MMA & Systema

Discussion in 'MMA' started by Samurai Jay, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. Killa_Gorillas

    Killa_Gorillas Banned Banned

    My dad's harder than your dad.
  2. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    Yeah, well my mums harder than your dad. Well she could kill him with her cooking anyway.

    Honestly I think systema1 should go have a lay down.

    I can see him talking himself into a ban.
  3. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter it was Bury not Manchester. That explains a lot.

    And I am certainly not your boy - I might be younger, but employment of such an epithet is indicative that you are in a corner and are noew falling back on "hovis" logic....."when I were a lad"

    Although quite why I am suprised is something else...

    Gotcha. No evidence at all then.


    Nope - weakest there is. In fact it is the single worst example of evidence available to man next to rumour

    No, I sound like someone with a defensible position. Even with your "few years headstart" I still 100% guarantee that I have had more real-word experience than you. Nothing to do with insecurity - in fact it was you who fell back on the "have you ever had a fight?" argument. By logical extension you feel that this qualifies you. To that end I raised the point from my end.

    It is kind of an occupational hazard of mine

    I am not going to start throwing names out, but I can give you his qualifications....would that make you admit he is more qualified to speak on this matter than you? Let me know before I post it because right know your face and an egg have a huge collision coming

    You mean you are losing and don't like it much? You took this debate down this path and now you are trying to play a wounded martyr to internet protocol? Please!

    Don't start what you cannot finish
  4. spidersfrommars

    spidersfrommars Valued Member

    You mean you don't know what they say about 28 year-olds!? I'd tell you but it would be a serious violation of the TOS.
  5. Killa_Gorillas

    Killa_Gorillas Banned Banned

    Oh yeah? yeah? Well my brother's in the paras and once knocked out 20 lads in a fight over some slurs on an underage blonde girls chastity, at the local fair... they were all 6 foot tall, black with ginger hair. Now who's won the internet eh??? Plus he's older than you.
  6. Killa_Gorillas

    Killa_Gorillas Banned Banned

    I think that's 20, 8yr olds isn't it :hat:
  7. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Hang on my grandad is 90 and was in the RAF....I'll go get him to lend my arguments credibility
  8. Samurai Jay

    Samurai Jay master of all weapons

    **** that was an ass kicking, I forgot the Ninjutsu guys were classed as grapplers & as you can see he goes strait for the takedown, it dosen't work out but they aren't standing and banging, you are not the only one to tell me i am wrong so it shouldn't be hard to find an eg: of TMA standing and getting there ass kicked from a sport striker before the rules changed.
  9. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Fred Ettish vs Johnny Rhodes UFC 2

    It is also significant that it is hard to find footage of them STANDING because they could not keep it there for very long....something telling vis-a-vis the feasibility of their approach when it comes to 1 on 1 pre-arranged (important distinction) combat
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2011
  10. Aegis

    Aegis River Guardian Admin Supporter

    Ah, so the best you have is a bad attempt at a logical fallacy (i.e. ad hominem). Couple of issues for you:

    1) You didn't address any of my comments about how anecdotes are the poorest form of evidence
    2) You imply that being 28 is a bad thing. It's not, though that's pretty irrelevant all in all

    If you're going to pull the age card, at least try to act like a grown up during the discussion. As it currently stands, the maturity of pretty much everyone else on this thread appears to be quite a long way above your own.
  11. Samurai Jay

    Samurai Jay master of all weapons

    It's UFC 3 & Fred Ettish had a broken arm, All i am saying is that the UFC had a real good opportunity to show which striking art is the best, how good would it have been to see aikido vs wing chun or bujinkan vs systema.

    The UFC was to busy proving that you need ground game this could of been proven in the finals.
  12. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Nope it was UFC 2 - Johnny went on to lose to Pat Smith who was trounced by Royce.

    And there was nothing wrong with Freds arm.

    The striker vs grappler pool idea was tried in WCC...and it sucked!
  13. Dizzyj

    Dizzyj Valued Member

    Sorry, I may well have misquoted. Since it seemed that this was a side discussion incidental to the main one, I quoted what seemed to be the last comment on the issue.

    A fair point. I was attempting to separate the training methods from the training intensity, which might be a flawed separation. But you could have, to take an extreme example, a combat tai chi school that worked everyone to the bone and used full contact in their training, but used different methods of training (push hands vs padwork for example). I think most ring fighters usually have harder training regimens, with more and better contact training, and so are stronger tougher and more physically fit competitors than someone who has trained for non-sport. Not that I think this is always true, but it seems to be the pattern. This is a separate thing from debating the drills used to train, or the tactics advised in a fight.

    I'm drawing things off topic, so I'll shh again now! :cool:
  14. Killa_Gorillas

    Killa_Gorillas Banned Banned

    not only are you factually wrong in your assertions that ufc was all grappler vs striker bouts and that there were no trad vs sport striking bouts and that the fred ettish fight was in ufc 3 you also appear to be to lazy to do your own research and to do it accurately.

    In short you have no idea what you are talking about so I'd pop off and do some proper research if I was you. Shouldn't be too hard. :cool:
  15. Killa_Gorillas

    Killa_Gorillas Banned Banned

    Fair enough :)
  16. APC

    APC Valued Member

    Am I the only person to think Systema1 is a troll?

    Those videos are hideous. I don't think I ever saw a decent video that I would be willing to post up to big-up Systema. The ones with good material in them were polluted with utter trash.

    I trained in Systema for almost a year, a few years ago. I enjoyed it and my instructor did not seem to indulge in BS manoeuvres. He encouraged starting off slowly and working up to around 80% speed. I never got any faster than that because I was still very much a beginner. It mostly made sense though, and thinking back, the instructor and the other guy who went (very small class, me and one other were the regulars, then there were people who would turn up every once in a while who were also imo good) were excellent to train with. The work we did might have been similar to what was on the youtube videos but I think we used the more functional stuff.

    I only went once a week and it was bloody miles away, lack of money made me quit. If it was closer, and on a week night, then I would still go.

    I have 2 Systema DVD's for sale at the moment; the breathing one and the exercise one. If anyone wants them, let me know.
  17. Aegis

    Aegis River Guardian Admin Supporter

    I'm thinking that may be the case, but I usually give the benefit of the doubt as far as possible.

    Just to throw fuel on the fire, though:

    [ame=""]YouTube - Systema master Mikhail Ryabko[/ame]
  18. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    I doubt he is a troll - either way I doubt he will be back. If he is I hope he has learned how to hold a cogent argument together
  19. APC

    APC Valued Member

    12 seconds is epic.
  20. Samurai Jay

    Samurai Jay master of all weapons

    [ame=""]YouTube - UFC 3 Johnny Rhodes vs Fred Ettish[/ame]
    this is why i said it was UFC 3 i don't really give a f@#k if it was 2 or 3, sorry about the broken arm thing it was the guy he replaced(kids in the back ground = me getting some things wrong)

    Dana white said in an interview that the early UFC's were striker vs grappler i do not care if you do not believe this i can't find it, but did anyone see gracie vs a sumo.

    I love how you are quick to run me down, on what i get wrong but nobody commented on if they would like to see aikido vs wing chun or bujinkan vs systema.

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