Kung Fu Diary

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by Heraclius, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Thursday, 13 Feb (cont.)

    5 mins footwork
    5 mins shadowboxing.
  2. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Friday, 14 February

    10 mins kihon. Parries and some low kick checks. Pretty light, I'm feeling kind of knackered at the moment.


    5 mins footwork
    5 mins shadowboxing.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
  3. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Saturday, 15 February

    5 mins footwork.

    Not a good end to the week. Anyway;

    End of week 6 (yay). Total time: 2:41 + 13:19 = 16:00.

    So despite having a lazy ending to the week it was pretty good overall.
  4. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Now just "Diary"

    After agonising for a month over what direction I want my MA journey (corny, but it fits), I have finally made my decision. I have now discontinued my study of southern praying mantis kung fu in order to focus on goshin jutsu. Fortunately I was able to leave on good terms with the club.

    I am now eating my words from the beginning of my MAP tenure; this is now the 4th MA I have left after not getting very far in it :(. But at least it's not another yellow belt: this time I only got to white :p
  5. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Sunday, 16 February

    22 mins bagwork. Working on my kicks. Some days are better than others; today was not one of those days.

    I'm trying to learn how to swim again, since it's a good all-round workout and easy for me. It's amazing how much you forget though. My front crawl suck :cry:.

    Also did my core workout.
  6. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Monday, 17 February

    20 mins bagwork. Started with front kicks and low kicks. I started building the intensity, but I noticed that I would work the bag for like 20 s then step away for a minute. I decided to use a boxing interval timer I have on my phone to stop myself slacking off:

    9 mins (3x3min rounds) bagwork (bag-boxing? Is there a term for this sort of thing). Jab, cross and low kick, with the occasional hook or front kick thrown in (very poorly). That was quite a workout. I had to step away from the bag quite a bit. I had to make an effort not to let myself drop my hands and hang off the bag. I also had to work on twisting my hips for the cross, instead of just leaning into it. Altogether I felt pretty shabby, especially since I had watched a video just this morning of two men twice my age going at it for 9 rounds (shown below, for your enjoyment). I'm pretty confident that would kill me, although I'd probably get knocked out before the first round was over :).

    Jumped in the pool after. Working on my front crawl (can do the stroke now, soon I should be able to add in breathing :) ), then finished off with 500m breaststroke.

  7. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Monday, 17 Feb (cont.)

    5 mins footwork
    5 mins shadowboxing.
  8. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Tuesday, 18 February

    Goshin Jutsu class tonight. punches and kicks again, plus some elbows thrown in at the end for fun. I telegraph all the time and fall into predictable rhythms in padwork, which kept getting picked on :(. More things to work on.

    15 mins shadowboxing. There are lots of things I need to work on: height and weight distribution in my stance; moving around; varying my timing; getting my techniques to flow; not overextending my punches; some technical aspects on my kicks. I could go on, but you probably get the idea :p.
  9. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Wednesday, 19 February

    20 mins shadowboxing. Working on the same stuff as yesterday. This and the heavy bag will probably become my main focus for the forseeable future.
  10. DrunkenMasterBE

    DrunkenMasterBE Valued Member

    why do you workout for 10 min a day on some days?
  11. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    I'm afraid I don't take your meaning. Why do I only work out for 10 mins some days? Why do I bother working out for only 10 mins? Although in both cases it's the same; some days I'm lazy and don't want to do much, but getting in just 10 mins a day will add up to more than an hour a week so it's better than nothing. Which is what I'd be doing otherwise.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2014
  12. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Thursday, 20 February

    Warmup: 10 mins skipping. Not really progressing with this, but then it's not been long. I'll keep at it.

    35 mins bagwork. Mainly working on my roundhouse kick. My form continues to improve. I can now dent the bag with a mid-level kick, which I'm a bit chuffed about :). My right leg is being a bother, but I think I'm starting to work out the kinks.

    Got in the pool, still trying to relearn front crawl. I'm now starting to mix a bit of breathing in. Soon I'll be kicking, too :p. Baby steps. Then 500m breaststroke to cool down.
  13. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Went to goshin jutsu tonight. We worked on punches, kicks, movement (basic steps and evasions) and parries. We learned a couple of things that I hadn't done before; hook kicks, crescent kicks and evasions. Well, I've actually learned crescent kicks before, but never with the intention of using them, so there are some serious flaws in my technique :(. The parries are still the biggest problem as I have a lot of trouble getting the "soft" part down, especially without having a training partner during the day.
  14. DrunkenMasterBE

    DrunkenMasterBE Valued Member

    Ofcourse 10min a day is better than nothing but if you dont like training why do you waste your time ?(no offence)
  15. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    I didn't say I don't like training. Besides that, I want to improve. The whole point of this log is to ensure that I maintain a certain level of training, even when I'm going through a bit of a rut.

    The 10 min sessions are supplemental anyway; I try and do it whether I do any other training or not. Maybe as I improve it will be less important, but as I am now 10 mins of training basic footwork and punching a day is helping. It lets me encode what I learned in class so I don't forget it, and allows me to observe my form and self-correct a bit.
  16. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Friday, 21 February

    10 mins footwork. Worked on the evasions I learned last night. I only meant to do my usual 5 mins, but got carried away :D.

    10 mins shadowboxing. Trying to move about, vary my timing, get my hooks and uppercuts to be tighter. Plus keeping my guard up, not telegraphing, keeping balanced, relaxing, etc. Just a couple of things :p.
  17. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Saturday, 22 February

    Did some kayaking in the afternoon which tired out my shoulders, so nothing fancy.

    7 mins footwork
    5 mins shadowboxing.

    Also did my core workout.

    Anyway, end of week 7 (yay). Total time: 2:43 + 16:00 = 18:43.
  18. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Sunday, 23 February

    26 mins kung fu. I'm trying to record my form and drills on video while I still remember them. That way I have some reference if I feel like brushing up on my skill, such as it is, now that I have stopped studying SPM. Unfortunately it got dark, so I had to stop before I got finished.

    Incedentally, tomorrow is my first day back at uni. While I'm glad to have something to do during my days, I wonder what kind of impact it will have on my training schedule.
  19. Heraclius

    Heraclius BASILEVS Supporter

    Monday, 24 February

    5 mins footwork. Tired and sick :(.
  20. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!

    Hope you feel better soon dude :(

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