Iron training

Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by Nightstrike, May 28, 2004.

  1. Nightstrike

    Nightstrike MMA Nerd

    do you guys have any sites where I can learn how to do training to do stuff like iron palm, iron hand, iron jacket, and ahem...Iron crotch?
    I really want to condition my hands because i cant punch worth nothing, and my hands are soft, however i play guitar and i don't wanna screw them up.
  2. Azrael

    Azrael Fighting Spirit

    Where abouts do you live? Someone may know a qualified teacher in your area who can take you through the very exacting processes involved in such things.
  3. Nerevar

    Nerevar A son of a mother

    Iron Balls training..... Using medicine balls made of iron of course.
  4. Nightstrike

    Nightstrike MMA Nerd

    Heh, I live in hickville canada.
    I live in saskatchewan, but in a small city like 2 hours away from regina and 4 from saskatoon.
    I think one guy from the ninja section lives in saskatoon.
    but yea
    i'm joinin tkd (I start tomaarrow!!!)but really I doubt there is anyone here that could teach me that.
    closest thing to kung fu we have is a guy that teaches Tai chi.
  5. bigd

    bigd New Member

    Go to the question an answer forum,and go to "BUCKET OF SAND THREAD"i have a post ,and i post how to do iron palm.
  6. Princess

    Princess New Member

    Why do you need iron stuffs? to protect yourself from girls..? kekeke.. I know we bites but I'm sure we're not that deadly! (falls of her chair)

    sorry...I can't help giggling!!! somebody help me! hehe...sorries..maybe I shouldn't be in here....

    (runs to the rest room)...


    P.S.... when you find your answers...can you tell me? I confess am a bit immature sometimes... but I always dream of becoming a knight!!! I mean it... my all time favourites....Play swords...wearing iron coats, shield, iron stuffs...ride horses.....screaming arrghhhhhhh U'RE DEAD!!!! :woo: .....all sound like fun! I'm willing to cut my hair and nails...quit chocolates and shopping even!...anything to be a knight! bro...once u got the answers...can you tell me? Thanks! (hugs) Ya da bessttt!!! :D

    (smiles) ~ Princess
  7. Nightstrike

    Nightstrike MMA Nerd

    To the dude above, yea thanks i read the training for iron palm, but im looking to condition more than my hands, why do i need iron crotch?
    to deal with the pain, I want to get tough and take alot of pain,and umm princess *Hugs you back.
    and i have no idea what your saying, so keep on acting funny!
  8. Azrael

    Azrael Fighting Spirit

    Nightstrike: As I said, find a good teacher to teach you the body and hand conditioning aspects of martial arts. Just be careful. This kind of training is very dangerous. Its not something that you should ever consider doing solo, or under anyone less than a highly experienced teacher. Do so at your own risk. I cannot emphasis this enough.

    As for Iron crotch... the only method I know by which to take a strike to the crotch is to internally raise the scrotum up into the abdomen. This in my opinion is not healthy. If you don't ever plan on having kids, go for it though, you should be fine.
  9. Albert

    Albert Banned Banned

    I dont even wanna know what youd have to do for getting an iron crotch. :eek: But im pretty sure what ever it is isnt very pretty, or even safe for that matter.
  10. Nightstrike

    Nightstrike MMA Nerd

    All I want is to have the ability to take the pain.
    and i definately wouldn't want to do that scrotom internally stuff... that would seem too creepy anwyays.
    besides, in stuff like iron jacket training, what kinda stuff is involved thats really dangerous
  11. BaGuaMaster X

    BaGuaMaster X New Member

    I would spend more time working on evasive footwork and strikes then playing with your b***s
  12. Azrael

    Azrael Fighting Spirit

    Amen to that.
  13. Adam

    Adam New Member

    Give me your address, and I'll be happy to come kick you in the balls next time I'm in your area. I'm a nice guy like that :)
  14. Albert

    Albert Banned Banned

    lol. hahahah. anyway, you learn to take the pain, by feeling the pain.
  15. 4141

    4141 New Member

    Iron Palm

    I have trained Iron palm for some time now. And it is nothing mystical just hard work that some people won`t do. Find some one who can help you or go on line you can find a lot of info there. First find some Dit-Da-Jow i would sugest i have been using it for a long time now. Good Luck.
  16. KiniroKyoshi

    KiniroKyoshi New Member

    why don't we tell him just to ware a cup? I mean not all of them are completely uncomfortable so he could get one of those expensive ones and ware it all the time lol!(that is if he fights so many girls that he is THIS worried(worried enough to consider conditioning his balls) then i think that is a better alternative.
  17. uki

    uki Banned Banned

    iron bar juggling.

    get some 12 inch long, 1 inch diameter iron bars(3 of them), 4lbs each and learn to juggle them. do this atleast 1000+ times a day.

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