Just starting a Youth Group...

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Gufbal1981, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. Gufbal1981

    Gufbal1981 waiting to train...

    Hey Guys and Gals,

    I'm starting a Youth Group at my church for high school aged kids. I am studying to be a Youth Minister (I'm Catholic and we need certificates) and I want to do a youth night based on the feeding of the 5 thousand scripture, because that is what is scheduled for the reading of the day. However, I'm having a problem making it flow with my icebreaker. I'm having them split into 2 teams. I'm going to play songs from CD's. The team that gets the most songs right wins a prize (which I think is going to be a goodie bag of sorts...). Any ideas? My brain is hurting from trying to do this...
  2. jkzorya

    jkzorya Moved on by request

    Hi Gufbal1981 - I'm guessing you'll get them sharing the goodies at the end, right? Like the sharing of the loaves and fishes? If those who win prizes share with those who don't that would be a good comparison.

    Or are you struggling to think of songs?
  3. Gufbal1981

    Gufbal1981 waiting to train...

    For the songs I'm going to use random oldies songs...However, that is a really great idea of sharing the goodies at the end! I like it.
  4. jkzorya

    jkzorya Moved on by request

    Great stuff.

    The way Albert Nolan (currently serving as provincial for the South African Province of the Dominicans) explains the miracle in his book "Jesus Before Christianity" is that Jesus shared out the food between himself and his disciples and this inspired those in the crowd of 5000 to share what food they had brought with those who had none.

    I don't know if you have a more literal take on the miracle, but if that is anything like the way you understand the event, I wondered if you could try acting out sharing some food or whatever with other youth workers (if there are any) or another adult who's in on it, by way of inspiration (they could complain about not winning anything) and maybe this could be a cue for the young people to start sharing. It would be great if they came to the decision themselves wouldn't it? (though I'm aware they might not).
  5. Gufbal1981

    Gufbal1981 waiting to train...

    LOL...yeah...you never know with teenagers.

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