
Discussion in 'Aikido' started by SPAWNPAIN, Oct 30, 2003.


    SPAWNPAIN New Member

    Wich is your favorite technique and explain why? You can name two as well :eek:

    Mines are Kote gaeshi because it really works it is kind of easy and gets you out of the trouble really fast.

    My second one is shihonage it takes the enemy by surprise and when he realizes of what is going " ta tannnnnn " :D no more arm ;)
  2. Pasante

    Pasante New Member

    I'm a fan of Nikyo at the moment... and (I'm afriad I don't really remember the Japanese names for the techniques :) ) 'that one where they grab you from behind and you 'atemi' their nads before twisting out and putting on the sankyo (I remember that word :) ) grip.... heh, I hope you know what I mean... I'm not sure I do :p
  3. timmeh!

    timmeh! New Member

    Not sure of the Japanese too, but Kote gaeshi and sumio tosh are the favourites in the Randori no kata.
    I like pretty much anything where uke gets some 'air' :D
  4. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Irimi-nage. One version is the straight-shot-clothesline-across-the-neck that Steven Seagal does in his movies. Another version is where you spin uke around with a tenkan rotation, and then do the clothesline thing.
  5. Sub zero

    Sub zero Valued Member


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