just wondering

Discussion in 'Kenpo' started by mekosho, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. mekosho

    mekosho New Member

    I read a post from someone who was a red belt in kempo...which brings me to this post...since there are various styles of kempo in existance, are there several variations in belt colors and ranking? We go from white, yellow, orange, purple, blue, green, brown then black, but there are stops along the way...meaning that each belt has a stripe, for example, white to white with yellow stripe, to yellow belt, then yellow with an orange stripe, this goes on until brown belt of course where there are three levels before black...what about your school, any differences?
  2. Pacificshore

    Pacificshore Hit n RUN!

    Many kenpo/kempo karate schools have their own belt coloring system. I think it's safe to say that it's also the same in many other karate styles. I know that when I was in Shotokan, depending on which association your were under, the rankings weren't always the same. They may have had the same color belts, but at different kyu levels. Some dojos have 5 ranks, others 10 to 12 ranks. It all depends on the dojo itself. This is my opinion on the subject :cool:
  3. karate_fiend

    karate_fiend New Member

    yah i agree with pacific shore its all the school a lot of schools have differnet belt ranks . like my karate school has 11 belts.
  4. kempo penguin

    kempo penguin New Member

    my kempo school has the same colors in that order, but no stripes. (imo stripes are just a way to get more $, in fact so are belts in general)
  5. Pacificshore

    Pacificshore Hit n RUN!

    My buddy who taught TKD for several years would give out stripes in the belt tip. Once you got 3, then you were ready to test for your next rank. And no, he did not charge for the 3 stripes....shocker, yes :eek: :p
  6. Bill Lear

    Bill Lear New Member

    Belt Ranking System

    I study/teach at Larry Tatum's Kenpo Karate Studio in Pasadena. At our studio we use the following rank system:

    Yellow Belt
    Orange Belt
    Purple Belt
    Blue Belt
    Green Belt
    3rd Degree Brown Belt
    2nd Degree Brown Belt
    1st Degree Brown Belt...
    ...then black belt (1st through 10th degree)

    The advanced colored belt rankings (i.e. yellow belt with an orange tip, or orange belt with a purple tip, etc...) aren't usually used for the adults, but for children.

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