
Discussion in 'Aikido' started by OwlMAtt, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. OwlMAtt

    OwlMAtt Armed and Scrupulous

    I'm looking into a local dojo that used to be part of Nippon-Kan (their head instructor is a Hombu person now), and one of their regular instructors got his black belt from Nippon-Kan. I've been looking around the internet for information on Nippon-Kan aikido and what distinguishes it from other styles, but I've found very little. Can anyone shed some light on this?
  2. dentoiwamaryu

    dentoiwamaryu Valued Member

    YOur talking about the Nippon-Kan with its HQ in Denver headed by Gaku Homma Sensei? If so then I cant tell you anything about the level of his deshi especially if they have been training in other styles. You should check out the main website for info on him. Basically he was a deshi in Iwama during Osensei's final years and then became a deshi to Morhiro Saito after O'sensei entrusted Saito to carry on looking after the Iwama dojo and shrine. I would say that Iwama is his main background but he has defiantly developed his own way. Only one way to know what you think... get on the mat or watch a class
  3. OwlMAtt

    OwlMAtt Armed and Scrupulous

    I'm definitely going to get out on the mat with the guy; I just wanted to try and get a feel for what Nippon-Kan is. Thanks for the info.

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