
Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Langenschwert, Jun 21, 2006.

  1. Langenschwert

    Langenschwert Molon Labe

    Hey all,

    Just though I'd stop by and introduce myself! I'm a student of German Longsword (hence my nickname) and Italian Rapier, and have done a little bit of Sword & Buckler on the side. I've been studying WMA for almost two years now, and I'm having a blast. I also did a couple of years of FMA (Arnis de Mano) in my early teens, and I'm now 33. My only sharp sword is an Agincourt (type XVa) by Albion.

    My other main passion is music (which I did professionally for years), as I have a degree in jazz performance in electric bass. I'm also a pretty solid chess player these days, but nothing to scream about. I'm looking forward to chatting with you all. :)

    Best regards,

  2. Melanie

    Melanie Bend the rules somewhat.. Supporter

    Welcome Mark

    Nice to have an artiste such as yourself join us - adds a new chord to our symphony - and its always nice to jazz up the company...ok, ok, I'll stop now :D

    Welcome to MAP and all its insanity ;)
  3. Langenschwert

    Langenschwert Molon Labe

    Nothing wrong with insanity. Besides, bebob jazz was often called "ninja music" so there's the connection between jazz and MA. ;)

  4. gemtkd

    gemtkd Valued Member

    Welcome to MAP.

    Sorry if I sound a bit dim but what flag is that??
  5. gemtkd

    gemtkd Valued Member

    its ok I found it, I wondered why it looked so Scottish, now I know ;-)
  6. Langenschwert

    Langenschwert Molon Labe

    Yeah, the provincial flag of my home province. Interestingly enough the Arms of Nova Scotia (from which our flag is derived), is the oldest Achievement (or "coat of arms") in the British Empire outside of Britain herself, granted in 1625. It also looks pretty cool, IMO. :)

    -Mark (who HAS worn a kilt, knows what a sporran is, but cannot pronounce "ciad mille failte" to save his life ;))
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2006
  7. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    Welcome to MAP - all that western martial arts stuff sounds real cool.
  8. Langenschwert

    Langenschwert Molon Labe

    I like it. It's still really under-exposed, but we're becoming more well-known in the public eye. One thing that's interesting is that WMAers/Histoical fencers tend to be more well-received by the Asian MA community than by the sport fencing community, though we grew from the same soil, so to speak... so it's nice to be here. :)

  9. Tom@Foresight

    Tom@Foresight Valued Member



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