Hurtin' Knuckles

Discussion in 'Thai Boxing' started by AtlantaDan, Aug 26, 2003.

  1. AtlantaDan

    AtlantaDan New Member

    I'm a little over 3 1/2 months into my program and my Knuckles hurt and are swollen. I have been using the NHB (Century) gloves. When I use a more padded boxing style glove, my knuckles are fine. I was told two things, 1-over time my knuckles will get used to it. 2-Don't punch so hard.

    I have been icing after class and that helps. I really would rather use NHB gloves and I certainly want to keep punching with pop!
  2. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Punching what?

    Mitts are ok with NHB gloves.

    DO NOT work the heavy bag with anything less than 12oz gloves and hand wraps!
  3. Adam

    Adam New Member

    Here's the retarded master of knuckle smashing! :D

    Your knuckles swelling and hurting will pass in a little time as your hands adopt to taking trauma and get harder, nothing to worry about. But as Yoda says, if you punch very hard things such as wood, metal or rock, you should wait until you have MUCH better hand conditioning or you may cause permanent damage to your knuckles. (if you plan on punching hard stuff that is)

    Check out various hand conditioning threads on this site for more info (and a lot of bickering) about how and if you should condition your hands.

    Hope they get better soon.
  4. Andrew Green

    Andrew Green Member

    Even if it stops hurting, doesn't mean you won't regret it later.

    Hand wraps and gloves, the thicker the better.
  5. Combatant

    Combatant Monsiour Fitness himself.

    Yoda, is this essential just if you have hand problems or for anyone in general?
  6. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    It's for anyone who has a brain and wants to have shoulder joints left when they get older.
  7. Grifter

    Grifter Edited by White Wizard

    Are hand wraps really important?? Because I just use 12oz gloves
  8. Andrew Green

    Andrew Green Member


    Protect your hands.
  9. Combatant

    Combatant Monsiour Fitness himself.

    My biggest worry with wearing hand wraps has always been that my form may get sloppy, and when I throw a punch without them on (on the street) that I will break my wrist or hand. Is this dumb?

    As for not wearing 12oz gloves- I like the feeling of a hard punch on the bag and was thinking of getting hold of some of those Harbingers. WHat do you reckon I should go for? Are they a good substitute?
  10. Killerbee

    Killerbee New Member

    YODA are you saying that wearing wraps while doing bagwork isnt enough?

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