how to counteract Grappling weakness

Discussion in 'Self Defence' started by noodlemaster, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. noodlemaster

    noodlemaster New Member

    I was goofing off with some friends two days ago after Ultimate frisbee, just slap-boxing and lighthearted stuff, when one of them, who has no fighting experience at all, except for stuff he learned from his kung-fu taking brother, stepped close and seized both of my hands in his. He was just goofing off, but as I looked at the situation, I felt slightly upset because I could not figure a way to get him to release me without kicking him. If I was defending myself, I would kick immediately, but since we were just playing, it made me realize how weak I am at grappling
    I took Aikido for a short time, so I knew things like elbow locks and projections, and a few immobilizations, but I had no clue as to how to applicate them in the middle of a fight, since I am nowhere near skilled enough to fight solely with my aikido skills. I ended up yanking one of my arms free, lifting the arm that he was still holding on to, and stepping underneath, twisting his arm so that I could make an elbow lock and force him to the ground.
    I did not like that technique at all, because it required me to stop and concentrate on freeing that hand...and what if I couldn't get my hand free? So here I am, and I would like to know if there are any rudimentary grappling techniques that I can use in emergencies like this. I know that a few techniques are not going to solve my problem completely, which is why I am looking into joining a Judo class, but in the meantime I would like to have something, anything. Thanks!
  2. JKD_forever

    JKD_forever DEADLIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well obviously the best thing is as you said to kick him...
    But the real problem is goofing around with moves because your brain memorizes them as such, even if you think it doesn't. Do movements only when you can concentrate and focus and tell your friends to stop goofing with things like that.
    That’s the best advice I can give you on that.
  3. Ikken Hisatsu

    Ikken Hisatsu New Member

    go to a grappling class and pump some iron, girly man!
  4. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Good point but less personal please :rolleyes:
  5. Lafhastum

    Lafhastum New Member

    First of all it is very very simple how to counter act that move, it takes no strength and is easy to remember. Pull your hands down in the direction of the attackers index finger. If you aim for the space between the thumb and index finger you will get out easy and you enemy will be open for a nice counter attack.
  6. TwIsT

    TwIsT Son Of Odin!

    Always work against the attackers thumb and your hand will be free in nano seconds.
  7. CobraMaximus

    CobraMaximus Banned Banned

    If you dont have enough strength pump weights AND use explosive movements, they are stronger than brute strength so can sometimes take your opponent by suprirse and overpower them
  8. Paratus

    Paratus aka Mr. Rue

    Stole the words out of my....keyboard? :D
    Yeah, grip is weakest at the thumb, situation like that pull through the index-thumb part of the grip and you're home free
  9. alex_000

    alex_000 You talking to me?

    I learned that when i did aikido at day 1. There is no way the guy doesn't know that.
  10. noodlemaster

    noodlemaster New Member

    thanks for the confidence...I know that I would usually be able to jerk out of someone's grasp, or kick them, but that is not the problem I am worried about. The off chance that I can't get out of a grapple, or that my kick is blocked with his leg, or he pushes me off balance before I can kick worries me. I appreciate the responses greatly, but I guess I am asking more for a rudimentary grappling response to a grapple. But no worries, I know that would be kind of hard to teach or show me on a forum on the internet.
  11. cmz

    cmz New Member

    I have to agree with JKDforever.

    Do the math, he's giving you two weapons in trying to control your hands (which he can't). If he grabs both hands or wrists, simply roll them toward each other and down or roll them up and out, in one sharp movement and you'll pop his grip loose and you can disengage or counter with your own grab, as his wrists should end up in the palms of your hands either way. This is not a POWER move, it is a "timing and mechanics" move - it will work, even against the fat necked body builders - been there and done that.

    That being said, your first instinct was best, go with your gut, if you're a trained martial artist, too much thinking gets you hurt! Also, I must mention an old "fav"....pull back & down from the grip and drive your head (just below the hariline) into his eye (or fine bones around the eye), nose,, that'll get their hands off even quicker! (Not for Novices)
  12. TwIsT

    TwIsT Son Of Odin!

    Why Would he head butt his friend???
  13. cmz

    cmz New Member

    "I would like to know if there are any rudimentary grappling techniques that I can use in emergencies like this."
  14. TwIsT

    TwIsT Son Of Odin!

    Ok My Bad, if your not goofing off you shouldn't worry about headbutting them.
  15. add

    add New Member

    True! It really does work, I have Yang Jwing Ming's Shaolin Chin Na and I have learnt some ways for disengaging simple grabs on the wrists and stuff. Works really well when it comes to goofing around! Of course in real life it would be accompanied by a punch to the face or body!

    The problem with goofing around is that you cant hit your friends (without losing them :p). If I 'lose' in one situation in goofing around I remember that fighting is a lot different to messing around. But it does make me look like I am not very skilled in martial arts.

    I reccomend the book I mentioned for quick escapes that don't take long to learn and can be added to your own skills with minimal changes. Grappling arts are perfect for messing around, you'll put your friends to shame every time without looking homoerotic. :cool:
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2004

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