Fist and Shout Elements

Discussion in 'Kenpo' started by United We Fall, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. Ryukyuprime

    Ryukyuprime New Member

    Maybe because it applies. You seem quick to make assumptions and accusations....perhaps you are insecure? :)
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2007
  2. KempoFist

    KempoFist Attention Whore

    Yes I am insecure. But not in the face of someone who thinks he can shoot elemental attacks out of his fingers, or charge his body with life-force. Stop playing Magic the Gathering and start training.
  3. Ryukyuprime

    Ryukyuprime New Member

    Where do you read that from? You must be confusing the sarcasm of others with the 1 statement I made
  4. KempoFist

    KempoFist Attention Whore


    Would you care to elaborate on what you mean by this, and how any of this has to do with martial arts or fighting?
  5. KempoFist

    KempoFist Attention Whore

    Oh and I just emptied my cup. You may now fill it with bilge water ;)
  6. Malcolm Sheppar

    Malcolm Sheppar Valued Member

    Fist and shout?

    Come on baby now.

    Try to work it all out.
  7. Ryukyuprime

    Ryukyuprime New Member

    Can't be any worse than what it was full of before.
  8. Ryukyuprime

    Ryukyuprime New Member

    As I said it's used to enhance pressure point attacks. If there are points you are familar with then i'll give you an example using them. If not then perhaps a specific technique, strike or counter-counter technique. Its explains alot of hand positions found in traditional forms and that are seen in the Bubishi. Not sure what system of kempo you did or what forms were involved but we can work from there. i'd rather try to explain it in a context you might relate to.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2007
  9. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    I'm talking about the OP.
  10. KempoFist

    KempoFist Attention Whore

    I'll set my Kempo training aside for this discussion. Mostly McDojo Villari type stuff.

    So irregardless of stylistic katas and gestures done in the air, please explain how supposed elemental factors can be brought about with hand positioning or specific places on the body being struck. How do you harness such power scientifically, to make your strike to that spot any better than mine.
  11. Malcolm Sheppar

    Malcolm Sheppar Valued Member

    The Bubishi also says that they might all be a load of hooey.
  12. Ryukyuprime

    Ryukyuprime New Member

    Villari stuff doesn't really apply anyways their katas tend to be self made. I actually briefly trained with a gentleman named Frank Artese who I believe was involved with Villari.
    You didn't mention any knowledge of pressure points so I'll try to my best. Pressure points lie on pathways called meridians, each meridian is assigned an elemental value. Fire -Metal -Wood -Earth and Water. In TCM the relationships between these elements is used in treatment. There is a cycle of creation and a cycle of destruction whiich in TCM is use to tonify or sedate. Creation wood feeds fire, destruction Fire melts metal. For instance attacking the Lung 7 point n the wrist with a fire knuckle hurts more and produces a more dramatic effect. It will still work but works better with this method. Other examples are the use of use of the wood knucke to Spleen 21 [ to escape a mount] or Stomach 25 to cause a KO or even just a simple ridge hand to Stomach 5 on the jaw to cause disorientation.The scientific proof lies in TCM an actual use. While western medicine is more accepting of TCM then previous decades [ not that western med doesn't have its uses]. Western Science has attempted to prove [ or disprove] the existence of chi but just because TCM has a rational for why X produces Y doesn't prove the existence of something that is dificult to quantify and measure.
  13. Ryukyuprime

    Ryukyuprime New Member

    I'm unfamilar with that verse in the Bubishi, you may have misread it or gotten a poor translation. Being that many Okinawan martialarts families consider this the 'Bible of karate' I doubt your assertion. :D
  14. Malcolm Sheppar

    Malcolm Sheppar Valued Member

    In many editions of the Bubishi the compiler notes that he has not used any of the delayed touch methods, only includes them for completeness and is unsure of their veracity.

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