Head / Brain Injuries?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by RaKzaroK, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. RaKzaroK

    RaKzaroK Valued Member

    I was playing with a friend, actually we were drunk and we were wrestling.

    So, I started a double leg takedown, he grabbed my head and we both landed on the (marble :eek: ) ground.
    I landed with my head ( my forehead mostly ) and A LOT of blood started gushing out.
    I didn't faint, I felt dizzy as hell though.

    I'm not proud of any of this.

    Anyway, we went to the hospital for stitches, I had 4 stitches done.

    The doctor asked nothing, about how I fell, how did I feel after the fall etc etc, he didn't ask even the most common questions for concussions.

    He got the stitches done, he told me to come again at 8 days and that's all.

    Anyway, then I slept almost immediately when I got home - I didn't know that was bad as I could have had brain bleeding etc - and I woke up normally after 8-10 hours.

    I got the stitches at Saturday 8 am ( gmt +2 ).
    I've slept 3 days normally ( 8 -10 hours ).

    I have a headache and some dizziness since then, but I suppose that's normal as my forehead is like a horn and, well, I have stitches ( the doctor also said that was going to happen for sure ).
    But that's all, no extreme symptoms like loss of balance, hearing, extreme headache etc.

    Though, I have been reading and listening lately about internal bleeding that takes days,weeks, or months to show symptoms and I got a lil' bit worried.

    I'm asking in this forum because brain injuries / concussions are somehow common at some combat sports and I think many here will have better info than the usual google search, which mostly destroys your nerves and says that you have 49353495 forms of cancer.

    I've had a lot of falls as a little boy and a lot of stitches, they never did a CT scan or something for those at the hospital, is this normal?

    Should I go do a CT scan tomorrow or one of these days, or I'm safe having no extreme symptoms 72 hours ( almost ) after the fall?

    Are those cases of internal bleeding with no symptoms and with such longevity something I should worry about?

    I would go do a CT scan immediately if there wasn't the radiation which I don't really like storing in my body.
  2. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    If in doubt then I strongly suggest you return to see a doctor.
  3. John R. Gambit

    John R. Gambit The 'Rona Wrangler

    It was pretty irresponsible of the physician not to quiz you for concussion symptoms, but massive bleeding with head abrasions is typical. You're probably fine if you haven't experienced any symptoms yet, but you shouldn't be self-diagnosing your own concussion to begin with. It's likely the doctor is gonna say some variation of, "if you haven't experienced any symptoms there is no cause for alarm," but it's your brain and you should both let a professional determine that, and if you're still worried, insist on having more thorough testing for your peace of mind.
  4. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    How did it go
  5. Ero-Sennin

    Ero-Sennin Well-Known Member Supporter

    If you're worried and you have the medical insurance or money then I would go get a scan of your head to be on the safe side. It's one of the things that should be done immediately after a head injury. IF YOUR SYMPTOMS GET WORSE and not better you NEED TO ABSOLUTELY GO TO THE ER AND GET A SCAN.

    If you start throwing up or start getting debilitating migraines you need to go as quick as possible too. Symptoms from a head injury don't always show themselves the next day. I got a head injury in June that I'm still suffering from in December, and it took an entire week for any of the symptoms to kick in and before I got my head looked at.

    Just to be safe, you should also stay away from anything strenuous both physically (exercise) and mentally (things like math, you shouldn't do it).

    Best of luck and hopefully nothing bad has happened.
  6. RaKzaroK

    RaKzaroK Valued Member

    I haven't been to the doctor yet.

    Thanks for the advice Simon!

    Thanks for the input and the wishes Ero :)
    I will have to spend a lot of money to get a scan, my medical insurance doesn't cover it, that's why I'm still in doubt about having to do one or not.

    Also, there have been more than 72 hours now after the fall, I just feel a little dizzy and have a small headache sometimes, but nothing else.

    What were your symptoms?
    I know there are infinite symptoms about a TBI, as the brain controls everything, but anyway.
    Also, how do you deal with the injury now?

    You're right Gambit!
    Actually, not being quizzed by the doctor is what got me worried.
    I think I will visit a doctor after all.
  7. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    If you had no serious neurological symptoms then yes. A head scan exposes you to the equivalent of 2 years background radiation, if every child who had a bit of a bang was scanned everytime there'd be a leukaemia epidemic. Scans should be for those times when there's a suspicion that something is seriously wrong, they're not a screening tool.
  8. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

  9. RaKzaroK

    RaKzaroK Valued Member

    Read that, thanks :)

    I guess that's logical, that's why I don't know if I really have to do a CT scan without a strong reason,other than a mild headache / dizziness.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  10. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    One of the worst things you can do with post concussion syndrome is look at computer screens ;) (TVs not great either).
  11. RaKzaroK

    RaKzaroK Valued Member

    Well, there's nothing else I can do actually.
    I usually go to university, then go out with friends etc, then work out / practice martial arts.
    In between, if I need to study or kill some time, everything is in the PC nowadays.
  12. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    Listen to music, meditate, contemplate the meaning of life, plan the martial arts training facility that you'll build and operate when you win the lottery.....
  13. RaKzaroK

    RaKzaroK Valued Member

    Just for feedback, there have been 7 days and some hours since the accident, the swelling of my forehead is gone pretty much completely.
    With it, the headache and dizziness are gone too.

    I'm taking the stitches out on Monday, thanks everyone for the input :)

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