Grappling book that features counters recommendations?

Discussion in 'Brazilian Jiu Jitsu' started by idols11, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. idols11

    idols11 Valued Member

    Hi I am looking for a grappling book that features counters/defenses to supplement my MMA training.

    I have about 5 books already on BJJ/MMA, but unfortunately they do not show counters to submissions. They do show escapes from mount etc, but not escapes from armbars etc.

    What book would this forum recommend for learning defences against submissions?

    Btw I do not mind what style of grappling it is, BJJ or wrestling or whatever.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    Youtube is your best best.

    Pick the submission you want to learn a defence for and type <submission name> defence into the search bar.
  3. PointyShinyBurn

    PointyShinyBurn Valued Member

    Saulo's Jiu Jitsu University has some basic escapes in it. For sub defence, however, prevention is infinitely superior to cure.
  4. Pretty In Pink

    Pretty In Pink Moved on MAP 2017 Gold Award

    Saulo Ribeirios jujutsu university. I've heard it's the best BJJ book.
  5. FunnyBadger

    FunnyBadger I love food :)

    I have jujitsu university and it's pretty all encompassing :) there's plenty of escapes and counters in it although it does stress the idea prevention lol

    I'm no where near good enough at bjj/grappling to know the relative qualitof what's in it but there is a huge volume of material in the book and it seems from a relative lay persons perspective to be a very good reference book/study guide for bjj. I'd recomend it to any one interested in the subject but obviously its no real substitute for quality instruction.

    Edit-another thing about the book it's well presented with good usefull picture breakdowns of every technique in it and plenty of explaination.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2015
  6. idols11

    idols11 Valued Member

    Yes I have already used youtube (I have about 100 videos bookmarked :) )
    But I would like a paper copy of the techniques.

    It seems like Ju Jitsu university gets the best recommendations. I will acquire it on Amazon. Thanks to everyone who responded.
  7. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Prevention is alot better then cure.

    If you can either stay on top past the guard, or on bottom using the guard there are very very few submissions you can get caught with.

    The best time to practice late submission defence is when rolling less then fifty percent intensity without strikes, with somone you trust, and get used to tapping early.
  8. greg1075

    greg1075 Valued Member

    +1 to prevention is better than cure. As far as Juijitsu University goes, if anyone knows of a place where it's available in e-book format, please let me know. I can only find it in paperback...
  9. idols11

    idols11 Valued Member

    I got a hold of "The Tap out text book" by Steve Scott, it has tons of submissions especially a lot of leg locks I didn't know about. But as a mainly Judo player I am still a beginner when it comes to leg locks.

    Ok I am practicing with my brother so I will be going really light intensity.

    Prevention is better than cure...Ok I will try to keep that in mind,
  10. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    It's only been published in book form.
  11. Bruised Lee

    Bruised Lee Valued Member

    Stephan Kesting has a nicely presented and concise app on submission escapes. Its not a book, but on your phone its always accessible
  12. PointyShinyBurn

    PointyShinyBurn Valued Member

    You'll progress much faster, and be much less likely to heel hook your brother's knee into tiny shreds, with knowledgeable instruction.
  13. idols11

    idols11 Valued Member

    I also train MMA as well so I do actually have an instructor. The book is there to refer to when I am training with my brother, in case I need to look something up.

    But I do agree that having an instructor is very useful.

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