Practice with resisting opponent's!

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by INTERNAL BOXING, Mar 31, 2005.

  1. kiaiki

    kiaiki Valued Member

    There seems to be an 'applied' version to control most ukemi. We even learned tomoe-nage in a 'controlled' variation of this stomach throw, mostly executed with uke in a headlock. As one never wishes to sacrifice posture or advantage, uke is held al the way over, so crashes onto his lower spine. Tori then flips him over so that he is face down, pins/snaps one arm in a straight armlock and uses his other hand to grab the attacker's throat and crush the windpipe (military version: slash or rip it out). Nice...but not recommended for the street, I think, where I would never use a sacrifice throw, however controlled.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2005

    INTERNAL BOXING Banned Banned

    Your arms and hands - slapping the mat (which might otherwise be used to take the sting out of the fall) are all but ineffective because of the dynamics of the fall its self

    The major point of contact with the ground as you hit is probably your upper back.

    I think you miss understood, dave humm we will drop back to one knee, then sit to our butt, then rolll over our shoulder If done correctly you never even touch your head or upper spine on the mat. I would be interested in seeing how you take a break fall from sumi-otoshi can you explain it please.
  3. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    I will take a digital photo of this technique and the ukemi Thursday evening during class and post it here on Friday. okis ?

    The method you describe is kihon ushiro-ukemi and can only be performed correctly (as we've discussed) *IF* tori physically lets go of uke to allow them to execute a "roll" It is the method I no longer teach.

    If Tori introduces his/her hips in to the technique, the rolling ukemi you describe just isn't sufficiant to survive


    This technique was iniciated from gyaku hanmi katate dori and recieved by tori with a full tenkan, I know this by looking at the position of tori relative to his uke, tori is 'cutting' through uke's centre line as well as using his hips and his own centre through the position in space where uke once stood.

    Please note that tori isn't physically holding uke yet full contact is still evident despite the nage waza aspect, this illustrates that uke is fully commited to the grip (or otherise an attack) Consider tori in this picture holding a tanto with his left hand, now it becomse a bit more obvious why uke would be holding this wrist in an attempt to prevent the weapon from being used.

    If this picture was taken from a striking form of attack, tori would be physically holding uke's forearm


    Please note: this image is taken from the internet, I do not own the image or in fact have permission to use it however, I will be very happy to replace it with those of my own, its use here is a stop-gap until Friday to show the nature of the ukemi I use. If the owners of the image find it here, I offer my apologies for the infringment on any copyright if such exists, no moral or physical theft intended.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2005

    INTERNAL BOXING Banned Banned

    Thanks for posting that picture that made it very clear. I think that your method sounds much better for practicing. Thanks for expanding my view and knowledge of Aikido dave.
  5. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    Your very welcome mate.

    Thank you for the compliment.


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