I Respect Aikido But I Could Never Do It Because....

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by fightorflight, Apr 16, 2004.

  1. bigd

    bigd New Member

    Whatever Do I Feel That Theres Jealousy Going On In Here If You Thank Im Fake I Live In Lima Ohio
  2. WatchfulAbyss

    WatchfulAbyss Active Member

    You live in lima OH I live in newark OH stop at the Shinkyotei Martial Arts university
    219 north cedar street. Not doubting you but atleast then it would be verified by Jason E. Shepherd Grandmaster/Soke as to rather you hold water or not. And no this is not to fight just to see some paper work and he could check the back round just things like that, you could check out his style while there could be fun
  3. Kenpo Kicker

    Kenpo Kicker New Member

    As previously stated, even self-editing swear words is a no-no, if I could figure out what you meant, so could my 7 yr old nephew. - FREEFORM

    I'm not jealous of fake instructors (if you even teach) teaching a wonderful in depth martial art (please stop swearing) - FREEFORM.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2004
  4. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    There's no jealousy here bigd. We simpley don't beleive your story. Perhaps if you provided some credentials you'd be taken more seriousley.

    How about providing us with a full list of all the martial arts you have studied with your grade for each of them and the place, dojo, school where you trained. Tell us who your teachers were and who they trained with and the grade they acheived.

    Which arts have you "mastered"?

    Basically if you want to be taken seriously provide some proof you are what you say you are.

    You can't blaim people for being so skeptical when someone who's only 23 comes in and says "hey I'm a grand master and I've done 15 different styles". This is especialy true when you start quoting arts like Aikido that take decades to master on their own. To top it off you then ask a typical noob question, "Has anybody ever used it for real" and go on to document two of your "real life" martial arts adventrues.

    Why would a grand master even ask such a question? Aren't you convinced your styles work?

    But that's not the end of your tall tales. It turns out your Shinobi Jutsu, which you said you created, was being practiced at least a decade before you were born and seems to actually be part of the ninpo/ninjuitsu line of martial arts.


    bigd you just look as though your telling tall tales and they aren't washing with anybody.
  5. OBCT

    OBCT New Member

    JKD is not just a style, its creating your own personal MA by taking what you need from other pre existing styles, from the sounds of it you have been doing JKD or MMA via several McDojo's, except calling it another by name.

    Did you buy your Soke certification over the net ?

    Do you find that learning several opposing styles is confusing? I mean If you need to kick, how do you do it TKD, karate or KF ?
  6. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Yes. He writes like Oneninja writes in the Philosophy section. I've given up trying to read their posts.
  7. Budd

    Budd Valued Member

    Hi Bigd,

    I should be out your way around July/August. I'll be happy to verify your proficiency in all of your listed disciplines if you'd like in some friendly rounds of grappling and striking sparring, technique demonstrations, etc.

    PM me your contact information and after we get together I'll be sure to report back here to everyone regarding your level of skill and achievement.
  8. surgingshark

    surgingshark Valued Member

    Please bring a camera (still or video) as well, Budd :) It's been a while since we saw MAP members sparring in a vid :D
  9. Budd

    Budd Valued Member

    Oh yeah, I always make sure to get pictures (try for video, but I'm technologically limited) whenever I get together with folks I meet online to train.

    Here's some pictures from a recent get together where I grappled with some BJJers and a jujutsu instructor.





    The last pic involved me breaking couple of toes on the way down, but I took it out on the other guy's neck.
  10. surgingshark

    surgingshark Valued Member

    Good job, Budd :D
  11. Gravity

    Gravity New Member

    Fighting is not a mood!

    These were the words of one Japanese Aikido master (I forgot his name) that I read in a book. He said: A warrior must always be ready to fight and defend his life at all times (that's 24/7... every second of it). There are no moods, no excuses. Just because you don't feel like it or because you're sick, is a pathetic justification of losing your life by default. Therefore, readiness must be backed by training. Ergo, a warrior must always train to be always ready to defend his life. Otherwise, without training, the "readiness to defend oneself" will just be an empty rhetoric - a "willingness to die".

    I believe, he spoke these words because sometimes, one is not given a chance to choose or avoid a fight. The fight chooses or is carried to him.

    So train yourelf. Take up a martial art. Of course, we'd be happy if you choose Aikido so long as you choose well and you choose the art you are happy with. Better now than never.
  12. Budd

    Budd Valued Member

    There is also something to be said for not being overly paranoid. Although . . .

    "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you . . ."

  13. domidude

    domidude New Member

    do aikido, it's the best, it's the art of peace... you will not get street proof in any MA in less than a year (or more) anyway... especially if you want to avoid a fight: do aikido... if you need to hurt someone that's already a bad situation, but you will not throw a correct punch... more likely you kick the balls, you scream, you bite... that is instict, no need to learn MA for that... aikido is good for everything (fixed my spine problems), but it is the best t learn to avoid a fight (physically getting out of the way) and to get over fears (like rolling over your head with your heands behind your back)... and hey: there are some nice punches in aikido also, if that bis what you want.
  14. bigd

    bigd New Member

    im like all late but yeah that would be cool
  15. Budd

    Budd Valued Member

    Also, to be fair, I'm planning to write up any experiences that I have training with Bigd (when I expect to be in Ohio in July or August) for the aikido board. I would hope that anyone else would do the same.
  16. WatchfulAbyss

    WatchfulAbyss Active Member

    school class for the tetsu hei are on tue 7-9 thurday 7-9 and sat 1-3
    hope to see you sometime like said it could be fun
  17. Arphod

    Arphod New Member

  18. Arphod

    Arphod New Member

    Oh, come on!
    This isn't even English.
  19. Jame$

    Jame$ New Member

    yeah, couldn't really make sense of that.
  20. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Hey Budd, has this meeting happened? Do tell!

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