Question for the Moderator

Discussion in 'Western Martial Arts' started by Punchy, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. Punchy

    Punchy Purely Practical

    I understand there was an extensive discussion in Western Martial Arts about why old time boxers adopted the stance with arms held more or less out, seemlingly leaving their head open. Do you recall this thread? If so how could I get access to it?
  2. Melanie

    Melanie Bend the rules somewhat.. Supporter

  3. Louie

    Louie STUNT DAD Supporter

    Boxing thread....

    Thanks Melanie that should be it :rolleyes:

    Hi Punchy

    The early boxers adopted this stance with arms held more or less out, to prevent their opponent rushing in to grapple which was part of boxing at the time .... (In much the same way as Chinese Wing Chun).

    Although old photos/pictures show a rigid extended arm stance, boxers moved their arms around and switched lead leg & there were boxers around who fought using 'modern-looking' stances.


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