Is Ninjutsu Really Effective?2

Discussion in 'Ninjutsu' started by Kurama1234, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. PointyShinyBurn

    PointyShinyBurn Valued Member

    Or he just has them where his brain ought to be. Cruz could totally have finished him in 20 seconds with the Von Flue choke.
  2. gapjumper

    gapjumper Intentionally left blank

    No ninjutsu there whatsoever.

    Though obviously I mean no disrespect to anyone who believes the content of a youtube vid matches whatever the uploader decided to type into the description.

  3. PointyShinyBurn

    PointyShinyBurn Valued Member

    Dom Cruz is just itching to swagger jack all that sweet, sweet ninja street cred.
  4. PsychoElectric

    PsychoElectric Valued Member

    Dom Cruz was the ninja..The Ninja won.
  5. PsychoElectric

    PsychoElectric Valued Member

    Ninjas only win right?
  6. EdiSco

    EdiSco Likes his anonymity

    :eek: wtf! He's a UFC champ!!!? I wasn't aware of the huge mismatch. This video is awful! I thought it was a normal MMA challenge fight.
  7. PsychoElectric

    PsychoElectric Valued Member

    Was he actually the UFC champ when this happened?
  8. EdiSco

    EdiSco Likes his anonymity

    No offence taken :D
  9. PsychoElectric

    PsychoElectric Valued Member

    Why is this awful? They 'Ninja, after tapping from a beating obviously wanted to go again.
  10. The Iron Fist

    The Iron Fist Banned Banned

    What it is in my opinion can be seen similar to how the words of Jesus of Nazareth were later changed by Roman authorities to be prescriptive 'rules'. Note the change in basic structure from instruction to a specific clan of people (of Kesaputta) on their own lives, but later (2500 years presumably) becomes a generalized set of tenets to live by according to 20th century Buddhist authorities. I say that if anything the quote itself is from the 20th century representing a very 20th century, rationalist viewpoint of Buddhism. Whereas at the time of the original recorded Kalamas Sutta, we're not talking a prescribed set of principles set in stone or rationalized for the times, it's literally some stuff the Buddha said to a tribe one upon a time. :D Sorry for the interruption folks I just wanted to tie that thread of conversation up please continue with the ninjas. I may never have gone on the record like this before but I personally think ninjutsu is effective, when ninjas are involved and the objective is something ninjas are used for and by that I mean storming castles, getting information and sending it, blending in and so on. Combined with basic Japanese martial arts it seems like a winning combination, done correctly! But of course only a handful can probably ever really pull it off...
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
  11. Pretty In Pink

    Pretty In Pink Moved on MAP 2017 Gold Award

    If they lose in a competitive format, it's not ninjutsu :rolleyes:
  12. icefield

    icefield Valued Member

    at least its not too bad for them, the wing chun guys have it even rougher, most other practitioners say its not wing chun when they even win!
  13. Please reality

    Please reality Back to basics

    It's an underhand throw. Not sure why it works but with practice, it's not hard. You put a little english on the lob.
  14. PointyShinyBurn

    PointyShinyBurn Valued Member

    No, assuming it was posted roughly when it was filmed it was between his second and third fights in the WEC i.e. about three years before the UFC even had his weight class.
  15. jclevien

    jclevien Valued Member

    Why are you interested? I already told it.

    I didn't take the test, only I was tested in the first class by two shihans, just below the sanctuary of the dojo, I felt an aggression from behind me and react in time to evade one of the shihan (fudo ken), that feeling was the same before the accident I had. I don't know why, it felt the same, and is strange because as you imagine there was no "opponent" above the roof of the car, so why I felt the same thing? Seems crazy, no?

    Kyojutsu: Kyo (lie), Jutsu (art). Art of deception, manipulating truth as lie, and lie as truth.
  16. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    Kyo 'lie'

    Jitsu 'truth'

    Or falsehood and truth.

    This is why gapjumper has questioned you.
  17. jclevien

    jclevien Valued Member

    Dean Winchester, I know there could be one more meaning. And gapjumper didn't answer, I am not a fortune teller.
  18. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    I think the issue is that people are beginning to question your knowledge and experience.

    You've demonstrated some fairly basic errors in your understanding of some things.

    That's not a problem as such, we all learn, but you will naturally get questioned about your training when you make such mistakes.
  19. jclevien

    jclevien Valued Member

    Sorry, but I don't care to demonstrate 'credentials' to write what I believe. And I write to learn, not to put in 'shame' or 'be fun'. If there is no echoing, well, there are lots of places to learn and write, that is not an issue to me, I am sure of what I am writing and open to change my beliefs, but really don't care of anything else. If what I write serves to someone, well, excellent.
  20. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    You are at best misguided at times and at worst blatantly wrong.

    To be frank you sound like someone who has studied via the internet and little else.

    Feel free to post what you like but when it's bollocks you'll get called on it, so don't whinge.

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