Nachi's Log

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by Nachi, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    This was a working weekend, so I only managed traditional walk each day. Had I more time, I'd walk more at least, but...

    Saturday: 5,3 km in 1:07, 367 kcal burned.

    Sunday: 4,3 km in 0:55, 335 kcal burned.
    axelb likes this.
  2. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Monday 5.2.18:

    Sensei, working in an elementary school, has holiday this week and he announced he'd be in the dojo every day and will be on all the trainings. Starting today, when there is no official adult training... so I decided to go there instead of CrossFit. However, my CrossFit friend asked me if I'd come today. She has some medical procedures in front of her and won't come for a few weeks. So... I decided I will try to make it to both! :)

    Starting with:


    - Warm up: 7 minutes of:
    30 Single unders
    6 box step-ups
    (not very fast)
    10 hip extensions - something on the strange machine and an exercise I haven't done before
    10 cradles or what - do hollow hold basically and swing back and forth 10x. It was strange I was sure I am doing it wrong, so I was asked what was the strange expression for :D

    - Stretching for the shoulders

    - Jerk practise - only practise with the empty bar
    - 10x dip and drive practise - don't use arms strenght, only body to throw the bar up a bit
    - 10x the same thing, but throw it all the way into extended arms, even if you have to squat a bit lower
    - 10x use arms, too, but stay a bit in the down position

    - Actually fun :) Instructor wanted us to learn the technique and actually praised my throwing the bar all the way up :) I actually thing it is what I do normally (finally, something right :D ). So I was generally able to throw the bar up, but then the slight squat as in a normal jerk made me kinda pull the bar back down

    Today was a class of EMOMs - all were for 6 minutes, 2 min rest between each EMOM

    1st EMOM - 6 pull-ups and 10 sit-ups each minute. I used the rubber band as usual, usually finished at around 40 I think? If we couldn't do it under 45, we were told to stop at that time to get the 15 s rest

    2nd EMOM - 12 kcal for guys, 8 kcal for women - rowing on the rowing machine. It usually took me around 35 s

    3rd EMOM - Goblet squats - 16 kg kettlebell for women, 24 kg for guys. We were told to take something rather heavier, but I thought this would be tough, so 16 kg seemed enough. It was actually easier than I thought. We were supposed to do 10 goblet squats in the first minute, 11 in the second... up to 15 in the last. I think they are actually easier when done fast, so I finished even the last round after 17 s.

    4th EMOM - 15 box jump-overs each minute - finished usually around 35 s
    - When we saw at the beginning of the class, I made a sour face about this. The instructor, however, said it was pretty easy, he can do 15 box jump-overs in 17 seconds. I didn't believe that and asked if he did all six minutes and after all those EMOMs. He said yes, he'll show us if we want to. So I made sure to rememeber until after the class :D He tried to make excuses that the next group was waiting there, but me and a friend called him over when the group was doing their warm-up. We made sure to place my box in the position for men - so it is higher and my friend got a stop watch. He actually finished the 15 jump-overs in 16 s :eek: That's ridiculous! I mean, he, when jumpin off it, just almost slid of, didn't quite jump up, not even one cm, so he was faster and saved some energy.... What a joke... :mad:

    Polar results:
    Time: 1:09
    Max HR: 181
    Average HR: 127
    Training benefit: Tempo training
    Kcal: 489
    Fat burn: 30 %

    axelb likes this.
  3. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Monday 5.2.18

    Training II:


    Normally there aren't official classes on Monday, though the dojo is free to use for personal training, but as I explained above sensei announced training today. Because of that, I thought there will probably not be many people there and it would be a nice class and I was right. There were four of us including sensei, so we practised in pairs, always changing all the partners. Because I ate after crossfit and have it a bit of a way to the dojo, I arrived just as they were already doing the initial etiquette. I went to, well, not dress, just out my jacket into the changing room and they probably went through Gekisai katas and were just starting Sanchin. I should have waited until they finished, bow to sensei and join the class, but hey, Sanchin! and its beginnign, so I inconspicuously joined in, too. However, after getting into the Sanchin stance and "grabbing" the floor, something suddenly felt weird. Sure enough as I arrived already in sports clothes, I also kept my socks on XD So I bowed out and after returning just waited until they finish the Sanchin and joined in just in time for:

