Kuk Sool Checkin

Discussion in 'Kuk Sool' started by Wolf, Apr 11, 2005.

  1. Unjeesunsu

    Unjeesunsu Valued Member

    Hello drewsif,
    Thanks for ‘freshening up’ some of the older threads.

  2. drewsif

    drewsif Valued Member

    Just posting where things interest me. :)
  3. Bahng Uh Ki

    Bahng Uh Ki Valued Member

    Some people have been critical of bringing up old threads, some people of starting new ones and cluttering up the place, some people of posting off topic in an old thread. Just don your flame retardent do-bok and keep posting!
  4. Zalorticus

    Zalorticus Jyo Gyo Nym

    Hello! I trained under KJN Jolly in Texas a couple years ago, reaching the rank of Jyo Kyo Nym. As of now I am on my own; there are no schools within my area. I have continued to study Kuk Sool Won, but I am also learning what I can from other martial arts.
  5. ember

    ember Valued Member

    Welcome, Zalorticus! I've tested and competed in front of KJN Jolly, he's one tough-but-good guy.
  6. SsangKall

    SsangKall Valued Member

    welcome to map!
  7. Dragonkarma

    Dragonkarma Valued Member

    WKSA locations

    If you are in search of official Kuk Sool Won locations near you, go to the HQ website- www.kuksoolwon.com

    If you are a jyokyo nym, maybe you should think about starting a class. Contact HQ and see what they say.

    If there is NOT a school near you now, rest assured there WILL be eventually.
  8. Pugil

    Pugil Seeker of truth

    What, at age 15???
  9. ember

    ember Valued Member

    If 15 is true. If it's not, he wouldn't be the first to lie about his age on MAP.
  10. Pugil

    Pugil Seeker of truth

    Yeah, me for a start! :D
  11. Zalorticus

    Zalorticus Jyo Gyo Nym

    I'm only 15, so I doubt I could start a class. I possibly could teach 1 or 2 people, though.
  12. Dragonkarma

    Dragonkarma Valued Member

    teaching kuk sool won

    Now that KSW is a franchise, nobody can legally teach unless they are an owner or working in a franchise for the owner. Owners have to be at least 2nd degree to teach.

    In Hyuk Suh is registered as the founder of "Kuk Sool" and the founder of Kuk Sool Won. There was no organized martial art called "Kuk Sool" before In Hyuk Suh founded the system and designed the curriculum.

    Other teachers have tried to use the name "kuk sool" as a generic term , since it means "national martial arts techniques" , and hijack the art.

    At this point, by using the name,they ARE just advertising for Kuk Sool Won. However, people will soon see the difference between the WKSA ( trademarked world-wide ) and the knock offs.
  13. KSstudent

    KSstudent Valued Member

    Funny, those same teachers were true and autintic when they were members of the Pre-franchise WKSA , but now teaching the same "product" they are "knock offs". Somehow what is tought at a non won school is magicly changed just by not joining a franchise.

    Please tell me the "difference" people will soon see between the wksa and the teachers of Kuk Sool around the globe that are not WKSA.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2010
  14. unknown-KJN

    unknown-KJN Banned Banned

    In the hopes of preventing this important thread from being sidetracked, please direct any further discussion aroused by the previous 2 posts of this thread (#272 & #273) to a new thread which I created so this thread won't be sullied by what may become a rather lengthy discussion. :cool:

  15. Dragonkarma

    Dragonkarma Valued Member

    don't misunderstand

    I was speaking about those who after learning Kuk Sool Won, decided to make up their own history and then teach Kuk Sool Won and In Hyuk Suh's curriculum as if they had learned from some OTHER source. LEACH would be a better term.

    ie. Kuk Sool Kwan, Kuk Sool whatever name they made up
  16. Unjeesunsu

    Unjeesunsu Valued Member


    We know you can read......

    unknowns post was made yesterday and he is right. This does not belong on the Kuk Sool checkin. Please direct further posts to the new thread.



    John Miller, Georgetown, Texas
  18. drewsif

    drewsif Valued Member

    Welcome, John.
  19. Unjeesunsu

    Unjeesunsu Valued Member

    Same here, welcome.

    Things are going well for you!!?

  20. Ki_Power

    Ki_Power Banned Banned


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