Japanese words

Discussion in 'Judo' started by G50, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. ShiroHyou

    ShiroHyou New Member

    Oshiri sounds more like butt in english
    Ketsu would probably be ass.
  2. Kogusoku

    Kogusoku 髭また伸びた! Supporter

    Depends on your definition. :)
  3. ShiroHyou

    ShiroHyou New Member

    I'm just saying that ketsu is more crude than Oshiri.
    Just like ass is more crude than butt.
  4. ShiroHyou

    ShiroHyou New Member

    O wait your from England, nevermind.
    Oshiri = bum
    Ketsu = ass
  5. Kogusoku

    Kogusoku 髭また伸びた! Supporter

    If you must know, I'm actually from Ireland. :0)
  6. ShiroHyou

    ShiroHyou New Member

    Sorry I saw London on there and I just assumed, but London is a big city incompassing many different people.

    suman, chotto machigai na
  7. Kogusoku

    Kogusoku 髭また伸びた! Supporter

    No worries.

    Iie, tondemo nai deyo.

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