H.i.i.t Training

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by strider, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    Medi, the goal would be 3 times a week. I could only manage 2, puking sessions a week, and 3rd milder session. As you can now tell everyone here, it is such a mental thing that you need a ton of recovery time. If you can push it to 3 times a week, at the level you just did, you are my hero!
  2. Yatezy

    Yatezy One bad mamba jamba

    Just a question on this, i know this would work by running, bike or rowing but would doing this exercise work if you used it by swimming?

    This isnt a question for me, im just wondering as my dad is looking to lose weight and swims rather than any other exercise, would using HIIT in a pool work or just stick to the normal routine of length after length?
  3. strider

    strider Valued Member

    yatezy i wouldnt recommend ur dad doing the H.I.I.T,unless under the supervision of a proffessional athletic doctor,cuz for sure ur dad is above 45,and doing this training at his age is very dangerous for the heart and blood pressure.
    just tell him to walk 3 or 4 days a week for 50 minutes or an hour max.
    take care
  4. Yatezy

    Yatezy One bad mamba jamba

    Haha glad you mentioned that i was gonna tell him about it tomorrow!

    He always said i was gonna the death of him! :D

    Cheers bud
  5. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    Your Dad can do intensive swimming ie: sprint a lap, rest a lap, sprint, rest. But the intensity in a pool, compared with ground work, should not be as high. Simple reason, you could drown. I have swum competitively and had practices where I threw up, but rarely. Have your father try 10 laps of the sprint, rest training and see how he feels. If he has been exercising regularly this should not kill him. If he is just starting a routine, have him get the Dr.'s OK!
  6. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    Couldn't do it yesterday or today. The ache in my legs got progressively worse.

    Tomorrow's the day for round 2.
  7. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    You are a trooper medi! Make sure you don't overdo it. It took me 2 weeks to get up to 2 times a week! :D
  8. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    lol no good

    My legs are still too stiff to sprint. I did a regular jog instead.
  9. murphy81


    Is HIIT all that safe to do? I dont know how happy I would be if I passed out after doing 15 minutes of it :eek:

    Am seriously thinking of giving it a go though
  10. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise

    there is no "15 minutes" of it. It should take a max of 10, IMO.

    I Tabata'd some squats once....... talk about pain, yikes.

    My suggestion is only once a week, mixed in with other types of cardio, doing it more than that might lead to overtraining and just flatout exhaustion.

    1 min warm up, 30 sec as fast as possible, 30 sec break, rinse repeat 7 or 8 times.
  11. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    I pick up tabata squats (no weights) occaisionally - they will put your legs in shape FAST, like in 3 weeks.
  12. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    I've been doing hiit for a few years, on and of - interval interval training :D
    I just started getting back into it again after not doing it since I got pnuemonia a year ago, it's going to take me a long time to get back into it because of the damage to my lungs.

    ime it was perfect training for MAist especially to help with competitions if people are into that. The fat burning thing certainly works, but to me this is not my goal.
    When I first started doing it I lost about 9% of my body fat doing it twice a week for about 3 months along side my normal 1-2 times a week training. It took a while for my body to get used to doing it 2 times a week, (probably close to a month) most of all I noticed how much it helped when sparring.

    There are warnings about not doing it if you have heart problems, and I'd advise of you have any lung problems (like asthma) then to make the progression a lot slower.

    the other drawback is people (usually builders) tend to shout out "run forest" when you go for the sprint, which became a little tiring after a while but I'm sure it amused them :D

    never puked myself but there were times were I would really struggle to catch my breath, and certainly feel like puking.

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