KSW Techniques @ Tournament

Discussion in 'Kuk Sool' started by TXKukSoolBB, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. TXKukSoolBB

    TXKukSoolBB Valued Member

    I would like to pan the group here for ideas. What do you think are the most impressive techniques that a 1st dan could do at tournament. That would be choosing any of the techniques from YSMS, SS, or DDMK?
  2. coc716

    coc716 Just Some Guy

    Whatever you do without messing up. :)

    I've thought about this before... what is "impressive"... and while we all like to do something flashy to catch the judge's eye, I think it's better to do something right and well. Go for something simple. Consider the pressures of tournament, the competition, maybe you'll be on a strange floor surface or mats that could throw you off or give you bad footing (that flooring in the Kingwood College gym is funky). Why do something that has a million ways to go wrong? A flashy technique done wrong or a simple technique done right, which will impress the judges more?

    I also tend to like doing simpler techniques because most people like to go for the flashy techniques and then you've got the judges able to directly compare execution, which can make it tougher for you. If you pick something more obscure, that can stand out plus allow you to be graded more on your merits than direct comparisons to others.

    I guess other things are attitude, confidence, a good partner. It's tough to know what judges will be looking for. So I just think it's good to pick a technique that you're solid at, simpler, maybe less popular, and can nail it squarely and good 100% of the time.

    So to answer your question, I'd say some good ones might be YSMS 1, 6, 12, 13, 15. SS 1, 4, 9, 11, 12. DDMK 4, 8, 9, 10, 11
  3. TXKukSoolBB

    TXKukSoolBB Valued Member

    That is the truth. At last years tournament, I was doing techniques on a mat that was twice as thick as what I was used to. And it did throw off my balance some. I know that this is a tough question to answer...with all of the variables that can play out. Thanks for the suggestions.
  4. coc716

    coc716 Just Some Guy

    You're welcome.

    It is a tough question to answer because you're trying to predict the future, including who will be your judge and then read their minds in advance. :) So I just stopped trying to think about that because there's just no way you can know (and if you can know, I'd like to talk to you about next week's lottery numbers). :D But generally speaking, I think giving a solid performance is about the best thing you can do, that's within your control. So just make sure you pick and practice things that allow you to be solid. KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid).
  5. Grippereeno

    Grippereeno New Member

    Makes sense to me...
  6. psbn matt

    psbn matt great sage = of heaven

    1 quick tip
    if you choose techniques with pressure points in them, you better make shure your strikes are accurate, because there is nothing easyer to spot when judgeing than an off target pressure point strike. off target=less points
  7. Wolf

    Wolf Totalitarian Dictator

    In YSMS I like 9 and 14. In SS I like 3, 5, 7, and 12. In DDMK I like 1, 3, 5, 11 and 15. These are of course really helped out with a partner who can fall REALLY well!
  8. KSW_123

    KSW_123 Valued Member

    When I judge techniques, I don't look for flash. I just want to see it done properly. I would rather see a good YSMS 1 than a bad 8. Even though 8 has a really cool fall. If it looks to me like the partner does the technique then I tend to score the technichian quite low. With a lot of the cool falls I've seen, it was really the partner doing work.
    Just my 2 cents.
  9. KSW_KJN

    KSW_KJN Valued Member

    Smooth transitions are also important. If the technique looks choppy, regardless of whether or not you hit the pressure points, I have deducted points. You must be comfortable with the techniques you are demonstrating.
  10. psbn matt

    psbn matt great sage = of heaven

    if you tech looks like it wouldn't work, or you do it half hartedly, i will mark down. i like to see tech's done at a good speed with accuracy and spirit. convince me that you could hurt someone if you had to, while staying in complete control of your partner.

    when i do my tech's @ tornament i have an understanding with my partner, that i will put the tech's on, and i will throw hard, and i will apply a little pain. all of this has made my tech's more realistic and i have repeatedly won medals @ tornaments.

    and in case you are wondering my partner does exactly the same to me.(except she's a lot more viscious)
  11. Choiyoungwoo

    Choiyoungwoo Guest

    Being centered is what I look for most. I would pick skills based on which ones I can demonstrate control over our combined center of balance. If a competitor shows this they will demonstrate mastery of the skill. IMO.
  12. ember

    ember Valued Member

    I try to make a point of picking techniques that I like to do. On the other hand, the ones I don't like probably need the extra work...

    I agree with the Keep It Simple principle. It also helps to do techniques that will be visible. I really like YSMS 6, but 1-4 are also good, or 11, 12, 14, 15.

    SS I might go for 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14.
    DDMK 2, 3, 6, 10, 11.

    *I* probably wouldn't go for DDMK 12-15 yet because 12 is still new, and I haven't officially learned 13, 14, or 15. On the other hand, by October that situation is likely to be different.


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