    - Kanryo Higaonna's Sanchin (I haven't done this turning version in a while!)
    - Junbi Undo

    -Sensei had us put on the body padding. I thought it would be tough training today, but we really didn't go about hitting each other, just trying to sometimes and if we did, its fine as we have the padding. I still suspect sensei he just wanted us to sweat, spending the whole of a training in those vests, with the heating on (there is still a hole inthe glass door to the outside only held tigether by a tape), and windows closed. He sometimes want to simulate Okinawa a bit and today felt just like that was his plan :D Also considering a friend asked like three time during the class if we can go drink, but sensei always said: Not yet. And as I suspected, it was "not yet" until the end :D

    - We practised hiki uke and combination of age, yoko and harainuke on the spot, then with a partner - with all three other people. Hmm, this is strange to say, but I felt like those people used to be stronger, although by a bit, but I still felt like I used to have tougher time. I think I can really see the results of the CrossFit training here! :)

    - Then we did three types/variations of San Dan Gi Ichi - 4x solo, 3x with a partner, the same with Renzoku kumite Gekisai Dai Ni and then Renzoku Saifa.
    - Then, with only one partner we went through all the bunkai we know quickly. We were two brown belts together and sensei told us to try Shisochin, too, if we remember. I rememebered a few bunkai, but wasn't certain of some places, but my partner has a very good memory for this stuff and he actually was able to remember all! :) Then we asked sensei if they were correct and he checked by watching us go through them once more and showed us those we had a bit wrong or I asked about something.

    - Work-out. I went: "Nooo, I really already worked-out today!" Well, sensei seemed he may actually go easier, then, but I assured him it's alright after all, I'll do anything :) In the end it was 50 push-ups, sit-ups and squats. We all started with push-ups. The guys finished first. When I was like at 30 and did the first twenty without stop (and not too low, to be hones), so I have no idea how it was possible for them to finish so fast. Although guys sometimes do thosee push-ups where they basically only move their upper body, but hips stay more of less fixed. I bet they took it easier that way! I was really depressed when my female friend finished after another 10 of my push-ups. Noooo waaaay! :(:eek: She said she did them on her knees, though. But still... I have a feeling I always finish last when there's a lot of push-ups involved. Dang I need to do better! Push-ups! I'll once get so good at you, just you wait! :D
    I decided to do properly all the exercises, so I did the full sit-ups (all the way up, instead on just getting the shoulder blades off the floor) and normal squats real quick instead of sumo squats. At least to challenge myself a bit more.

    Aftet the two trainings today, I feel good though! It would be nice if there was enough time to train plenty like this more often :)

    Polar results:
    Time: 1:48
    Max HR: 167
    Average HR: 118
    Training benefit: Basic training, long
    Kcal: 659
    Fat burn: 41 %
    axelb likes this.
  4. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Tuesday 6.2.18:


    - I came toward the end of Junbi undo. They started with that, obviously, as I wasn't that late, but sensei tried to sell me that they did so much workng out before... :D
    - A short running and hitting the pads that got us a bit breathy
    - Techniques in a circle - knee strikes + some locks, then combinations, everyone attacking in the air or other people as we all one by one went and worked once with every person.
    - Then in pairs we started some techniques which turned into more than a half of slightly changed bunkai from Seiyunchin. Then we did them solo, like a kihon ido - a bunkai - combination of techniques, usually 1 or 2 walked up and down the dojo, slowly working toward stringing 5 of those different bunkai in one chain, which doesn't sound as difficult as it wa when you need to pay attantion where you need to start blocking from the hind or front arm and when to step to attack from the front etc. And as they were tiny bit changed even... :D
    - One final Sanchin

    Polar results:
    Time: 1:54
    Max HR: 167
    Average HR: 98
    Training benefit: Basic training
    Kcal: 434
    Fat burn: 54 %

    axelb likes this.
  5. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Wednesday 8.2.17:


    - Warm-up: 3 rounds of: 20 lunges, 20 sit-ups with a medicine ball (10 lbs), 20 jumps over the medicine ball
    - Stretching

    - Skill practise: Squat snatch: We were told to focus mostly on technique, not on weight (if I understood correctly), so I took 30 kg and tried to practise the thing I was pointed out by the instructor, which may not seem very hard, but required quite a bit of focus on my part only to do it a little better. I also tried to improve what I know I do wrong, and I thing I managed to do a bit better in that part in the last few reps. I have a lot to work on.

