fruity aikido

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Dead_pool, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    [ame=""]YouTube - Ki response to punch[/ame]

    Anyone have any opinions on this channel?
  2. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    I have BUT it would be against TOS. These guys are an embarassment.It is the worst type of "ki" aikido which thankfully no longer exists and is called ki society.

    I saw a demo of a guy sitting in a chair juggling FOUR swordsmen!!!

    They have done sooo much damage to aikido and WE have to live with it.

    I defy ANYONE to "redirect my ki!" like that when I am intent on punching them in the mouth.

    Utter rubbish.


    I have had a number of ki society (I refuse to call it aikido) students and teachers visit the Makotokai.

    ALL really nice guys. ALL totally out of their element when faced by a fast powerfull acurate attack.

    My distaste is not directed at the students but at the charlatans that still promote it as a martial art.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  3. dentoiwamaryu

    dentoiwamaryu Valued Member

    Me thinks that smoking big fat spliffs before keiko are very important in that video. the so called teacher looks wasted, he is just floating around the place.
    Its quite funny, but seriously like Koyo says, thats why most people look at aikido and laugh.
  4. DragonPrawn

    DragonPrawn Valued Member

    Now now dont go round blaming big fat spliffs they never hurt no one. :)

    But my god thats some gooood shiiit. (Cough)
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  5. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    Not only is he stoned he is chewing gum. I would so LOVE to have him visit. Just for a few moments.:bang::bang::evil::evil::evil:

    regards koyo

    That's not shiho nage THIS is shiho nage.

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    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  6. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    Your right koyo. We do have to live with the damage. I studied "Ki Aikido" for 10 years and never did anything like that. Any time I had to "redirect" anything there was an effort involved. We even employed the use of "following" to lesser degrees as students advanced through the grades and it still didn't look anything like that.

    I'd most like be out of my element at the Makotokai. But the club I left wasn't even that bad when I left it. For the sake of the students that are still there I hope they aren't pretending that sort of crap is remotely effective.

    The word crap by the way is allowed. That video is total and utter crap.
  7. Rebel Wado

    Rebel Wado Valued Member

    Gah... if the clip was part of a larger lesson on keeping good structure while accepting a punch, maybe it has its place, but one student was continually allowed to demonstrate bad structure. I mean he could have just told the student to keep his elbows in front of his hips and keep his arms out at 120 degrees. And stop calling it KI, it's body mechanics, IMHO.

    Although the instructor does remind me of Kevin Sorbo. Now it all makes sense... he is teaching fruity Aikido so as not to rip the arms off uke... this would be the perfect and safe martial art for Hercules.
  8. MacWombat

    MacWombat Valued Member

    That is an insult to Kevin Sorbo. Also, that was the least convincing punching I've ever seen, even for a completely compliant technique.
  9. Rebel Wado

    Rebel Wado Valued Member

    oops, no insult intended to Kevin Sorbo... I think he's pretty cool.
  10. MacWombat

    MacWombat Valued Member

    If I was Kevin Sorbo I would just uppercut people and have them fly twenty feet in the air only to fall on conveniently placed awnings or pottery.

    KOKORO KAI Valued Member

    Koyo has said it all:bang:

    KOKORO KAI Valued Member

    Sorry just wanted to add Aaaaaaaaaaargh
  13. Shinkei

    Shinkei Valued Member

    Are these people in the real world, if someone tried to catch a puch at full flight with an open hand it would break. I only wished when I competed that people fell over that easy.

    This rubbish gives Aikido a bad name.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  14. Panzerhaust

    Panzerhaust Banned Banned

    Yeah I'd like to learn where this guy lives so I can rid the world of one more pseudo-master.
  15. Spinmaster

    Spinmaster Valued Member

    So you've... um, "disposed" of pseudo-masters before? :evil:
  16. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    I haven't rid the world of any aiki bunnies BUT I HAVE frightened a few.

    regards koyo
  17. Rebel Wado

    Rebel Wado Valued Member

    Koyo, are you sure it isn't your bunny slippers that scare them? I know when I wear my bunny slippers, people run away.
  18. Panzerhaust

    Panzerhaust Banned Banned

    Good for you! The world needs less BS and anyone that helps clean it up is a good man in my book :cool:
  19. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    I wasn't always so understanding and mellow.

    One time I was invited to give a seminar and the KI fellow from that area insisted that he take the loosening up at the end he said now for the most important posture in aikido. He got a student to show the recovery position
    in case someone was knocked out!!

    Jokingly I began the class by saying "These ara waza (severe self defence techniques) and will lead to the recovery position" ..and showed some ara waza.

    He and his students unashamedly left the mat!!!

    They had paid the host in advance for the seminar so no big loss.

    below..the people who stayed..nemerous schools of aikido,jujutsu.karate and judo.We ALL had a great time.

    regards koyo

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    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  20. kensei1984

    kensei1984 Panda Power!

    Koyo's slippers each have the head of an aiki bunny where he slips his toes in.

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