
Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by blackmantis, Aug 7, 2006.

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  1. TheDarkJester

    TheDarkJester 90% Sarcasm, 10% Mostly Good Advice.

    There are other ways to increase dirty qi to sink in the body besides skeet skeet skeeting in some Kleenex. I mean if rubbing one out everyday increased my chi... dude I'd be at least Super Saiyin level 4 by now....
  2. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter


    and everyone wonders why CMA gets a bad name.
    If you really wanted to increase that 'ol Yang flavoured Chi then you should hit a Chinese bathhouse bareback. :D :eek: :D :eek:
  3. onyomi

    onyomi 差不多先生

    Yang flavoured... huh... yeah, that doesn't sound too good.

    But since I seem to be this thread's designated driver:

    If you want to increase the Yang qi in your body (I'm assuming you suffer from symptoms of Yang defficiency/Yin excess), then I think the best way would be diet.

    Foods like red meat, eggs, salty food, spicy food, alcohol and foods that grow underground (onions, potatoes), etc. will increase the Yang qi in your body, as can some supplements, like Ginseng. Most modern people, however, tend to suffer from excess Yang, which can be helped by eating cool/Yin foods like fresh fruit, tea, salad, etc.

    Without getting too personal, why exactly do you feel the need to increase your Yang qi?
  4. blackmantis

    blackmantis Valued Member

    I haven't really had a helpful answer yet, but these comments truly are hilarious and useful. Thanks
  5. blackmantis

    blackmantis Valued Member

    Ah sorry Onyomi, I overlooked yours. That is actually useful! Thanks!
  6. blackmantis

    blackmantis Valued Member

    I'm not very aggressive in combat, and seeing as I practise Xingyi I thought it might be a good plan?
  7. franksv

    franksv Valued Member

    My teacher has brought up a few times about how he does not have relations all that often with his wife,to save his chi for training/health.Thats when I knew that if that was really a requirment for ima that I was going to go back to taekwondo :D .
  8. onyomi

    onyomi 差不多先生

    If you want to be more aggressive in combat then practice sparring more... and try to be aggressive in sparring. It's probably just that you lack the confidence to advance deftly on someone trying to hit you. That is natural and will get better with practice and experience. Don't expect a change in your diet or sexual habits to help that. If you want to increase the power in your Xingyi then just work on your regular qigong and body mechanics.

    Though I guess if you masturbate all the time without coming then that might make you feel frustrated and angry, helping you to be more aggressive... but then you could also hire someone to whip you when you go jogging.
  9. KenpoDavid

    KenpoDavid Working Title

    trying to be serious but it's hard

    my qigong teacher says that, probably, the restrictions against self-gratification are outdated since we have a much more balanced diet nowadays. He says that I don't have to pursue 100 days of no sex (even if that means telling my wife NO at least twice in that period LOL) but, he did, and it worked for him.
  10. Taiji Butterfly

    Taiji Butterfly Banned Banned

    mickey take first ....then serious(?) answer involving TMI

    I think you might get chucked out of the class.... :cool:
    Oooops :rolleyes:

    Ahem... :)
    This aspect of qigong is highly misunderstood, being split into three basic camps ime...
    1.) Celibacy to preserve jing ie avoid sex altogether
    2.) Transmutation of jing into qi, with ejaculation control as part of the method ie sex allowed with qigong/neigung methods incorporated.
    3.) Modern science has proven it all to be rubbish - and hence our fantastic UK male life expectancy of 76 (in a body that potentially can live to be at least 120 btw)
    I alternate between 2 and 3 depending on how horny I'm feeling and how much self-control I have at the time lol :D
    1 is never going to be a chosen preference for me... :yeleyes: :cool:

    The suggested method at the start of this thread would only work if you do genuine internal qigong and know how to circulate the energy and transmute it correctly. This would probably be better without the masturbation aspect to be honest as you will probably waste more power than you generate that way...
    If you're seriously interested in this stuff I would recommend "Taoist Yoga, Alchemy and Immortality" by Lu Kan Yu - it's out of print and very archaic but it is the genuine article imo.
    If you want to be more aggressive, just spar more as Onyomi said. Yang energy won't necessarily make you more aggressive, just more horny lol
  11. TheDarkJester

    TheDarkJester 90% Sarcasm, 10% Mostly Good Advice.

    So basically... you're saying that by not regularly pooning, he's more likely to dry hump his opponent into submission than he is to knock them out?

    Just making sure we're on the same page here.. because if thats the case I'm gonna start beating off like a friggin madman so I can rabbit style hump my enemies right out of town... ;)
  12. KageAkuma

    KageAkuma Valued Member

    OMFG, that is the most hilarious **** ever.........I totally busted my head off laughing when I read that, especially since I'm a hardcore DBZ fan.

