Kimura accident (gruesome vid)

Discussion in 'MMA' started by MaxG, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. MaxG

    MaxG Valued Member

  2. Slindsay

    Slindsay All violence is necessary

    Was it me or was the guy who got his arm done in very inflexible?

    Also, owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :cry:
  3. Beckwith

    Beckwith New Member

  4. heim

    heim Valued Member

    i'm guessing there's a pretty good possibility of that hurting...

    looked like the weight difference was a bit unfair to begin wtih though
  5. Taff

    Taff The Inevitable Hulk

    oh my god :cry:
  6. pmitch89

    pmitch89 Thats Nucking Futs!!

    Holy Crap!! :eek:
  7. Sankaku-jime

    Sankaku-jime Banned Banned

    i think it showed a serious lack of control.

    BRECKDOG Valued Member

    I just saw this on the cagewarriors forum - look at that thread for more detail- theres also a link to the BJJ black belts statement re the accident. Apparantly it was a freak accident where his bone snaps before the sub even takes effect.
  9. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    Oh my! :eek:
  10. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    I think you are right - it really looked like he whipped that thing around.
  11. Sankaku-jime

    Sankaku-jime Banned Banned

    just watched it again, looks nasty, looks like he went for a break rather than a tap, maybe there was a history between them ?
  12. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    ok, does someone have another link? I've been trying to see this vid, and nothing loads on 2 different computers... I *never* have problems with youtube...
  13. MaxG

    MaxG Valued Member

    I just clicked and it said that YouTube was doing maintenance.
  14. Topher

    Topher allo!

    I'm not watching this (such a wuss! :rolleyes: :eek: )

    How does his arms break, where does it break?
  15. MaxG

    MaxG Valued Member

    Well according to his statement where he apologized to the kid. It didn't break where a kimura is supposed to break an arm. He states that "it was the bone on his upper arm that snapped and broke in half. And it broke before the shoulder lock could work". Apparently he broke the kid's humerus.

    It was a nice thing that the guy apologized an everything and even gave the kid free lifetime membership to his School. But he get's mad in his statement that he was dq'ed from the tournament and goes to great lengths trying to prove it "was a freak accident".

    If you watch closely on what happens in the vid, he starts to do the kimura and has himself propped above the kid. He then falls to his right onto the kids stomach. It's the falling to the right that breaks the arm. Anyone with 10+ years of experience in BJJ should know that would have happened.

    So yeah he apologized and did good with the kid doing the fund raiser and giving him free life time membership but it doesn't seem like he thinks that he did anything wrong. And it hasn't been mentioned here but the guy who broke it has 11+ years of BJJ experience. The kid was doing shootfighting for 4 months.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2006
  16. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    Boy thats a big owie that'll hurt for a while.
  17. brainuse

    brainuse New Member

    Last edited: Apr 6, 2006
  18. Garibaldi

    Garibaldi Valued Member

    Let's be fair here. It was an open tournament. How is he supposed to know the experience level of the person he's up against?

    Blame the organisers, not the competitors.
  19. MaxG

    MaxG Valued Member

    Yeah. I'll give you that. Still didn't give the guy any time to tap though. Just watch it frame by frame.
  20. Garibaldi

    Garibaldi Valued Member

    If you have to watch it frame by frame then you are talking about fractions of a second.

    Yes, he yanks it on, but the resultant injury is way out of proportion to even the way it is applied. It's an accident plain and simple...

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