    - Partner WoD: 20-min AMRAP (always one partner works while the other rests - so the numbers are what the partners do when put together, except for the running - both partners run the 4 laps):

    - 100 double-unders or 300 single-unders
    - 80 front squats (25 kg barbell)
    - 4 laps run
    - 70 push-ups
    - 4 laps run
    - 60 shoulder-to-overheads (I picked push-presses) with a 25 kg barbell
    - 4 laps run
    - 40 hanging power cleans
    - 4 laps run

    I declined one offer to make a pair with a girl I was once paired with and which was nice and challenging in favour to be with my friend, who always wants to be with me too. To be honest I would enjoy a bit more of a challenge from time to time (it does sound bad, I know, but still), but she's friend after all, so I told her that I'd be with her unless there is one person without a partner so she could try alone if she wanted. Not motivating enough for her, though.
    I tried to do a bit more reps than her, only in the skipping and whatever barbell exercise when she was adjusting weight on her barbell, otherwise we went 50:50. I tried to do my part as quickly as possible, she was a bit slower, which is understandable, but I then felt a bit bad for doing stuff too quickly as I was rested, but she probably didn't have that much time to rest.
    As for running, my friend has some trouble with her foot, which bugs her during running, even, so she started off a bit slow and I slowed down with her. In like the 3rd rnning, though, I felt like running a bit faster and actually met her by running one lap faster, so she inconspicuously stopped running with me :) I think she should have told about her pains so she could maybe walk or do another exercise instead of running, but she challenges herself, too. When there was like 35 maybe? seconds left and we had the 4 laps run left to finish the whole set, I felt energetica nd like sprinting to at least finish one lap. I kind of knew my friend couldn't do it that fast, but I felt like pouring my energy into it. I finished the lap and had still around 10-15 s left, so I sprinted as I could, what if i did one more lap? Enjoying the nice feeling of the air going past me and of trying to put my everything into this last rep, just untol instructor shouted: "But you have to run together!" Dang XD Ok, it wasn't ice of me, but still. I stopped where I was to wait for my friend. Too bad we didn't finish those last three laps! :) Maybe next time.
    In today's WoD, however, there were basically only "nice" exercises - those I can do, so I kind of enjoyed it.
    Also as I had periods of rest in between, even after my sprint I didn't feel like sitting down and still had time left. I just reached my max HR for this session there and if I were allowed to run more, maybe I could squeeze out more, too! Again, maybe next time :)

    Polar results:
    Time: 1:05
    Max HR: 188
    Average HR: 145
    Training benefit: Tempo & Maximum training
    Kcal: 597
    Fat burn: 24 %
    axelb and Travess like this.
  6. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Thursday 8.2.

    Karate Kids:

    There is a week of school (spring) holidays for kids this week, therefore, only 5 kids came. And the instructors were the usual two of us and head sensei. I sat next to sensei for the etiquette, then we got up and sensei announced we play a game of tag, catching other people by kicking them and of course, just as he was saying that, he kicked my way, as I stood fairly close. However, a situation where sensei announces who catches other people arises often, I have developed a reflex to jump away from other people nearly as soon as I hear a game of tag, so I just kids of expected it ans escaped sensei's kick by a hair's widht. But I was still damn proud about it! :D He then ran afte me, though, and kicked me a few meters further XD A was later running and being chased by one of the kids, taking it quite easy, smug about how he can't catch me just that easily, when I was looking back at him, passing by sensei, and suddenly an arm appeared in front of me, hugged my waist, holding me for the kid, who kicked me! Dang, guessed whom I took a special care to kick next :D It was quite a bit of fun today, though :)
    We had them do some sort of a circular training - work-out and techniques to pads, then also practised kata.

    Karate adults:

    Sensei kind of said we were to do Hojo Undo today. I was really looking forward to it throughout the day, even, as we haven't done it in a while! However, there were a couple of the advanced, orange-belted, yet quite small, slim and young kids, who aren't really fit to try it, so we did something else.

