Illegal immigration - Does it unduly affect US crime rates?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Anjelica, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Your a convicted drug dealer telling me Mexicans are to blame for all the drugs in your country.

    It's like ten thousand spoons.... dont you think?

    philosoraptor, axelb and Hannibal like this.
  2. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

  3. Anjelica

    Anjelica Banned Banned

    I think I posted before I don't blame anyone but myself. Do you not understand the difference between pot and hard drugs like heroin and meth? When have you heard of a fatal overdose of pot? I never have. Theres the difference. I don't think it should be illegal if alcohol is legal. Ask and ER physician how many people end up in there with alcohol poisoning. Some don't make it.
  4. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    It's currently illegal and that's where any other argument fails.

    And just because you haven't heard of a fatal overdose from pot doesn't mean it should be available on supermarket shelves.

    And while you say you don't blame anyone else you are happy to blame illegal immigrants without having the proof or stats we asked for.
  5. Anjelica

    Anjelica Banned Banned

    Blame them for what? I only pointed out they commit more crimes as the link I posted shows. As for me I made my own mistakes.
  6. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    STATS not news - they are readily available...go get them
    David Harrison, axelb and Dead_pool like this.
  7. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    pgsmith, axelb and Dead_pool like this.
  8. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Your link is a misleading article based on a un peer reviewed study, by someone who's has previously faked their results.

    Did you never study critical thinking or even just statistics at school?
    pgsmith likes this.
  9. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Is there another Pope of Basingstoke or something?
    axelb, Dead_pool and Simon like this.
  10. Anjelica

    Anjelica Banned Banned

    never took statistics. I took geometry and trig.
  11. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    So you can design a wall, but you don't know if your being manipulated into wanting it?
  12. Anjelica

    Anjelica Banned Banned

    Will congress release the funds for the wall? Remains to be seen. I wouldn't bet on it.
  13. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    How would you calculate the odds?
  14. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Discordianism - Wikipedia

    Technically I am the Pope, and so is my wife!
    (life of Brian callback)

    According to the Principia Discordia, “every single man, woman, and child on this Earth” is deemed a pope.[8]

    Included in the Principia Discordia is an official pope card that may be reproduced and distributed freely to anyone and everyone.[8]Papacy, however, is not granted through possession of this card; it merely informs people that they are “a genuine and authorized Pope” of Discordia."
    pgsmith, axelb and Hannibal like this.
  15. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

  16. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    It's so sad when it comes to this, makes me sick to read about it. A situation that has arisen by manipulation of masses of people who take tabloids on face value as fact (and too often by titles alone), and feed their xenophobic fears, instead of checking basic readily available statistics.

    back on topic, here is a current UK program for you:

    Dead_pool likes this.
  17. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    Wait what? Someone convicted of dealing drugs is blaming mexicans for drugs in America!?!? Is this real?
  18. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    I'm not sure if it's from a working script of South Park, but if I saw someone on TV saying it, I would think it was some sort of satire.
    Dead_pool likes this.
  19. Anjelica

    Anjelica Banned Banned

    like I said you don't live here. In Arizona where I used to live the ranchers wont leave the house without a gun anymore because of the border jumpers. Drus is just the tip of the iceberg. Read up on the murders kidnappings etc that occur in the border region.
  20. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Murder in the United States by state - Wikipedia

    The Arizona murder rate is very low compared to the rest of the states.
    axelb and Hannibal like this.

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