Petition to make Paganism a right

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by 2E0WHN, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. pauli

    pauli mr guillotine

    that's what i was getting at. you just used bigger words.
  2. 2E0WHN

    2E0WHN Valued Member

    Lil, in the 1950's it was passed by the UN that no country should "opress" any belief in any country. As long as it does not go against the law of the country. So since the 50's when Pagans and the act of Witchcraft and being a witch was thrown out, people have been Pagan in the UK for that ammount of time.
  3. 2E0WHN

    2E0WHN Valued Member

    Got told this on a website I know and moderate on:

    So it is not as straightforward as it seems. :confused: :eek:

    Do not ask me about the Discordians (discos as they are called) and the subgenii. It gives me a headache just thinking about it all. We are having enough problems on the forum I am on with the Discos to cause concern.
  4. jkzorya

    jkzorya Moved on by request

    I have to say I feel very little sympathy for the belief sysytem of anyone who jokes about drowning puppies.
  5. adouglasmhor

    adouglasmhor Not an Objectivist

    The Pagan Federation can only police PF members. Otherwise it would be like a Catholic Bishop telling Presbyterians what to do.

    I am a recognized Discordian Pope and I have the following rights uinder my church but not under UK law.

    The rights of a =POPE= include but are not necessarily limited to:

    1. To invoke infallibility at any time, including retroactively.
    2. To completely rework the Erisian church.
    3. To baptise, bury, and marry (with the permission of the deceased in the latter two cases).
    4. To ex-communicate, de-ex-communicate, re-ex-communicate, and de-re-ex-communicate (no backsies!) both his-/her-/it-/them-/your-/our-/His-/Her-/It-/Them-/Your-/Our-self/selves and others (if any).
    5. To perform all rites and functions deemed inappropriate for a Pope of Discordia."


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