    - Warm-up with easy-paced kata: Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa and both types of Sanchin
    - Junbi Undo and some senseis favourite (knuckle) push-ups and some knuckle side plank holding. After that the last series where you go dow on count, hold and up on count, I decided to do on palms. Not becasue of knuckles, but my arms just aren't strong enough to hold down this way. And soemthing like 90? half sit-ups

    - We repeated the same kata as before (except for the turning Sanchin)

    - Pads in groups of three - each group haveng one men, one women and either a kid or a "disabled" person recovering from injury still ^^ Women changed groups afte each round. Round were always 2x20 for each side of either gyaku tsuki, mae (kin) geri and gyaku mawashi hijiate

    - Still in those groups we did the three-person kakie. I was just with sensei and another men so I thought this would be quite challenging, and it was, especially sensei, but I tried to hold my own aas much as I could. But... they were all sweaty and even their wrists were so slippery (how did they even manage that? XD), so it was all harder becasue of it, too :D It was one type of kakie, then we changed groups and did the normal three person kakie, us women together. It was all easier, I'd die with sensei, so I may have been the one pushing it most, but my shoulders buuuurnt even after the first round when it was me agains two.

    - Renzoku kumite: Gekisai Dai Ichi, Ni and Saifa (solo and only Saifa in pairs, too).

    - Partner drills: San Dan Uke harai: Three punches (jodan, chudan, gedan) and three blocks - a round with age yoko harai, then kake, kaishu hiki (or was it called haishu?) and kaishu harai uke, then open-handed age, otoshi and open handed uchi barai uke. Then we repeated those rounds and added a counter of choice.

    - 20 push-ups and 20 push-ups with hands wide apart in between. Even sensei slowed down and people were sort of moaning when doing the wide-handed push-ups. Am I the weird one for struggling witht the normal ones and much more enjoying these?

    - Then in a circle we sat down, legs up, back up, balancing on our butts and doing first two kata like this. Maybe my fat legs were helping me with balance, but I didn't really find this hard and engaging as I probably should have :D

    - 50 bodyweight exercises of choice - didn't go with the crowd as everyone chose some sit-ups like exercise, but thought 50 was an idea number for something like lunges.

    We did quite a lot of things today! So it was a good training. :)

    Polar results:
    Time: 3:05
    Max HR: 172
    Average HR: 99
    Training benefit: Basic training
    Kcal: 569
    Fat burn: 47 %
    axelb and Travess like this.
  7. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Friday 9.2.


    The usual instructor went off on holiday probably, so the head instructor took today's classes. I haven't had a training with her for quite a while, but my impression from her still stands. She's the biggest devil there XD The class was very exhausting today, not only the WoD, but Warm-up was fairly devilish, too.

    - Warm-up: 5 rounds of: 6 air squats, 10 m bear walk, 6 push-ups, 10 m frog jumps.
    Yeah, I tried to go rather fast to have some time to rest then and I tried to do everything properly, but after I finished, my thighs felt like blocks of wood. The stiffness was pretty much the same XD

    - Stretching

    - 14 min EMOM: every couple(!) of minutes do:
    - 3 back squats (heavy, around 80-85% of max advised) and 15 x pull rubber band towards you.
    Pulling the rubber wasn't as hard. Instructor appologized that it was a boring exercise, but it should be beneficial for us, she said.
    I am not sure how to count the 80-85 % max, but I just went with whatever I found on the border between comfortable and hard enough, which was 60 kg. I saw the other girls took less, but decided I won't care, I need to challenge myself a bit and god knows how it's all counted :D

    - WoD - 18 mins time cap. Today's WoD was fairly similar as the last one I wrote about here, except it wasn't done in pairs and was kind of even worse... XD

    - Buy in: 100 double-unders or 300 single-unders
    - 50 box jump-overs
    - 2 laps run
    - 40 kettlebell snatches - 16 kg for women, I tried but gave up and took the 12 kg kettlebell I prepared. Too many reps for such a heavy weight. I struggle with 16 kg.
    - 2 laps run
    - 30 cleans
    - 2 laps run

    - 20 kettlebell swings (16 kg)
    - Buy out: 100 double-unders or 300 single-unders

