I just gotta ask...

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Saved_in_Blood, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. John R. Gambit

    John R. Gambit The 'Rona Wrangler

    "...God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance..."
    --Neil DeGrasse Tyson
    (I :heart: him.)
  2. YouKnowWho

    YouKnowWho Valued Member

    Human being has "slavery" in nature. They created God so they can have something to worship.
  3. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Wouldn't put it quite like that but I agree. It was a weird moment watching the Avengers when I found myself agreeing with Loki more than Captain America
  4. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    Weird moment? As long as you didn't dress the part and parade around the streets at night....:)
  5. m1k3jobs

    m1k3jobs Dudeist Priest

    And as long as you don't run into the Hulk.

    That didn't go well for Loki.
  6. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    According to Supernatural, Loki is actually the archangel Gabriel. Whom Lucifer killed. :(
  7. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    But I kinda like Lucifer as well. So far this is working out well
  8. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    Damn! You watch that fly on the wall documentary? I swear those cameras are more trouble than they are worth but no Sammy thought it was a good idea, educate the masses and all that.

    Only thing they got right was the title music.

    As for Loki/Gabriel well the dude was a pain in the ass but he grew on you.
  9. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    just don't use the term ignorant, you might offend someone. :)
  10. AndrewTheAndroid

    AndrewTheAndroid A hero for fun.

    Religion promotes the idea that humanity/life is somehow inherently a problem that needs to be solved.

    While humanity does have it's problems, I don't think that they are inherent and I believe more practical and tangent solutions can be thought of than the ones promoted by various religions.
  11. m1k3jobs

    m1k3jobs Dudeist Priest

    I can't say that is true of either Buddhism or Taoism. Loosely speaking both deal with the issue of accepting reality as it is, letting go of our expectations of how life should be and being content in the moment.

  12. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Is that also not the same as science? Try to see way to improve our lot and solve problems we have and the world has? In fact at its core the intent is essentially identical - improve.

    Now if you took issue with the METHOD of said improvement you would have a stronger point ("magic" vs "science" as a grossly over simple example)
  13. AndrewTheAndroid

    AndrewTheAndroid A hero for fun.

    No I don't believe it is the same as science because science doesn't opperate from a premise that people are somehow inherently bad, impure, lost ect... moreover scientific views are subject to change based on evidence, whereas religious views are much less likely to change regardless of how negative their impact are.

    I'm not talking about about science vs magic, but the general attitude/beliefs that various religions have towards the general population. I believe it to be a rather negative view and at times down right insulting. People don't need to saved, we're not pure or impure spiritually, and I don't think any is really that much more enlightened than the next. To suggest otherwise is frankly arrogant.

    Moreover as for Buddhism and taoism being about accepting reality and dealing with your expectations of life, I would say that those are what they would see as inherent problems with humanity/life. I've met many people who are were not religous yet able to deal with problems that they faced and I've met people who were very religious but barely able to cope with things that happened in their own life.

    I also don't like the apathy that a lot of religious people show towards real world problems right outside their doorstep. While religions can show people a way to cope with problems people face, they do little to solve the actual problem. A more more scientific approach would try to attack the problem at it's root.
  14. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Nor do all - in fact most - religions claim this.
  15. AndrewTheAndroid

    AndrewTheAndroid A hero for fun.

    I respectfully disagree.
  16. m1k3jobs

    m1k3jobs Dudeist Priest

    Buddhism at it's core does not believe people are bad or good. Buddhism is about how to relieve suffering, in particular your own suffering.

    Now there is a lot of cultural baggage that has been added to Buddhism so your mileage may vary depending on which school of thought you choose to follow. I happen to be a secular Buddhist with some Zen and Pure Land thrown in.
  17. AndrewTheAndroid

    AndrewTheAndroid A hero for fun.

    As I said before Buddhism can teach you a way to deal with suffering, but what does it do to solve the issue that is causing the suffering in the first place? For example if someone is suffering from a terminal illnesses Buddhism can help you cope with it, however I feel it comes up far to short in terms of curing the disease that is actually causing the suffering. I believe that the same can also be said of societal issues that cause personal suffering.
  18. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Do you have sourcing for this belief of yours? I can think of only one major family of religions that adhere to a concept of "broken" or "flawed" human existence, and even that is subject to interpretation.

    Certainly it is not at the core of my beliefs/religious system - i seek to maximise my potential (to keep it simple) and the belief system I follow advocates that.

    With the best will in the world I don;t think you have looked at this too deeply
  19. m1k3jobs

    m1k3jobs Dudeist Priest

    In case number one you go to a doctor and get treatment. Because of your Buddhism you follow the doctors instructions, pay attention to the rest of your health, have a good attitude and increase your chances of getting better. You will then either get better or die.

    Not sure what you mean with societal issues, care to give an example?
  20. Xanth

    Xanth Valued Member

    I see where Whitepanda is coming from, I grew up Catholic. Because of original sin, I was always made to feel that I was born "guilty", and unless I was a good little catholic...I'm gonna burn. I hate that viewpoint as an adult, and refuse to burden my kids with it.

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