More fun with guns in the US...

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by slipthejab, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Here's one that happened slightly before the Virginia Tech massacre. No doubt it will not get much media play now. But once again... it's a sad testament to the way things work in the US legal system when the guy has a record like he has and is convicted on the charges he was... and gets out in four years.... :eek:

    Go figure. Is it any surprise?
    Not really. But it's damn sad that we're not being surprised by this. :cry:
  2. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    Hmmm Slip. A convicted felon somehow got a gun! Legally no doubt! :rolleyes: And then went a killed this poor woman. I am sure that he was concerned about getting the weapon by following the Gun Laws that GA. has in place. NOT!
  3. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    I was actually more disturbed by the fact that he killed someone during a robbery - was caught, convicted, and only served four years of a ten year sentence.

    I don't expect he'd have tried to buy a gun by legal means anyhow.
  4. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    Well you have hit on an important point Slip and I am sure Gangrel will back me on this one (provide Hell doesn't freeze). US prisons are so over crowded that many prisoners on serve 2/3rd's of their time. We simply can't house everyone for "the duration".

    No, this guy could find a gun any where. I am sure he never worried about the gun laws. He wanted one. He got one. He used one. Next.
  5. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    err... I've already agreed with that point.
  6. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    Yes you did Slip. And I acknowledge that! I have spent the last hour going over the whole Gun debate in the "other" thread. Being a gun owner and Certified Firearms instructor I have my own ideas about Gun Laws. Let me just say, I dumped my membership to the NRA almost 18 years ago. Getting rid of guns, all guns, would only lead to what we see in the UK and other countries that have very strict gun laws. The bad guys just pick another weapon to use. Hence we have the issue with swords now. Whats next? Bricks? Sharpened sticks? Blowguns? Let's ban fists because you never know when a Ninjer trained assasin might go off the deep end. It really can get rediculous. :D

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