    Ugh. This was terrible. I hated so many box jump-overs and of course, the 300 single unders took generally longer than 100 double-unders. I did't stop too many times. The rope got caught like three times in the buy in, but I lost quite a lot of time as the rope I took was a bit cracked and when the rope got caught under my feet at first, the wiry part flew out of the handle, never mind the iron piece holding it in place and that one flew even further. So I spent a bit of time putting it back together. It only hapened again during the buy out and hit me in the same place, but I just asked the guy next to me (who finished way too soon in my opinion :D) if I could borrow his as I didn't have nerves and my fingers were already shaking a bit and it was just getting harder to tie the rope back and the time was soon running out. I had really enough of all this. I was running slowly and took way too many breaks during the cleans. But it was simply too much. Luckily, I finished in time - 17:15. There were people inhumanly fast (my neighbor finished before 13 mins passed), but definitely not everyone finished at all. I feel drained today. And like I need to get better.

    Polar results:
    Time: 3:05
    Max HR: 181
    Average HR: 141
    Training benefit: Maximum training (13,5 minutes in the 5th HR zone)
    Kcal: 624
    Fat burn: 25 %
    axelb likes this.
  8. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Saturday 10.2.18:

    Birdwatching trip with a short walk in the morning: 3,9 km in 1:02, 319 kcal.

    After many months, we finally decided to restart our kobudo classes!


    Today was the first one. I thought I forgot most of the stuff, but when we started with the bo, it wasn't as bad! Of course, I needed to be reminded of some techniques etc., but we even remembered the Bo kata! We went through Bo hojo undo ichi and ni, Bo kihon kata and Kumibo (I hope I linked the exercise to the right name :D ). We did also a liiittle bit of nunchuks. We didn't remember the kata there, but sensei showed of and talked about some techniques and had us practise jodan, chudan and gedan strikes from different kamae and so on.

    I was constantly reminded to do something about my back as usual (I almost forgot about this!). Sensei means well and is right that my lower back is too caved in and I should straighten it up, it bugs me too, but isn't nearly as easy and frankly impossible to get it in one vertical line when standing in zenkutsu dachi.

    I am happy we tried again and hopefully I and all of us will be able to find enough time for these classes!

    Polar results:
    (these trainings are purely technical, no work-out, but I wanted to try to measure it too)
    Time: 1:54
    Max HR: 112
    Average HR: 86
    Training benefit: Recovery training
    Kcal: 270
    Fat burn:
    axelb likes this.
  9. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Sunday 11.2.18

    Me and my partner were close to the dojo, so we decided to squeeze in a short practise. There wasn't much time, but we wanted to go through all the Bo things we did yesterday. We went through everything once, but did the kata three times. After that we put the staffs away and went through all of our karate bunkai quickly. And Sanchin kata. Once slowly, once full power, though I didn't feel like going all out - I simply wasn't in the mode, so I was still lessening the effort during the kata.

    Polar results:
    Time: 0:41
    Max HR: 125
    Average HR: 105
    Training benefit: Basic training
    Kcal: 266
    Fat burn: 54 %
    axelb likes this.
  10. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Is your Dojo open and accessible to use whenever you want?

  11. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Well I have a key ^^ So as long as there is no class...
    It would seem it is a pity I don't use it often enough, but the dojo is quite far away from my place.
  12. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    We have been trying to get hold of our own keys to 'our' hall for a few years now, but the Parish council (who owns the building) say that it is forbiden by their insurance carrier...:oops:

    Shame really, as the hall is the other side of the road, directly opposite my daughters school (they even share a carpark) which would allow me 30 minutes of free Kata practice (assuming the hall is not in use) after school drop off, and another 30 minutes before school pick up...

    Nachi likes this.
  13. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Aww. that's a shame! And for a reason like that...

