Personal Trainer?

Discussion in 'Ninjutsu' started by The Force, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. The Force

    The Force Valued Member

    I would like to move myself through the art of Ninjutsu, I know people have their opinions about training with a personal trainer and in a class of practitioners but I really would like to have a personal trainer where I can train one on one with rather than being in a group of class. It is just the way I am comfortable with.

    This is the website of the Bujinkan Ninjutsu class near my place:

    But I don't know if they have personal trainers. I was wondering if there's anyone here who is a part of this Bujinkan Hachimon Dojo Malaysia. Thank you for your time.:)
  2. Terrior

    Terrior Valued Member

    Well why don't you contact James Lee (the main instructor there) and find out? Thats what I did when I was over there recently, his email address and phone number is on the that website under "contact us".
    James is a nice guy and I'm sure he will be willing to answer your questions.
    (I dont know the answer myself though)
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2008
  3. Marnet

    Marnet Banned Banned

    You can probably get some one on one classes but they will be more expensive.
  4. The Force

    The Force Valued Member

    Thank you for the replies guys, I emailed Mr.James Lee last night, waiting for his reply. Got an automatic reply that says if I don't get a reply in 4 days I should call to his cell number. Hmm I hope there's a personal trainer.:bow1:
  5. The Force

    The Force Valued Member

    No reply to email, looks like I'm just gonna have to call.
  6. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    or (god forbid) go down there.

    Group classes are more beneficial in Martial Arts because you actually have someone at your level to work with. I get privates all the time. Today it was me and one other guy training, and it didn't cost any extra.

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