Inspirational / Motivational Quotes

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by YODA, Dec 7, 2002.

  1. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    OK MAPers

    We've not had a new quote thread for a while - so...

    Inspirational / Motivational Quotes.

    “When the archer misses the mark, he turns and looks for the fault within himself. Failure to hit the bull's eye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim -- improve yourself.”
    - Gilbert Arland

    “Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you
    -John Wesley

    "Competition is a by-product of productive work, not its goal. A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others."

    - Ayn Rand

    "Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again."

    Henry Ford
  2. Bon

    Bon Banned Banned

    Failures are the stepping stones to success.
  3. TheStudent

    TheStudent New Member

    As my signature says

    "We Must Band Together As Brothers...Or We'll Die Together As Fools."

    The efforts of one can be multiplied if he/she allows his/herself to understand that not everything needs to be done on your own. Without trust, friendship, and even love...we would all be lost in this world.
  4. Brad Ellin

    Brad Ellin Baba

    When the student is ready, the teacher appears. And when the teacher is ready, the student appears.

    When you know who you are, you know what to do.

    You must build a firm foundation, with that your house will never endure.
  5. TkdWarrior

    TkdWarrior Valued Member

    You do watever u think
    you think watever u do- My teacher Mr. Narendra Singh

    "if u r controlling too much then u hav no control" -
    My teacher's teacher after stopping his kick on my teacher's face n then splatting the fly on window pane without breaking it.

    "There is no Free Lunch Honey..." - Me
  6. Andrew Green

    Andrew Green Member

    Would you rather be remembered as a innovator, or a immitator?
  7. Cain

    Cain New Member

    Inspirational? I myself live mostly on one quote -

    Don't try it, just do it otherwise you will keep trying for the rest of your life

  8. Tosh

    Tosh Renegade of Funk

    "A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. "

    -- Christopher Reeve

    "So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable" -- Same as above

    "Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you'll least a while. And dying in your deathbeds, many years from now, wouldn't you be willing to trade all of that from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take away our lives, but they'll never take away our freeeedoooomm. " -- Errr Mel Gibson :)
  9. Tosh

    Tosh Renegade of Funk

    Whooops almost forgot,

    "pimpin' aint Easy"
  10. alnesstsd

    alnesstsd New Member

    "Our bodies are our gardens...our wills are gardeners" ..............William Shakespeare
    "The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible"
    ..............Arthur C Clarke
    "If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves" ..............Thomas Edison
    "There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way" ..............Christopher Morley
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2003
  11. zen_tiger_claw

    zen_tiger_claw New Member

    The Four Noble Truths:1. The truth about suffering is that it exists. Life is suffering. Birth, aging and dying is suffering.2. Our reaching into the world of dreams, our desire to fulfill what cannot be fulfilled is what brings us our suffering.3. Only when we have broken the mirrors of illusion can we end our suffering, and4. The Eight-Fold Path can help us to break our habits of suffering.When we are able to recognize suffering as it enters our lives, see that our own desires have brought us this pain, and understand that letting go of this desire can bring us peace we have attained Right View.

    I clench my fist
    Not to fell a firmly rooted tree,
    Nor to catch a fish
    Rushing into calm water,
    Nor to spout flame from my soaring breast,
    Nor to put on wings that
    I might fly to lofty areas But that I may enter
    From the small, quiet place
    Inside my tightly clenched,
    Softly trembling fist
    Into the way towards a boundless life
    Opening endlessly before my eyes.
    (from ME!)