    I have an advantage that we have a full-time dojo in a building own by the city and rented by sensei. There are also some yoga or pilates classes, but mostly karate.
    I got my key when I was an orange belt, I think and sensei asked me to stand in for a kids class around Christmas. When I wanted to return it, he told me to keep it. There are several of us with keys, actually, as several of us help with the teaching, too, or got our key through some other circumstances (someone lived in the dojo for a while, a higher grade who got a key so they could practise by themselves etc.). This really is a big advantage we have.
    Travess likes this.
  14. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Monday 12.2. 18


    - Warm-up - stretching: Started with hollow hold -> cradle -> cradle while holding onto a rubber band pulled by partner
    2x4 cat-bear-walk things, crab walk, some stretchy walk and kind of spiderman push-upish walk (yeah, my pro language :D)

    - 20-min work-out:
    5 toes to bars - I did them properly today, for practise, it wasn't a work-out where we had to rush, rather a strenght practise one
    10 chest-to-bars (I took a black rubber band. Most women take something a bit less helpful, so the instructor gave me: "Where the heck did you find this?" :D
    20 double-unders - we weren't told about any single-under equivalent, just that the instructor doesn't care how we do it, but we must do it. So I did, 1 to 5 reps at a time, slashing myself a lot (while i still have jump-rope slashes from last week...)
    5 target burpees - jumping up touching both hands to a horizontal bar
    10 s L-sit (I only held knees up, not outsretched legs)
    20 double-unders

    We were supposed to do 5 rounds, but I always got stuck with the double-unders for quite a while, so I got exactly to the half. Also my head was spinning a bit today and I was breathing harder than I thought normal for this kind of work-out where I wasn't rushing. I am not sure, but I suspect it was due to the double-unders. Are they that hard? Maybe they are. Maybe I also wasn't drinking enough

    I was feeling weakish after this so I thought it will be a struggle today and I decided not to push it.

    WoD: Scaled down "DT" - a named work-out, but we were told to get less weight (I wouldn't be able to do the original at all):
    5 rounds of:
    12 deadlifts
    9 hang power cleans
    6 jerks

    40 kg for men, 30 kg for women

    I decided to take the 30 kg, but not rush it. And I did just that. The weight was just about too heavy for rushing now. I mean deadlifts were ok, jerks were quite ok too (though I again did push-presses that I prefer, although we were told to try jerks even if they are easier), but the most I struggled with the hang power cleans. I think I just have a bad technique. I kind of suppose they should not be harder than jerks? In theory... I took breaks, I finished, although although I was just about the slowest finishing at 10:37.

    We were then showed some nice stretching exercises.

    Polar results:
    Time: 1:07
    Max HR: 180
    Average HR: 139
    Training benefit: Tempo training
    Kcal: 569
    Fat burn: 25 %
    Morik, axelb and Knee Rider like this.
  15. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Tuesday 13.2.18

    Karate, sort of:

    We started with playing catchball, or rather, catchglove, with sumo squats for being hit, having the glove caught, hitting mirror, picture of any sensei, etc. So quite a lot of squatting actually :D It was fun and we played for quite long, until.... I sort of hit the toe of my partner's already injured foot... I would write here about what I am, but that would breach the ToS, I think, so, I'll just say that I was really sorry :( He took his leave and I went with him, icing it for the rest of class. But when we went to the changing rooms, I was called in to give a brief summary and join the final short belly work-out.

    My Polar was running all the time, though, so almost an hour and a half of this was me sitting, but:

    Polar results:
    Time: 2:00
    Max HR: 160
    Average HR: 83
    Training benefit: Steady state and Basic training
    Kcal: 342
    Fat burn: 53 %
    axelb likes this.
  16. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    I think a more accurate statement of 'what you are' should be taken from the steps you took after the Accident, as well as with how bad hurting a fellow classmate actually made you feel...

  17. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Thank you for the kind words. Unfortunately, my care for about an hour won't really change anything, nor me feeling bad about it :( I can just hope it stops hurting him soon.
  18. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter


    I originally planned to buy new entrances and go to crossfit, however, lately, I don't sleep long enough (with the exception of this Sunday), only sleeping 6 hours a day since then and... sometimes I cope quite ok, but on Wednesday I had slight headache, felt drained and a liiitle sickish occassionally, so I decided to pass. And did totally nothing! Yay :D

    Also, as I wrote I hurt the toe of my partner on Tuesday, the next day the toe was swollen and with a bruise, so it is most likely broken :(

    Thursday 15.2.

