Just for fun... Do you think the Batman movies should've used Aikido?

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by pakarilusi, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. pakarilusi

    pakarilusi Valued Member

    Just a bit of fun, thinking about this...

    It would look so cool if in the Batman movies Batman used Aikido techniques as his cape would be flowing like crazy in circles as he was fighting!

    And those forearm blades would just fit in so well with all the forearm techniques used in Aikido imo...

    Only problem is if Batman was into the philosophy of Aikido, then he wouldn't really beat them bad guys up!

    Didn't stop Steven Seagal though... :)

    Whaddaya think?
  2. Cuong Nhu

    Cuong Nhu Valued Member

    All I have to say is this:

  3. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    At first I was all :rolleyes: but I thought about it more and now I'm like, "Hey, aikido has some great moves for multiple opponents. It would make total sense for Batman to do that sometimes."

    So ya, I'd like to see some clean, clear movie-fu aikido now and then. It would totally fit the character and it could look totally awesome. :cool:
  4. komuso

    komuso Valued Member


    then Steven Segal could be Batman. I am open to suggestion on the Robin front.

  5. Aikidojomofo

    Aikidojomofo Valued Member

    Segal probably believes he IS Batman in his deluded little mind
  6. Aikidojomofo

    Aikidojomofo Valued Member

    According to the comics Batman's main fighting system was originally Jiu Jitsu, so, not a million miles away. I'm sure if we write him a nice letter he might stick some Aikido moves in there too
  7. pakarilusi

    pakarilusi Valued Member

    Write a letter to Batman!?
  8. Aikidojomofo

    Aikidojomofo Valued Member

    Oh, I seem to have confused fiction and reality again. It's like the time I thought my life was that of john Rambo's
  9. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

    Dude, I HATE when that happens. I once thought I was "Dutch" Schaefer, Arnold Schwarzenegger's character in Predator. I kept ripping the sleeves off my shirts, covering myself in mud and yelling "GET TO DA CHOPPAH" at everyone.... it got really weird in the team meeting I had that day. I kept demanding people called me Delta 5...


    I dont work there anymore oddly enough...
  10. Toki_Nakayama

    Toki_Nakayama Valued Member

    i dont really like the camera angles they currently use for the cinema bat-jutsu scenes.

    .....i would like to see him with aikido and a kryptonite ring putting Superman in line whenever he decides to go rogue, that would be funny
  11. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    I think Seagal is large enough now to play both of them. Just put a mask on his paunch.
  12. pakarilusi

    pakarilusi Valued Member

    Steven Seagal should diet.

    He has too much Chi now.

    Seagal as Batman? Imagine that?

  13. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    I am bewildered and confused and traumatised that Seagul keeps working his way into conversations on MAP. :bang:
  14. sakumeikan

    sakumeikan Valued Member

    Steven Seagal as Batman

    Rather than have Steven Seagal cast as Batman would he not be more suitable for to be considered for a fictional character in a film named Fatman?
    Surely if Steven was being fitted out in the natty Batman outfit the studio would have to contact Rent a Tent for an ensemble?Perish the thought.
  15. komuso

    komuso Valued Member

    I wish to offer my unreserved apology for dragging 'he who shall not be named' into this.

    I am a bad, bad man.



    however... for Robin, a stray thought just crossed my mind that they could use that great big guy they endlessly bag on the Ninjutsu forum. That way big Steve wouldn't look so.... big?
  16. Spinmaster

    Spinmaster Valued Member

    I'm going to be a bit of a sourpuss and say that any attempt to specifically show Aikido in a Batman movie would be horrendous... because they would focus on the flowy, swirly stuff for visual effect, and essentially turn it into just another style of movie-fu.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the fight scenes in Batman are entirely realistic as it is, but they are pretty darn good... and a heckuva lot closer to reality than the kinda stuff we see folks like Jackie Chan doing (no offense to Chan, love some of his movies).

    I recall koyo saying in a previous post something along the lines of "Aikido in a real fight is not about techniques, but principles. When you see a real fight its hard to pick out a style and say 'the fighter does [insert art here].'" [1]

    I prefer to see Batman brutal and efficient (ok ok, and awesomely cool as well :p), not flowy and spinny and kicky. And yeah, I'm a bit of a geek for caring that much. ^_^

    [1] Apologies to koyo if I quoted incorrectly, its been quite a while since I read the post in question.
  17. pakarilusi

    pakarilusi Valued Member

    I beg to differ.

    It would look so cool if Batman was just cutting everyone coming in with his forearm bat claws, Aikido style. Gritty? Just look at Seagal's early movies, not enough violence? He was poking eyes out then cutting their heads off!

    Back to Batman, he should look in control, even when hurting villains. He is that cool.

    He is Batman.

    I am a geek. :)
  18. Spinmaster

    Spinmaster Valued Member

    Violence doesn't always equal gritty tho. :) Its the simple, down to earth violence that the Batman movies have tried to portray that earns them the title of "gritty." And "in control" doesn't equal fancy or showy, either... My sensei is certainly "in control" when demonstrating how to deal with multiple attackers, but its because he deals with the attackers efficiently and (relatively) simply. If the movie choreographers were to take a page or two from Aikido self defense, I have no quarrel with that. :) I just don't want them turning it into a "dance" so to speak. :p
  19. Hatamoto

    Hatamoto Beardy Man Kenobi Supporter

    My initial thought to this was "But what about the batsuit? It's big and kinda clunky" but then remembered how in Dark Knight there was talk about making the suit lighter and more mobile. I think it would be a good opportunity to branch out into something like aikido. Could be a plot point, that he wants to test the suit so he's looked into training in other styles (as Bruce Wayne, obviously) and then going back to the lab and trying things out in the suit.

    There is potential for making it just another "movie fu" but that's the same as anything else, so I think the risk could well be justified.

    Also, just my six quid and twenty pence, mocking Steven Seagal because he's overweight is a bit low. He's either good at aikido or he's not, but his actual ability never features anywhere I see people digging at him. Yes he's made some terrible movies in the last eight years or so but given what else is out there (Street Fighter: Leg End of Chun Li, DOA, pretty much all other action movies barring about a dozen), I think it's unfair to pick on Seagal like he's the only one who doesn't make good movies anymore :p
  20. pakarilusi

    pakarilusi Valued Member

    I think people take a dig more into Seagal because they can really really see the "downward transformaton". He never was muscular or ripped by any stretch, but just letting yourself go like that... Dang! At least Elvis could still sing very well when he was fat... Seagal just does not seem to want to perform even for the Camera nowadays, like he is not really trying. He looks tired imho... Really hope he is good in "Machete"...

    All the best to him, anyway he has loads of money already... Why put yourself through it if you don't really want or have to?

    Anyway, on topic, Bruce Wayne/Batman should do some Aikido to control his "inner demons"... If they had a scene like that, it would look cool.

    Also Aikido I think is the easier Martial Art if performed in heavy Body Armour with a cape imo... It's the jumping around Kung Fu stuff that'll be difficult if you really think about it.

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