Japan Travel

Discussion in 'Ninjutsu' started by garth, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. garth

    garth Valued Member

    Just a quick question

    For thoese people that travel from the UK to Japan, I'm wondering which agents you use or find the best/cheapest especially for block bookings 6 people or more.

    I do have one of my guys in my Dojo that regularly travels to Japan so will also consult with him, but i'm particularly interested in whose the best in your opinions especially as I say for block bookings.

    Thanks Garth
  2. Please reality

    Please reality Back to basics

    Really? :bang: What does your inability to :google: have to do with the Ninjutsu forum?
  3. gapjumper

    gapjumper Intentionally left blank

    I usually use the Japan Travel Centre www.japantravel.co.uk

    This year however we got a good deal on Virgin with Asda!
  4. garth

    garth Valued Member

    Please Reality posted

    Yes PR I am quite capabale of using :google: but it doesn't follow that the agents at the top oif the list are the cheapest, and if anyone has been following some of the flight price wars in the UK it doesn't follow that what seems like the cheapest deal is necesarily the cheapest, as many have hidden costs.

    Also people here (apparantly) travel to Japan all the time and might know some good deals, or even companies to avoid.

    But thanks for your help PR, for someone who suggests to come to Japan and maybe meet you, your very helpful
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2011
  5. garth

    garth Valued Member

    double post
  6. Please reality

    Please reality Back to basics

    Let me get this straight, you are thinking about coming to Japan to train at the Bujinkan? :hail: Or were you being rhetorical? On your way to do a SKHish tour of Togakure, some vajra channeling with the Yamabushi in Kumano perhaps, and a trip to Iga to visit the castle and the homeland of the ninja?:rolleyes:

    My point was that it is a general topic issue, not one specific to ninjutsu, hence doesn't belong.

    First plans to attend a Kacem seminar, now this? Wait, which holiday is it today?:jawdrop:
  7. garth

    garth Valued Member

    Please Reality posted

    No don't think I would be welcome.

    Yes a tour of Japan, Iga, the castles etc

    Nope don't really believe in that stuff.

    See above, women dressed in purple have always turned me on:)

    I think more people here have travelled to Japan than probably other forum sections.

    I do actually attend seminars from time to time. Not this year as moved house and skint from buying carpets, furniture etc, but in the last few years i attended a few seminars, Jack Hoban, Doug Wilson, Sato Kimbei Group etc.

    I have no problem going to seminars if I believe i might learn something.
  8. gapjumper

    gapjumper Intentionally left blank

    Pardon my ignorance, but how do you know if you will learn something if you don't attend?
  9. Please reality

    Please reality Back to basics

    Oh, well.... he's psychic.:cool:
  10. gapjumper

    gapjumper Intentionally left blank

    He knew you'd say that.

  11. garth

    garth Valued Member

    Gap Jumper posted

    Its a good point, what I meant was...

    Richard Van Donk, erm, No i'll leave it thanks.

    Jack Hoban, yes i'll be there.

    i'm sure there are people you would train with and those you wouldn't its just a matter of preference.
  12. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    Do you guys not get tired of jumping on Garth's every word or post?
    Everyone knows that they pick and choose what seminars they attend based on what they think they might learn from doing them and yet when Garth says it he's somehow wrong?
  13. gapjumper

    gapjumper Intentionally left blank

    Did anybody say it was wrong?
  14. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    You called it into question certainly.
  15. gapjumper

    gapjumper Intentionally left blank

    Sorry for asking questions. I was interested in his reasoning was all... and he answered it.

    Did you think he was wrong and are just projecting your opinion onto me/us?

    Whoops, I asked another question.
  16. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    Nope. Just noticing a common occurence in this forum.
  17. gapjumper

    gapjumper Intentionally left blank


    I've also heard from friends that www.ebookers.com can be pretty good, but have not personally tried them.
  18. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    Right, I'm getting tired of the condescending, patronising attitude some of you have. If you have nothing constructive to add to a discussion or are unable to contribute without taking a swipe at the person you're responding to, please refrain from posting. The constant need some of you have to belittle people does nothing to enhance your credibility or the general perception of the Ninjutsu community. All it does is confirm the view many people have that we are petty, narrow minding, intolerant people who are so insecure about our art that we cannot answer questions in a reasonable, polite fashion and have to attack the questioner rather than respond to their inquiry.

    If people are incapable of exhibiting self control in their posts, perhaps some time on the naughty step will be needed to encourage them.
  19. bujingodai

    bujingodai Retired Supporter

    I'd agree with Frodo, when I went to Japan google was fine for certain things but there are questions best answered by those who have been.

    As for his intentions to travel and mixing about his answers to stem more fighting. That couldn't be more obvious. Not a thread for an agenda.
  20. Cable Focus

    Cable Focus Banned Banned

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