let's clear the air please

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by gt3, Aug 9, 2005.

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  1. gt3

    gt3 Member

    I'd like someone to paste just one post of mine on the philosophy forum where i said "you are wrong, i am right" because it must have been said at least 10 times in the past couple weeks that i've said this (and i don't want to hear just that i'm 'implying' this because that's not good enough :p)

    I'd also like someone to tell me when i posted that i know it all, because i've posted many times bluntly that "I know nothing."

    Now i'm going to sit back and hope that *this* post doesn't just get taken apart for its possible faults. if it does then at least i can use it as a pointer for whenever someone asks me "so you think you're right and everyone else is wrong?" or "so you think you know everything?" :p
  2. Vanir

    Vanir lost my sidhe

    Oh and I suppose you think you're right about...what you posted there...and stuff :p

    Just kidding mate, don't take it to heart and just try to keep it on topic. If you fail, abandon the thread that concerns you and go on to something more fun.
    Keep that sense of humour you were talking about ;)
  3. gt3

    gt3 Member

    i still got the humor, and i see it all in this, just hoping we can get past this reptition for some good learning to go on otherwise there's not much point going on webforums :eek:
  4. MarioBro

    MarioBro Banned Banned

    Ya know...I think you are wrong about all that, and I know I am right.
  5. Cuchulain82

    Cuchulain82 Custodia Legis

    Part of the reason I think we are having such trouble, gt3, is that you make tremendously overbroad statements. In your posts you indicate that have familiarity with many Eastern religions & philosophies. That is great imo. However, you don't seems to say anything other than what you believe, and when people press your positions you don't respond to their critiques. Philosophy brings with is a serious critical aspect, so if you're going to say anything you have to be ready for people to disagree with your positions. Things that you say are "obvious" truths of the world aren't always so obvious to other people, and so that isn't a good method of proof or persuasion.

    Another important point is realizing that people don't attack you, they attack your positions. Asking to be shown where you've said "I'm right and you're wrong" misses the point. When someone says "You're wrong" or "I don't agree", this isn't usually a personal assault. I personally don't agree with much of anything you've said thus far about eastern perspectives or reality, but that doesn't mean I think of you with contempt or revile your presence. It just means we disagree.

    I could go on and on about this, but the big point here is that you should say what you think, justify it, and be ready for critiques. Everything else will follow.
  6. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

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