Random Attack Caught on CCTV

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by inthespirit, May 31, 2006.

  1. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    Did you read the article? Or the previous posts? One of them has admitted murder already. Sentencing on all three will be carried out in June.

  2. Incredible Bulk

    Incredible Bulk Eat-Lift-Eat-Sleep-Grow

    yes but expect cherie blair to jump on the soap box for human rights... :bang:

    criminals deserve the right to carry out their trade without punishment! :rolleyes:
  3. Johnno

    Johnno Valued Member

    Too vague and ill-defined. You can't convict someone for being a 'mindless thug'. It's what they actually do.

    Thought so. ;)

    It's an emotive subject. It would be nice to just be able to flick a switch and send certain people straight to hell. But real life is never that simple, is it?
  4. Johnno

    Johnno Valued Member

    They would be quite popular.

    A lot of former public school boys would pay well for a good caning. ;)
  5. inthespirit

    inthespirit ignant

    ^^^ LMAO :D
  6. jimmytofu

    jimmytofu A majority of one

    I made no suggestion about it being fun in prison. I'm sure it's not. The fact is that is not a deterant and that the re-offending rate is ridiculous.
  7. Johnno

    Johnno Valued Member

    So prison doesn't deter you?

    It sure as hell deters me.

    I don't want to go to prison!
  8. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    Or it could be that if you're a weak willed loser with few prospects, dodgy friends and easy access to drugs living on a crappy estate, when you come out of prison and can't find work as a result it's too easy to slip back into crime.

    Prison can be as harsh as you like, but if you're caught up in drugs and going nowhere on the outside, you may well end up back inside. That's the reason for the reoffending rates being so high.

    You know the old saying of give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, give him a fishing rod and you feed him for life? The same applies here.

    Lock someone up and you keep them out of trouble for the period of their incarceration. Lock someone up, get them skilled and able to work a decent job, help them find work when they get out and support them, and you may stop them offending for life.

    I know which I'd rather do.

  9. laz001

    laz001 Valued Member

    This is a reality check.

    This is why you should train hard.

    Don't kid yourself anymore. Look in the mirror and ask:

    Can your martial art help prevent this? (WARNING: VIDEO IS DISTURBING).


    You better hope so.

    50 attacks similar to this have occured in ONE weekend.

    Sign the petition. These guys need to be punished for what they have done.

    If only we had the death penalty.
  10. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    Half the Tory party have already been through prison, presumably for this very reason!

  11. jimmytofu

    jimmytofu A majority of one

    It seems like a rhetorical question. Prison per se doesn't deter me as I have no inclination or urge to commit a crime.

    I guess you don't go around stabbing people because you don't want to go to prison.
  12. Johnno

    Johnno Valued Member


    "Ooh, dress up as matron, with a Margaret Thatcher mask, and.... SPANK ME, David!"

  13. xen

    xen insanity by design

    then the chances are it isn't in your nature to commit a prisonable offence.

    the idea of having your liberty removed is a secondary factor, which reinforces your innate drive to be law-abiding, but i suspect the fact you are not a criminal has little to do with the thought of any potential consequeces.

    remember, when a group of people hold up a securicor van, they do it having planned to escape to a better life. If they knew they were going to prison, they wouldn't do it.

    there is always a chance that you won't get caught and for some, it seems, that is much more tempting than the fear of incarceration.

    if prison was an effective deterant then they would be empty not full ;)

    its like locks on doors, they keep the honest people free from falling foul of curiosity, they don't stop someone who is determined to get passed them.

    the thought of going to prison doesn't stop me from mugging people, my inner sense of what is acceptable behaviour does.

    the idea of prison reinforces my attitudes about behaviour, but if i didn't have my inner sense of ethics, morality, call it whatever, i doubt the fear of prison alone would stop me commiting crime.

    if our illustrious politicians want to 'get tough on crime' they should get realistic about the causes of crime and start thinking about how to reach out to the next generation of underprivilaged kids who get bombarded with media images of violence and malice on the one hand; while having a their heads filled the idea that unless they have the latest nike air, ipod, xb360 etc their lives will be incomplete.

    Its time we as a society started to reject the consumer, me, me, me world we have allowed to be created, stop selling the BS idea's about lifestyle and began to develop a sense of community, founded on clear values and principles, which is inclusive instead of divisive.

    give a kid a sense of purpose, a sense that the world they live in is a shared space, not their personal playground and give them some hope for the future and you have just reduced the risk of them randomly striking out in blind rage against a faceless, soul-less society which promises them the earth and delivers only a cheap plastic copy of happiness which goes out of fashion before the end of the season.

    And which leaves them feeling cheated and angry at the hypocracy of it all.
  14. Johnno

    Johnno Valued Member

    Everyone commits crimes. Mostly of a minor nature, but we all do it. And for every crime there is a punishment (potentially) which will have a level of 'deterrence' for each person.

    Of course most people don't want to go around stabbing people, and the punishment isn't the reason for it.

    But consider something illegal you might do (like dodging your TV licence, or breaking the speed limit) and ask yourself whether you'd think twice if there was a good chance of you (a) getting caught, and (b) going to prison.
  15. ItalianStallion

    ItalianStallion Valued Member

    Yeh, my bad, I read wrong. However the other two got off, and I do believe being an accessory to murder is liable to a charge of murder.
  16. ItalianStallion

    ItalianStallion Valued Member

    I signed it, however, I dont think judges are meant to take into account petitions.
  17. crescentkick

    crescentkick New Member

    I signed it. Funny, you say you wish for the death penalty. I fight our Govn. Every day trying to get it abolished here.But this is not the place for that debate. hope they get the maximum.
  18. Johnno

    Johnno Valued Member

    Quote from the original article:

    "Sullivan and Onokah, both painters and decorators, were cleared of murder but convicted of wounding with intent and causing grievous bodily harm."

    The kid who killed the guy was convicted of murder.

    I'm not sure if there is a specific offense along the lines of 'aiding and abetting murder'. Maybe there should be.
  19. kmguy8

    kmguy8 Not Sin Binned

    good video
    thank you
    i'll add it to my library of such vids
    perhaps showing students and keeping our training based on these realistic type fo scenarios and attacks will help save another.....
    that is the only good that can coe from this ...
    i did not sign... i do not think it is needed....
    the boys will have lots of time to think...
    regardless of the outcome
    what a shame they killed those boys and wasted their own lives in the process
    thanks again
  20. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    I signed it, I hope that they take overseas signatures :D ! Seriously hope that the suspects get what is deserved, in this case death. That is just my opinion but I see no reason to keep people who kill for no apparent reason alive. :Angel:

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