?
  13. ~Natsumi Lam~

    ~Natsumi Lam~ New Member


    As a girl, i think if i knew a guy was gunna rape someone... id completely tear him up to the point of ... well lets say the imense loss of joy, the shame, the pain, the emotional stress and personal loss that the girl would have experienced... i would have takin him slightly past that point. I would break both his legs so he would have to explain everything. He would now have to be helped everywhere and feel needy. if i could work something out...he wouldnt have anything to show for as a man anymore... :: wink wink:: if you got my drift. And if i had a gun/// for sure it would be TKO.

    What some people dont understand is that rape and molestation is like taking someones life.. they are emotionally, physically, mentally recked ,,, some their whole life, some get over it. But if i could level the playing field with these scum of the earth.. even if it meant jail for a while... i would do it without even a thought.

    ~Natsumi Lam~
  14. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    BgRdNk and Mario:

    Wow, personal barbs and insults! Tell you what gentlemen, go to school, get your law degrees, and then you get to tell me, a practicing criminal defense attorney, what I can and cannot do in a courtroom. Have a nice day.
  15. Moosey

    Moosey invariably, a moose Supporter

    Yeah, that is kinda like accusing him of being a long-haired beatnik! :D
  16. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    Well, perhaps someone ought to say something to one of our friendly staff and see if perhaps we have a case of double accounts? Otherwise... way too much time on their hands.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2005
  17. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    And he can quote law and order episodes almost verbatum. And claim they have precedential value in a Court of Law. Wow. I'm humbled by his legal skills. Awed even. Not.

    Between him and Mario, I'm not sure who's got more issues. Mario for wanting to kill just about every criminal who walks the streets, or our allegedly 50 year old biker who thinks vigilantism is the appropriate way to do things.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2005
  18. adouglasmhor

    adouglasmhor Not an Objectivist

    Bye the way for all the judged by 12 people, there are 15 on a jury here in Scotland, lessens the chance of a hung jury, but we do have that ******* verdict (not proven)as well.
    And it was funny seeing what BgRdNK posted about BaiKaiGuy.
  19. BgRdNk

    BgRdNk Banned Banned

    well gee lets see i read his posts...See im new here as you can see...i came across the post about the guy who claimed to be FBI and killed the rapist it had this link which i read...i noticed early on BKG seemed to really prefer a woman to get raped than defend herself...i was under the impresssion most martial artist were trained to be observant...BKG chose to make little girls at parties his rape choice to defend as though it were an acceptable "mistake" :rolleyes: and i agree a grown man Raping my daughter WOULD be a mistake...
    He then chose to accuse me of a hsyterical rant ...thats bs, i listed 2 cases where my exact point was made...the law and order thing was just my first thought...i figured it was easy to figure out...the ONLY 2 types of people who would defend a rapist rights that vehimently would be either a LAWYER or a Rapist...since i try to give the benifit of the doubt ...i assumed he was a sick lawyer...Why sick? because he has NO PROBLEM defending a rapist...but complete disdain for defending a woman who kills her rapist in self defense...i admit that threw me since most lawyers dont care where the next dollar comes from so long as they they can pay for thier fancy cars and houses.
    you did get me to check his profile he claims to be a BALD :D vegetarian kung fu fighting LAWYER :eek: Taoist... now i will say two things about that he has sunk my opinion of lawyers even lower,and i didnt think that was possible. And secondly how do you tie in being a Taoist (who believe in not getting involved in the afairs of man) and a lawyer (who specializes in getting involved in the affairs of man) ?
    so excuse me if once again I am a master of the obvious...
  20. BgRdNk

    BgRdNk Banned Banned

    Uh you accused me of a hysterical rant...i simply pointed out you have some funny choices of criminals rights to champion...if you own conscience is bothering you dont blame me...and BTW i would rather live in a ditch and starve to death than assist even one rapist or murderer or child molester... in getting back out on the streets to rape again MR criminal defense attorney...but as they say it takes all kinds to make a world...

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