KSW: To easy to gain belts?

Discussion in 'Kuk Sool' started by rex00, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. PSBNKukSoolCL

    PSBNKukSoolCL New Member

    Time between belts

    I wanted to just add my 2 cents.
    I have been actively practicing WKSA since 2000. I remember being frustrated about belt advancement. I felt I was being held back and my skill level was not appreciated by my first instructors.
    I have now been training with Masters (5th,6th and 9th degrees) for the last 3 years. I have know come to the realization that I have a great deal left to learn and my thoughts that I had at the beginning were foolish at best. It matters not what color your belt is, you need to dismiss those thoughts. Just focus on every class and try to find the lesson you are either not leaning or are too clouded in vision to see.
    When you humble yourself to the art you will begin to grow in the art and then you will begin the walk down the path to Master..

  2. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    That was a good point, and I think it holds relevance for anyone reading it today. I just want to point out that you probably won't hear from anyone you were responding to directly, as the last post in this thread (prior to yours) was from 9 years ago.

    That said, it was a very good way to revive this discussion. Thanks for posting.
  3. PSBNKukSoolCL

    PSBNKukSoolCL New Member

    True but hopefully my words will inspire others.
  4. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    Hope springs eternal
  5. kuksool_keith

    kuksool_keith Valued Member

    Varies from school to school in my experience. Have trained at 3 different schools (due to work area and moving house, just so you don't think I chop and change. Loyal to my school and instructor) current school (and last) won't test you if your not ready. There students are all very good at there belt level and deservedly so. Other schools I know, you test and promote just cos it's time, regardless of wether you merit it or not.
  6. Noomi

    Noomi Valued Member

    We have a minimum time frame and a minimum number of classes to be completed before you can be considered for grading.
    Its more about doing what you can do, as opposed to what is expected of you.

    We have several students with physical disabilities, and several students who are blind or partially blind. They cannot do all techniques properly, but we don't hold them back from grading. It takes them a lot longer to grade up, but they make it eventually.

    Generally, we lose most people once they reach blue belt level. You are on blue belt for a minimum 12 months, most are on it for 20+ months, and get frustrated, thinking they are ready to grade when they are not.
    In the last 12 months, we've lost three promising students who were at blue belt level.

    I graded to my red belt after 13 months on my blue, and I know this created envy among several students who didn't grade off theirs for 2 years, but it also has to do with dedication, and how many times per week you train.

    Just keep going to classes, and every few months, ask your instructors what you need to work on for your next grading. And remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question. Ask away.
  7. Xanth

    Xanth Valued Member

    I know it's been a long time since I wore a red belt (1990), but I don't see why your keeping blue belts from grading for so long. Sohn Mok Soo and Eue Bok Soo if I remember right. I could see brown to DBN taking that long, but not blue to red.
  8. weeginger

    weeginger Valued Member

    I feel that students should be able to demonstrate all their required forms and techniques to the appropriate level before testing. A testing should make sure that students can perform these under harsh conditions.

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