    If you had a fanclub I'd ask to join right now.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2006
  13. kmguy8

    kmguy8 Not Sin Binned

    this is the funniest post all year.......... easily
  14. Taiji Butterfly

    Taiji Butterfly Banned Banned

    I don't think we're even shopping in the same store for our 'reading materials' tbph ;)

    This thread, amusing tho it is, clearly highlights why there should be a 'qigong' forum seperate to 'Internal Martial Arts' or as a sub-forum of 'Health and Fitness' imho...

    I know, I know... sighs :rolleyes:

  15. blackmantis

    blackmantis Valued Member

    Thanks to some of you

    Thank you for at least some of you answering my question seriously. I did clearly ask at the start for you guys to keep the jokes to yourself...I actually haven't found any of them funny.
  16. heim

    heim Valued Member

    the only myth i've heard of masturbation affecting performance is iron i think it was is in your load, and your depriving your body of it, which is necessary in the buildin of muscles or something like that, was a long time since i heard about this, so probably not exactly right.
  17. inthespirit

    inthespirit ignant

    My two kopeks..

    The way I see it is that man is in part driven by sex. I.e. it is something that is always on the mind, or quite often in any case. Thus, this constant pre-occupation with sex also requires a certain amount of energy to be used for this obsession, whether for thought, action, distraction, etc.

    When one practices techniques that manipulate sexual energy one begins to gain more control over it. This in turn can free up some of the preoccupation with sex and release more energy, mental or physical to be used for whatever you want to use it for. So basically, instead of sitting around thinking about pretty naked girls, you can sit around and contemplate the nature of existence or whatever.

    How is the above related to sexual practices? In my opinion, sexual practices teach you to exert greater control over your sexual drive, desire and ultimately the energy as well. As one becomes more aware and in turn in control over the aforementioned aspects of sex, one increasingly becomes more in control of it, then it in control of him/her. The results of the greater control are basically better management of resources within your mind/body/

    If we look at the purely energetic aspect of sexual energy and practices such as microcosmic circulation and transmuting essence in to energy, the basic idea IMO is to stop the unnecessary waste of energy (through thought and/or action) and use it to benefit yourself. The essence or jing, if I am not mistaken is what as seen as the vital energy in TCM, or vitality. Thus if you can harness and exert control over the energy of vitality, you can in turn nourish your mind and body and restore or even gain superior function in whatever tissue.

    If one is to engage in practices of manipulating ones essence during an aroused state, then I think it is best done with a woman, and not by spanking your monkey. My reasoning behind this is such. When you are aroused, the energy is also more active, or more yang, thus more expansive, less controlled and generally active. By playing with this energy by yourself you may in turn create an imbalance, as the energy used is too yang. Whereas, in my understanding the whole point is balance. Whereas if you are with a woman, though you may be more aroused, you are also absorbing some of her yin energy, thus a greater balanced is achieved by coupling male yang and female yin energies. Too much yang energy will lead to tension, inability to relax, and various other yang type disorders. I think if you are to practice with sexual energy you should do so in a un aroused state.

    With regards to aggression, according to the five elements theory, aggression as a naturally occurring emotion, is a result of the overactive of the liver, or yang liver. I would really not aim to make the liver more yang, purely for the purpose of gaining aggression as it will bring on with it many other negative effects and may in turn negatively affect your health. I think if you wish to be more active in your sparring, aggression is not necessarily the answer. Why not try to enjoy it more and in turn be more playful. In my opinion its like any sport, the best strikes/shots/kicks/swings occur when you are not thinking about it and enjoying yourself, quite the opposite of when one is angry and aggressive, in my experience.
  18. leon_x

    leon_x Dai Low

    its a good way to take out someones eye in combat ;)
  19. gornex

    gornex Valued Member

    This guy is awsome! I don't know anyone who has had a first thread as good as this!
  20. wonk

    wonk Valued Member

    This discussion reminds me of a conversation I had with a young woman years back when I studied aikido. She had practiced at a dojo in the five college area of Western Massachusetts and befriended a woman who claimed to have had sex with a taoist adept of some sort who practiced semen retention, among other esoteric practices. She recounted that her friend said it was the most tedious sexual encounter she'd ever had. Essentially the guy she was with got into a lotus posture, got erect and she had to "hop on and do all the work", while he would just sit there, until she was done, or tired, or both, and that was about it. Reportedly, the guy, didn't "let go". (I have no way of confirming this. Just passing it along in the dim hopes someone finds it amusing, or at the very least, smirk-worthy. It sounds somewhat masochistic to me to be honest - a sure fire recipe for self induced blue b_lls.)
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