Mushindokai UK and Terence Dukes

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Thompsons, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. Thompsons

    Thompsons Valued Member

    Hi Folks

    Its been a while since i was here the last time. This is bit of a strange post, i am not sure how to categorize it!
    All the way back in 1995 i visited the UK, more specifically the Norwich area to attend a seminar with the Mushindokai Group and their lead Terence Dukes.

    It was not for me allthough the students i met were very friendly. I know this Group more or less disintegrated some years later, i unfortunately sent over lots of Photos from a stay at the Shaolin Temple to Mr Dukes to his so-called temple, the "Kongoryu Ji".

    I wrote a couple of times to the organisation afterwards but didnt get any replies, i am just wondering if anyone in here knows if any other organisation has taken over the works of Dukes? and if there are any current valid contacts to them? I would politely ask to have those photos returned, as naive as it probably sounds i think it would be worth a try.

    Would appreciate any feedback if someone has contact info to these folks - if anyone of them are still around.

  2. Late for dinner

    Late for dinner Valued Member

  3. Thompsons

    Thompsons Valued Member

    Thanks LFD

    And thanks for the link. Yes, my warning signals went red during the 5 days or so that i was with this guy, i can understand though while many found him to be convincing of sorts- he seemed like a good speaker. I came to Norwich as a brown belt in Ashihara Karate and had been long enough "in the game" to disagree with the application of techniques that was taught, yet while you are a guest you are polite right....

    My thoughts are really with his former students, some spent many many years with him and his organisation.

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