    Taekwondo is a way, a way of life.
    All that was separated again can meet.
    Through this everything is seen
    To become one.
    I can find my real self and so
    Toward perfection turn.
    Mind and body when harmonized make the human being whole.
    Thought and action when harmonized free each from the other.
    Motion and stay when harmonized lead to tranquillity.
    Yielding and stoutness when harmonized create power.
    Strength and weakness when harmonized brings about tenderness.
    Drawing and erasing when harmonized paints a
    picture without form.
    Eternity and an instant when harmonized produces a possibility.
    Myself and another when harmonized makes we.
    Air and ground when harmonized becomes the earth.
    Living and dying when harmonized breathes as a life.
    Inhaling and exhaling when harmonized is a
    cycle of renewal and
    Hand and foot when harmonized forms martialism
    but Military and literary when harmonized is art and this brings philosophy.
    When all these are blended they melted into one.
    This one then is perfect and is equal to
    When everything finally reaches the peak
    There is no longer a difference between
    being or not.
    I stand alone in the midst of this emptiness
    Then I and others appeared in a breath and
    My real self can walk the path without
    I erase myself
    My adversary and I, in the midst of our
    Frozen confrontation,
    Through my chosen way Taekwondo,
    I must erase myself.
    First I erase my mind, all thoughts,
    Then I erase my actions and
    Finally my body.
    Ultimately, when all is wiped out
    I can merge into my opponent's intent gaze.
    I would be everywhere, yet
    I cannot be found.
    Then will my opponent's movements
    Become my own and
    In this union of action a
    Tender flow of motion controls me and
    In it, my opponent is overcome.
    Picture this
    My opponent and I locked
    In our frozen confrontation.
    I erase myself and in doing so
    My opponent is lost and left behind
    Is and empty space where none exist.
    Taekwondo should be an art with
    Which to draw myself.
    First should be drawn the boundaries of the
    earth and
    The empty space filled in with the color of the sky.
    Then erasing myself and forming myself are the same.
    I remain standing in a featureless drawing
    And my form can vanish
    Then how would I be imagined.
    Taekwondo is language.
    A dialogue between subjectivity and objectivity,
    Between my opponent and I,
    Now and then
    Mind and body
    Tradition and innovation
    Between change and constancy,
    Man and nature
    Being and nothingness.
    The Language is spoken by the hands and feet.
    All these being equal,
    From what is in front of me
    I see what lies ahead.
    From a tiny beginning
    I can achieve great things and
    Move my opponent using only my will.
    What could be done
    Within the narrow space closed and firm,
    If I cannot see my way outside of myself
    I will look inside and
    Master my adversary by
    Attaching my own vulnerabilities.
    In facing an opponent
    We can see life and death cross,
    when we feel we must live
    Only for the sake of life in
    Death awakens outside our bodies.
    when the moment life and death cross
    We can see our gaze reflected in our opponent's eyes.
    The heart which holds the universe huddles,
    The muscles of the chest breathe deeply
    As if to support the cowering heart.
    The arms cross the inclined body and
    Softly come alive.
    Earth is the mother of life,
    The humble center is balanced
    Being and nothingness awaken where
    The feet are planted.
    In hiding my own breath
    The opponent's breath is sought.
    Rhythm is perceived in the breathing:
    Distance is found in rhythm
    Offense and defense are determined by distance.
    Offense and defense are the whole question of existence.
    Taekwondo is the way to perfect rhythm.
    Within all things of the earth there
    Beats a hidden rhythm.
    Nature wills the unity of this rhythm.
    In this, man's will is activated.
    Opponents attempt to break each other's rhythm
    So I absorb my opponent's rhythm and
    Through my own rhythm
    Disperse that of my adversary.
    A broken rhythm is confused
    Confusion easily dominated.
    And so through a tiny motion
    Something meaningful is achieved.
    Taekwondo is language.
    The rhythm of the language creates distance.
    Offense and defense are founded on distance;
    Ideal distance sees my opponent's attack fall
    Short while mine strikes home.
    This is the fruit of harmony between time and space;
    To find this distance I must erase myself.
    In the midst of lunge and retreat
    While fixing the opponent's gaze,
    Two worlds are created on
    The pillars of Space and time.
    As the two mingle with each other
    One is designed to fall and
    When a world falls its
    Master falls with it
    Whose world is first perfected,
    That is the man who is seen to stand.
    Taekwondo, in truth makes me one with my opponent.
    To strike the opponent's most vulnerable place is to
    Strike a place in the universe.
    When I strike my opponent I
    Strike with all that is in me,
    When attacked,
    There is no difference between fullness and emptiness.
    I am grasped by fullness while
    Through emptiness my
    Opponent's attack becomes futile.
    By softly striking a weak point
    I can subdue the adversary without
    Being contrary to reason,
    A good attack never demands excessive
    power but
    Accuracy instead,
    Never ruin but control,
    Redirection not interference and
    Attaining victory using the
    Opponent's own power.
    The ideal offense produces
    Power from the force of the opponent's blow,
    It does not oppose but only blends.
    If I attack with excessive force
    I may destroy myself as well.
    If I fail to convert my opponent's force into mine
    We both will tremble with shock.
    Attack and Defense differ
    Only in name
    Their oneness relies merely on
    How sharply they are honed.
    By releasing my spirit in the form of a yell
    My opponent's desire is overwhelmed.
    All is a dialogue between the Subjective and the objective
    If something cannot be found in the subjective
    Then by objectivity can the opponent's
    Subjectivity be dismantled.
    Taekwondo is enriched by lines straight and curved,
    a curved line let run
    Comes to stand as a circle.
    A circle in itself is a
    Perfect world.
    Within it, the universe perhaps can be seen
    All is closed out or easily received.
    A straight line is a sharp course
    Yet also is weak,
    It is drawn quickly to strike
    Through all restraints,
    Upon our foe.
    A curved line has strength while
    A straight line has speed,
    A straight line and curved line
    Unite in a circle but
    Standing alone outside of a circle a
    Straight line can be seen to exist by itself.
    A straight line to my foe and a
    Circle to me.
    The result of a union of these
    Two into one is that
    Taekwondo transforms from a word
    Into art.
    Martialism is a two edged sword
    Used to feel both opponent and self
    How is it we fail to temper our deeds,
    Taekwondo, in truth says its right to avoid
    Action excessive and tells us instead that
    Through one single action we
    Can certainly make others alive.
    Standing alone in solitude
    My mind stabalized in frozen tranquility
    I firmly clench my fists and center them
    In space.
    When action takes place in the company of
    One movement after another fells the
    Featureless opponent.
    From the stories of our bodies' many actions
    The boundless knowledge of wise is formed.
    Through the formality of ceaseless training
    There emerges freedom that is not indifferent and
    In each instant of formal motion a
    New creation is found.
    It is not my creation but
    Is the shape of us all from
    The past through the future a
    Creation for all eternity.
    As movements repose and the fists
    Return to their starting place,
    From the vitality of the soul the
    Mind deeply breaths and
    Again becomes tranquil while
    Two sparkling eyes gaze
    Through the thick wall of time at
    Ancient history
    I clench my fist and
    From people who smile
    Beneath a vast sky
    I seek the path to the
    Subtle meaning of my life.