    Karate kids:

    Around 8 kids today. They were as noisy as usual, though the older ones still aren't appearing lately, but still in the borders of what I think the kids need to be noisy, if it makes sense, so I let them be if it was manageble, if someone was doing something untoward, burpees were the answer. Although there was quite a bit of shouting, I still have a good feeling about how today's class went. I just need to be firm enough. We did variations of game of tag. I wanted to warm up with some team racing, but half the kids came late, so the team would be too small for what I wanted to do. After stretching where each kid had to show one exercise, we did mae geri to the pads because I wanted to do the combination from Gekisai Dai Ichi consisting of 5 techniques, starting with mae geri. Two techniques was as far as we went, but that wasn't a problem, there is always next time. I am planning to slowly, inconpicuously introduce them to the parts of kata and chain it together later, as they don't respond well to drilling the kata. Some work-out doing ducks, frogs and similar exercises at the end.

    Karate adults:
    Both senseis present today :)
    - Some team running at the beginning, then doing a squat or push-up or lie or sit down in the middle of running up and down the dojo. Nice :) It puped me up and I kind of wanted to do some more running or proper workout later (senesi promised, but we really didn't in the end)... so I was all jumpy on the spot XD
    - Junbi Undo
    - Senseis favourite half sit-up and knuckle push-up session. I tried the best I could today. Actually went all the way down when we were supposed to keep low until next count. I finally figured out that position, even rested (only) my chin on the floor, however, getting up wasn't very easy. And as if sensei wanted to make things as bad as usual for me, he counted up and down then again in such a quick succession that I couldn't keep up with that. At least I could cold the down position XD

    - A lot of tsugi ashi (forward type of movement) = yose ashi, alone and then with several different techniques. I felt good about it today, actually! I wasn't sure about my yoko geri which sensei wanted us to do in not the usual way, but he said "nice" when I was passing by him, so it made me somewhat happy ^^
    - We then drilled those tehcniques, movements and combinations in pairs, which took quite some time. Sensei then added one combinaion, when the defender blocks mawashi geri and usus the movement to turn around and kick with ura-mawashi geri. Quite fancy, but fun :D I tried a few times and thought I should add more speed to the turn when... you know, our dojo isn't very big and each pair took a place for themswlves, but we weren't too far apart. And next to us were our senseis practising hte same. When head sensei was just kicking towards his partner, I was turning to kick my partner and... ehm... kick the sensei just blocking another kick instead :oops: With a loud slap of my calf across her butt XD

    - A very short "randori" - free and easy trying of the combinations we drilled (or others)

    - Good training today! Although I really felt like sprinting or at elast working out at the end. And we didn't! So saaaad! Maybe it was due to me missing crossfit yesterday, now that I think about it :eek:

    Polar results:
    Time: 3:05
    Max HR: 171
    Average HR: 119
    Training benefit: Basic & Steady state training, long
    Kcal: 1159
    Fat burn: 37 %

    axelb and Travess like this.
  19. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    So I had a very... well, I wouldn't say lazy weekend, it was actually quite busy as I had a commission to work on and there was a lot of work. It is a good thing, unfortunately, I didn't have time left to even go out on any walk or do anything, so, a rest weeekend.

    And a rest day on Friday, too. I am usually going to CrossFit, but I have only been on Monday this week and it may take a little bit of time, before I go again (like a week maybe). To explain: I just finished my 10-entrance card and was about to purchase another one. However, on that day, it was announced the payment on their site doesn't work until early this week, probably. It was possible to pay in the gym, but I decided not to go on wednesday as I was a bit lazy and not feeling well. One or two days later, however, there was another announcement, this time about the prices for the gym going up since March. Well, I considered the place not very cheap and they were going to up the prices even more... Well, I guess I am happy the gym prospers, but....
    So, this is where I got thinking a bit. Some time ago I thought about getting a half a year unlimited membership which would pay off if I went three times a week most of the weeks. In the end I wasn't sure if I would and didn't want to feel pressured into having to go, so I changed my mind. Now, however, since the prices are going up at the beginning of March... whatever membership I get before that will be at the old price. Soooo, I think I'll wait until their payment system works and as soon as it does, I am getting the half a year membership for the old price. Like this, going twice a week will still pay off and I think I will be able to do that.
    So... I originally planned to go to crossfit today, but... it may very well get postponed still. Getting a few days to relax completely couldn't be a bad thing from time to time, right?
    axelb likes this.
  20. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Yeah, yeah, yeah - Keep telling yourself that... ;)

    Nachi likes this.

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