Martial Arts conformity experiment

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Yohan, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. forero

    forero Valued Member

    I'd like to suggest that people avoid posting anything that they like to use word-for-word on the off chance that someone googles it and has this thread appear on the first page. (I presume that's why Yohan wants to PM us the name.)

    It might be useful to have content in several languages in order to give the appearance of international reknown(conformity par excellence), I'll throw my French into the hat if anyone else can do other languages.
  2. Griffin

    Griffin Valued Member

    I imagine once the ingredients are in order, this thread will be deleted.
    I cant wait for the 50 page mega thread on 8ullshid0 about it :)
  3. forero

    forero Valued Member

    I don't really believe in deleting things from the internet, but then maybe my foil hat is cutting the circulation to my brain.
  4. Griffin

    Griffin Valued Member

    Oh, easy fixed mate. Put the foil inside a beanie! It'll expand when your head does!! :eek:

    Sing with me now brother, "Ive got my tin-foil hat on"....

  5. Seventh

    Seventh Super Sexy Sushi Time

    Yes! That's good. I'm in the same boat as you Anwolf.
  6. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    So Yohan - when are you sending out a full list and description of this "Fakey Fuey"?
  7. Seventh

    Seventh Super Sexy Sushi Time

    Patience, young grasshopper :p
  8. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    Yes - that would be super awesome!
  9. querist

    querist MAP Resident Linguist?

    We need to think out the "traditional" philosophy aspects of this, too. Confucius was not opposed to the martial arts (, but obviously his overall philosophy was peaceful.

    When was the art established? (Rough time period - we can claim loss of records when the martial arts temples were all destroyed in the late 1920s. (Shaolin temple was burned in 1928, so we could easily expand that to include eradication of all martial arts schools not associated with the military.)

    The time period would help establish a philosophical baseline from which we could expand and develop. We need to make sure that the "sport" branch would be seen not simply as an interesting development but that it would be close to apostasy.

    Just my thoughts on the subject. Heading to DefCon.
  10. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    Well if we're still going with the "alexander the great's soldiers in china" story, then i think its pretty far back. we could argue that confucius philosphy was adopted by the local population later.
  11. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    My plan is to wait until it's going, then join and then claw my way up to the top using evil psychological manipulation. Then I'll take the money and set up something even worse, and generally act like a hole.
  12. Happy Feet Cotton Tail

    Happy Feet Cotton Tail Valued Member

    Wait do we have to put up our real age?

    Because if I have been training under guru Big Mikey for a decade then I've been training since I was ten.
  13. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

    We like to start them young so they have fewer bad habits and arent smart enough to realize just how badly half the stuff we ask you to do will HURT.

    Damn, you just reminded me I'll be 43 on Saturday... good LORD....
  14. jkd_si

    jkd_si Valued Member

    is this going anywhere or has it been abandoned?

    Or is it really an experiment on us? Hmmm?
  15. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

  16. tonyv107

    tonyv107 Valued Member

    Only read through the first two pages. I'd like to join in as a black belt or a "newbie" to your art.
  17. Happy Feet Cotton Tail

    Happy Feet Cotton Tail Valued Member

    That would be incredibly typical of psychologists!
  18. querist

    querist MAP Resident Linguist?

    The correct answer to an "either/or" type of question is "yes".

    Sheesh. Kids these days.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2011
  19. querist

    querist MAP Resident Linguist?

    I can handle translation into Chinese and Welsh. Just PM me the terms you need.
  20. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    DAMMIT! I have a busy spurt and I miss out on grandmasterness, or second in command. Can I still be in? What do I get a white belt status at this stage?

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