    Tightening a black belt on a white uniform,
    Standing alone in a calm DoJang
    When I sink down under a hidden life
    With my idle thoughts cut off
    By the sword of seriousness
    My invisible opponent
    Appears with my severe attention
    In no figure
    From the deepest hidden area
    Of my spirit
    And of my life,
    Opening its manifest mystery.
    It is not dancing yet rhythmic
    Not a huge mountain yet massive
    Not history yet has story
    Substance without shape
    Lacking an edge yet still sharp
    Not dogma yet it teaches
    Felt yet unseen,
    It thus contains completion yet neither finished nor unfinished,
    Finally showing itself same with everything yet each still different,
    Then I,
    Follow the leader's <Poom> while interpreting continuously new <Sae>,
    Conceive <Sae> with followers while teaching them <Poom>.
    Poom and Sae are the names of shape and nonshape.
    Therefore Poomsae can
    Include everything of Taekwondo.
  12. officer_fujita

    officer_fujita New Member

    "Fasten your helmet strings after achieving victory"

    - Tokugawa Ieyasu

    "Everyone is my teacher..."

    -That's what's written on my tenugui
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2003
  13. cioGium

    cioGium New Member

    The road is long , the roots are bitter but the fruits are sweet.
    Great Master Phan Xuang Tong
  14. craigwarren

    craigwarren Valued Member

    "give a man a fish, and he'll feed his family for a day...

    but, teach that man to fish and he'll wear a very ugly hat"
  15. Solane

    Solane New Member

    LOL don’t you mean he will feed is family for life? :)

    Some heroes are made by adventure.
    While others are made by circumstances.
    (saw it on a memorial to sept 11th)
  16. Aqira

    Aqira New Member

    "To respond is to control to react is to be controlled"
  17. TkdWarrior

    TkdWarrior Valued Member

    Welcome to the forums, Aqira.
  18. Cain

    Cain New Member

    Hello Aquira :D

  19. pgm316

    pgm316 lifting metal

    "Hand over the money or I'll put the boot in flower!"

    Peter Kay
  20. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    I like this.....


    Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of pleasures, costs nothing, and conveys much. It pleases him who gives and receives and thus, like mercy, is twice blessed."

    - Erastus Wiman

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